docs/xmllint.1, xmllint.xml, xmlcatalog.1, xmlcatalog_man.html,

Mon Dec 10 21:39:55 MST 2001 John Fleck <>

	* docs/xmllint.1, xmllint.xml, xmlcatalog.1, xmlcatalog_man.html,
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 4396f9f..12e67e8 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Mon Dec 10 21:39:55 MST 2001 John Fleck <>
+	* docs/xmllint.1, xmllint.xml, xmlcatalog.1, xmlcatalog_man.html,
+	xmlcatalog_man.xml
 Mon Dec 10 22:06:16 CET 2001 Daniel Veillard <>
 	* include/libxml/xmlmemory.h: Hietaniemi Jarkko pointed out that
diff --git a/doc/xmlcatalog.1 b/doc/xmlcatalog.1
index e1bc659..a772f9d 100644
--- a/doc/xmlcatalog.1
+++ b/doc/xmlcatalog.1
@@ -114,33 +114,19 @@
-libxml web page:
+libxml web page: \fI\fR
- \fI\fR
+libxml catalog support web page:: \fI\fR
-libxml catalog support web page:
+James Clark's SGML catalog page:: \fI\fR
- \fI\fR
-James Clark's SGML catalog page:
- \fI\fR
-OASIS XML catalog specification:
- \fI\fR
+OASIS XML catalog specification: : \fI\fR
 Copyright 2001
-John Fleck  <>
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps or initial caps.
-This is release 0.1 of the xmlcatalog Manual.
\ No newline at end of file
+John Fleck  <>This is release 0.2 of the xmlcatalog Manual.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/xmlcatalog_man.html b/doc/xmlcatalog_man.html
index 26b5507..6918a34 100644
--- a/doc/xmlcatalog_man.html
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type">
-<meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.41">
-<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="refentry">
-<h1 class="title">
-<a name="id2703858"></a>xmlcatalog</h1>
-<div class="refnamediv">
-<a name="id2707811"></a><h2>Name</h2>xmlcatalog &#8212; Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or
-      SGML catalog files.</div>
-<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
-<a name="id2707831"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
-<div class="cmdsynopsis" id="id2707834">
-<a name="id2707834"></a><tt>xmlcatalog</tt>  [--shell | --create | --add <i><tt>type</tt></i>
-	  <i><tt>orig</tt></i> <i><tt>replace</tt></i> | --del <i><tt>values</tt></i> | --noout | --verbose] [<tt><i><tt>catalogfile</tt></i></tt>] [<tt><i><tt>entities</tt></i></tt>]</div>
-<div class="refsect1">
-<a name="introduction"></a><h2>
-<a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
+<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"><title>xmlcatalog</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.45"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="refentry"><h1 class="title">xmlcatalog</h1><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>xmlcatalog &#8212; Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or
+      SGML catalog files.</p></div><div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>Synopsis</h2><div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><tt>xmlcatalog</tt>  [--shell | --create | --add <i><tt>type</tt></i>
+	  <i><tt>orig</tt></i> <i><tt>replace</tt></i> | --del <i><tt>values</tt></i> | --noout | --verbose] [<tt><i><tt>catalogfile</tt></i></tt>] [<tt><i><tt>entities</tt></i></tt>]</p></div></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="introduction"></a><h2>Introduction</h2><p>
       xmlcatalog is a command line application
       allowing users to monitor and manipulate XML and
       SGML catalogs. It is included in
-    </p>
+    </p><p>
       Its functions can be invoked from a single command from the command line,
       or it can perform multiple functions in interactive mode. It can operate
       on both XML and SGML files.
-    </p>
-<div class="refsect1">
-<a name="cloptions"></a><h2>
-<a name="cloptions"></a>Command Line Options</h2>
-<div class="variablelist"><dl>
-<a name="id2705356"></a><span class="term"><tt>--shell</tt> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span>
+    </p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="cloptions"></a><h2>Command Line Options</h2><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><tt>--shell</tt> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Run a shell
 	    allowing interactive queries on catalog file
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2705383"></a><span class="term"><tt>--create</tt> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>--create</tt> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Create a new
 	    XML catalog. Outputs to stdout, ignoring
 	    <i><tt>filename</tt></i> unless <tt>--noout</tt> is
 	    used, in which case it creates a new catalog file
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2705423"></a><span class="term"><tt>--add</tt> <i><tt>'type'</tt></i> <i><tt>'orig'</tt></i> <i><tt>'replace'</tt></i> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>--add</tt> <i><tt>'type'</tt></i> <i><tt>'orig'</tt></i> <i><tt>'replace'</tt></i> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span></dt><dd><p>
 	    Add an entry to catalog file
 	    <tt>filename</tt>. <i><tt>type</tt></i> indicates
 	    the type of entry. Possible types are 'public', 'system', 'rewriteSystem',
@@ -72,74 +33,41 @@
 	    take three parameters even if some of the XML catalog
 	    constructs will have only a single argument.
