preparing release 2.6.5, rebuilt the docs, checked rngparser stuff does

* NEWS doc/*: preparing release 2.6.5, rebuilt the
  docs, checked rngparser stuff does not end up in the tarball
diff --git a/doc/encoding.html b/doc/encoding.html
index 5f6166b..3b7e5a3 100644
--- a/doc/encoding.html
+++ b/doc/encoding.html
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 more complex to handle in practice. UTF-16 use 2 bytes per character (and
 sometimes combines two pairs), it makes implementation easier, but looks a
 bit overkill for Western languages encoding. Moreover the XML specification
-allows the document to be encoded in other encodings at the condition that they
-are clearly labeled as such. For example the following is a wellformed XML
-document encoded in ISO-8859-1 and using accentuated letters that we French
-like for both markup and content:</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
+allows the document to be encoded in other encodings at the condition that
+they are clearly labeled as such. For example the following is a wellformed
+XML document encoded in ISO-8859-1 and using accentuated letters that we
+French like for both markup and content:</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
 &lt;très&gt;là&lt;/très&gt;</pre><p>Having internationalization support in libxml2 means the following:</p><ul><li>the document is properly parsed</li>
   <li>informations about it's encoding are saved</li>
   <li>it can be modified</li>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
 (internationalization) support get triggered only during I/O operation, i.e.
 when reading a document or saving one. Let's look first at the reading
 sequence:</p><ol><li>when a document is processed, we usually don't know the encoding, a
-    simple heuristic allows to detect UTF-16 and UCS-4 from encodings
-    where the ASCII range (0-0x7F) maps with ASCII</li>
+    simple heuristic allows to detect UTF-16 and UCS-4 from encodings where
+    the ASCII range (0-0x7F) maps with ASCII</li>
   <li>the xml declaration if available is parsed, including the encoding
     declaration. At that point, if the autodetected encoding is different
     from the one declared a call to xmlSwitchEncoding() is issued.</li>
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
     resume the conversion. This guarantees that any document will be saved
     without losses (except for markup names where this is not legal, this is
     a problem in the current version, in practice avoid using non-ascii
-    characters for tag or attribute names). A special "ascii" encoding
-    name is used to save documents to a pure ascii form can be used when
+    characters for tag or attribute names). A special "ascii" encoding name
+    is used to save documents to a pure ascii form can be used when
     portability is really crucial</li>
 </ol><p>Here are a few examples based on the same test document:</p><pre>~/XML -&gt; ./xmllint isolat1 
 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;