modified parsing of <list>, <union>, <restriction>, <sequence>, <choice>,

* xmlschemas.c: modified parsing of <list>, <union>, <restriction>,
  <sequence>, <choice>, <include>, <import>.
  Fixed schema defaults (elementFormDefault, etc.) for included
  Fixed a bug which reported attributes as invalid on
  elements declarations with the built-in type 'anyType'.
  Added "lax" validation of the content of elements of type
  Fixed: element declarations with the same name were treated
  as duplicate if located in the subtree of <choice> -> <sequence>.
  (This was bug 150623, submitted by Roland Lezuo)
  Fixed cleanup of error codes in xmlSchemaValidateDoc as proposed
  by Igor Kapitanker. (This was bug 150647, submitted by Igor
* xmlschemastypes.c: Changed the type of anyType to
* include/libxml/xmlerror.h: Added schema parser errors.
* result/schemas/bug145246_0_0*
  result/schemas/extension1_0_2.err: Changed test results.
* result/schemas/ct-sc-nobase_0_0*
  result/schemas/import1_0_0* result/schemas/import2_0_0*
  result/schemas/include2_0_0* result/schemas/include3_0_0*
  result/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0_0*: Added new rest results.
  test/schemas/bug145246.xsd.imp test/schemas/ct-sc-nobase_0*
  test/schemas/facet-whiteSpace_0* test/schemas/import1_0*
  test/schemas/import2_0* test/schemas/include2_0*
  test/schemas/include3_0* test/schemas/restriction-attr1_0*
  test/schemas/seq-dubl-elem1_0* test/schemas/xml.xsd
  test/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0*: Added new tests and missing
diff --git a/result/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0_0 b/result/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0_0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ecd885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0_0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+./test/schemas/xsd-list-itemType_0.xml validates