-	  </p>
+	  </p><p>
 	    If the <tt>--add</tt> option is used following the
 	    <tt>--sgml</tt> option, only a single argument, a
 	    <i><tt>filename</tt></i>, is used. This is used to add
 	    the name of a catalog file to an SGML
 	    supercatalog, a file that contains references to other included
 	    SGML catalog files.
-	  </p>
-<a name="id2708168"></a><span class="term"><tt>--del</tt> <i><tt>'values'</tt></i> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span>
+	  </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>--del</tt> <i><tt>'values'</tt></i> <i><tt>filename</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Remove entries from the catalog file
 	    <i><tt>filename</tt></i> matching
 	    <i><tt>'values'</tt></i>. The <tt>--del</tt> option
 	    will not overwrite <i><tt>filename</tt></i>, outputing to
 	    stdout, unless <tt>--noout</tt> is used.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708217"></a><span class="term"><tt>--noout</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>--noout</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    Save output to the named file rather than
 	    outputing to stdout.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708237"></a><span class="term"><tt>-v</tt> or <tt>--verbose</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>-v</tt> or <tt>--verbose</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    output debugging
-	  </dd>
-<div class="refsect1">
-<a name="shell"></a><h2>
-<a name="shell"></a>Shell Commands</h2>
-<p>Invoking xmlcatalog with the
+	  </dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="shell"></a><h2>Shell Commands</h2><p>Invoking xmlcatalog with the
       <tt>--shell</tt> <i><tt>filename</tt></i> option opens
     a command line shell allowing interactive access to the catalog file
       identified by <i><tt>filename</tt></i>. Invoking the shell
     provides a command line prompt after which commands can be entered.
-    </p>
-<div class="variablelist"><dl>
-<a name="id2708304"></a><span class="term"><tt>public</tt> <i><tt>'PublicID'</tt></i></span>
+    </p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><tt>public</tt> <i><tt>'PublicID'</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Execute a
 	    public identifier lookup of the catalog entry for
 	    <i><tt>'PublicID'</tt></i>. The corresponding entry will be
 	    output to the command line.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708332"></a><span class="term"><tt>system</tt> <i><tt>'SystemID'</tt></i></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>system</tt> <i><tt>'SystemID'</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Execute a
 	    public identifier lookup of the catalog entry for
 	    <i><tt>'SystemID'</tt></i>. The corresponding entry will be
 	    output to the command line.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708361"></a><span class="term"><tt>add </tt> <i><tt>'type'</tt></i> <i><tt>'orig'</tt></i> <i><tt>'replace'</tt></i></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>add </tt> <i><tt>'type'</tt></i> <i><tt>'orig'</tt></i> <i><tt>'replace'</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Add an entry to the catalog
 	    file. <i><tt>type</tt></i> indicates the type of
 	    entry. Possible types are 'public', 'system', 'rewriteSystem',
@@ -147,70 +75,19 @@
 	    is the original reference to  be replaced, and
 	    <i><tt>'replace'</tt></i> is the URI of the
 	    replacement entity to be used.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708681"></a><span class="term"><tt>del</tt> <i><tt>'values'</tt></i></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>del</tt> <i><tt>'values'</tt></i></span></dt><dd>
 	    Remove the
 	    catalog entry corresponding to <i><tt>'values'</tt></i>.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708708"></a><span class="term"><tt>dump</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>dump</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    Print the current catalog.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708728"></a><span class="term"><tt>debug</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>debug</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    Print debugging statements showing the steps
 	    xmlcatalog is executing.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708755"></a><span class="term"><tt>quiet</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>quiet</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    Stop printing debugging statements.
