Adapted regression test results
diff --git a/result/schemas/src-attribute2_0_0.err b/result/schemas/src-attribute2_0_0.err
index 02534f4..7206544 100644
--- a/result/schemas/src-attribute2_0_0.err
+++ b/result/schemas/src-attribute2_0_0.err
@@ -1 +1 @@
-./test/schemas/src-attribute2_0.xsd:9: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Attribute decl. 'bar', attribute 'use' [(optional | prohibited | required)]: The value must be 'optional' if the attribute 'default' is present as well.
+./test/schemas/src-attribute2_0.xsd:9: element attribute: Schemas parser error : Element '{}attribute', attribute 'use': The value must be 'optional' if the attribute 'default' is present as well.