Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both.  Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals.  Enhanced the generation
of that database.  Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath).  Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by were corrected.
* enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
  doc/libxml2-api.xml, changed the usage of the
  <cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
  testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
  hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
  valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
  synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
  added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 2cbf32f..bcc1463 100755
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -297,11 +297,18 @@
     def merge_public(self, idx):
         for id in idx.functions.keys():
 	     if self.functions.has_key(id):
+	         # check that function condition agrees with header
+	         if idx.functions[id].conditionals != \
+		    self.functions[id].conditionals:
+		     print "Header condition differs from Function for %s:" \
+		        % id
+		     print "  H: %s" % self.functions[id].conditionals
+		     print "  C: %s" % idx.functions[id].conditionals
 	         up = idx.functions[id]
 	         self.functions[id].update(None, up.type,, up.extra)
 	 #     else:
 	 #         print "Function %s from %s is not declared in headers" % (
-	#	        id, idx.functions[id].module)
+	 #	        id, idx.functions[id].module)
 	 # TODO: do the same for variables.
     def analyze_dict(self, type, dict):
@@ -814,12 +821,12 @@
 	    i = 0
 	    while i < nbargs:
 	        if args[i][2] == None and args[i][0] != "void" and args[i][1] != None:
-		    self.warning("Function comment for %s lack description of arg %s" % (name, args[i][1]))
+		    self.warning("Function comment for %s lacks description of arg %s" % (name, args[i][1]))
 		i = i + 1
 	    if retdesc == "" and ret[0] != "void":
-		self.warning("Function comment for %s lack description of return value" % (name))
+		self.warning("Function comment for %s lacks description of return value" % (name))
 	    if desc == "":
-	        self.warning("Function comment for %s lack description of the function" % (name))
+	        self.warning("Function comment for %s lacks description of the function" % (name))
 	return(((ret[0], retdesc), args, desc))
@@ -858,22 +865,61 @@
 		self.index_add(name, self.filename, not self.is_header,
 		                "macro", info)
 		return token
-	if (name == "#ifdef" or name == "#ifndef") and self.is_header:
+	#
+	# Processing of conditionals modified by Bill 1/1/05
+	#
+	# We process conditionals (i.e. tokens from #ifdef, #ifndef,
+	# #if, #else and #endif) for headers and mainline code,
+	# store the ones from the header in libxml2-api.xml, and later
+	# (in the routine merge_public) verify that the two (header and
+	# mainline code) agree.
+	#
+	# There is a small problem with processing the headers. Some of
+	# the variables are not concerned with enabling / disabling of
+	# library functions (e.g. '__XML_PARSER_H__'), and we don't want
+	# them to be included in libxml2-api.xml, or involved in
+	# the check between the header and the mainline code.  To
+	# accomplish this, we ignore any conditional which doesn't include
+	# the string 'ENABLED'
+	#
+	if name == "#ifdef":
+	    apstr = self.lexer.tokens[0][1]
-	        self.defines.append(self.lexer.tokens[0][1])
-	        if string.find(self.lexer.tokens[0][1], 'ENABLED') != -1:
-		    self.conditionals.append(self.lexer.tokens[0][1])
-#		print self.conditionals
-#		print self.defines
+	        self.defines.append(apstr)
+		if string.find(apstr, 'ENABLED') != -1:
+		    self.conditionals.append("defined(%s)" % apstr)    
-	if name == "#endif" and self.is_header:
-	    if self.conditionals != [] and self.defines != [] and \
-	       self.defines[-1] == self.conditionals[-1]:
+	elif name == "#ifndef":
+	    apstr = self.lexer.tokens[0][1]
+	    try:
+	        self.defines.append(apstr)
+		if string.find(apstr, 'ENABLED') != -1:
+		    self.conditionals.append("!defined(%s)" % apstr)    
+	    except:
+	        pass
+	elif name == "#if":
+	    apstr = ""
+	    for tok in self.lexer.tokens:
+	        if apstr != "":
+		    apstr = apstr + " "
+	        apstr = apstr + tok[1]
+	    try:
+	        self.defines.append(apstr)
+		if string.find(apstr, 'ENABLED') != -1:
+		    self.conditionals.append(apstr)
+	    except:
+	        pass
+	elif name == "#else":
+	    if self.conditionals != [] and \
+	       string.find(self.defines[-1], 'ENABLED') != -1:
+	        self.conditionals[-1] = "!(%s)" % self.conditionals[-1]
+	elif name == "#endif":
+	    if self.conditionals != [] and \
+	       string.find(self.defines[-1], 'ENABLED') != -1:
 	        self.conditionals = self.conditionals[:-1]
 	    self.defines = self.defines[:-1]
-#	    print self.defines
-#	    print self.conditionals
 	token = self.lexer.token()
 	while token != None and token[0] == 'preproc' and \
 	    token[1][0] != '#':
@@ -1642,9 +1688,16 @@
         output.write("    <%s name='%s' file='%s'>\n" % (id.type, name,
+	#
+	# Processing of conditionals modified by Bill 1/1/05
+	#
 	if id.conditionals != None:
+	    apstr = ""
 	    for cond in id.conditionals:
-	        output.write("      <cond>%s</cond>\n"% (cond));
+	        if apstr != "":
+		    apstr = apstr + " &amp;&amp; "
+		apstr = apstr + cond
+	    output.write("      <cond>%s</cond>\n"% (apstr));
 	    (ret, params, desc) =
 	    output.write("      <info>%s</info>\n" % (escape(desc)))