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708774"></a><span class="term"><tt>exit</tt></span>
+	  </dd><dt><span class="term"><tt>exit</tt></span></dt><dd>
 	    Quit the shell.
-	  </dd>
-<div class="refsect1">
-<a name="references"></a><h2>
-<a name="references"></a>References</h2>
-<div class="variablelist"><dl>
-<a name="id2708813"></a><span class="term">libxml web page:</span>
-	  <a href="" target="_top"></a>
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708841"></a><span class="term">libxml catalog support web page:</span>
-	    <a href="" target="_top"></a>
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708875"></a><span class="term">James Clark's SGML catalog page:</span>
-	     <a href="" target="_top"></a>
-	  </dd>
-<a name="id2708909"></a><span class="term">OASIS XML catalog specification:</span>
-	     <a href="" target="_top"></a>
-	  </dd>
+	  </dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1"><h2>References</h2><p><a href="" target="_top">libxml web page</a></p><p><a href="" target="_top">libxml
+    catalog support web page:</a></p><p><a href="" target="_top">James Clark's
+    SGML catalog page:</a></p><p><a href="" target="_top">OASIS
+    XML catalog specification: </a></p></div></div></body></html>
diff --git a/doc/xmlcatalog_man.xml b/doc/xmlcatalog_man.xml
index 563d37c..8166e0e 100644
--- a/doc/xmlcatalog_man.xml
+++ b/doc/xmlcatalog_man.xml
@@ -13,21 +13,8 @@
-    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
-      <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-	under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
-	    License, Version 1.1 or any later version 
-	published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, 
-	no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-      </para>
-      <para>Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
-	services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
-	GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
-	of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
-	or initial caps.
-      </para>
-    </legalnotice>
-    <releaseinfo>This is release 0.1 of the xmlcatalog Manual.</releaseinfo>
+    <releaseinfo>This is release 0.2 of the xmlcatalog Manual.</releaseinfo>
@@ -259,53 +246,20 @@
-  <refsect1 id="references">
+  <refsect1>
-    <variablelist>
+    <para><ulink url="">libxml web page</ulink></para>
-      <varlistentry>
-	<term>libxml web page:</term>
-	<listitem>
-	  <simpara>
-	  <ulink
-	  url=""></ulink>
-	  </simpara>
-	</listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
+    <para><ulink url=""><application>libxml</application>
+    catalog support web page:</ulink></para>
-      <varlistentry>
-	<term><application>libxml</application> catalog support web page:</term>
-	<listitem>
-	<simpara>
-	    <ulink url=""></ulink>
-	  </simpara>
-	</listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
+    <para><ulink url="">James Clark's
+    <acronym>SGML</acronym> catalog page:</ulink></para>
+    <para><ulink
+    url=""><acronym>OASIS</acronym>
+    <acronym>XML</acronym> catalog specification: </ulink></para>
-      <varlistentry>
-	<term>James Clark's <acronym>SGML</acronym> catalog page:</term>
-	<listitem>
-	 <simpara>
-	     <ulink
-								       url=""></ulink>
-	  </simpara>
-	</listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-	<term><acronym>OASIS</acronym> <acronym>XML</acronym> catalog specification:</term>
-	<listitem>
-	  <simpara>
-	     <ulink
-				  url=""></ulink>
-	  </simpara>
-	</listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-  </refsect1>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/xmllint.1 b/doc/xmllint.1
index c5dcafc..f111eb4 100644
--- a/doc/xmllint.1
+++ b/doc/xmllint.1
@@ -280,10 +280,4 @@
 Copyright 2001
-John Fleck  <>Ziying Sherwin  <>Heiko Rupp  <>
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License: \fIgnome-help:fdl\fR, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found here: \fIgnome-help:fdl\fR.
-Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps or initial caps.
-This is release 0.1 of the xmllint Manual.
\ No newline at end of file
+John Fleck  <>Ziying Sherwin  <>Heiko Rupp  <>This is release 0.2 of the xmllint Manual.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/xmllint.xml b/doc/xmllint.xml
index fbf672f..571e97d 100644
--- a/doc/xmllint.xml
+++ b/doc/xmllint.xml
@@ -23,22 +23,8 @@
-    <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
-      <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-	under the terms of the <ulink type="help" url="gnome-help:fdl"><citetitle>GNU Free Documentation
-	    License</citetitle></ulink>, Version 1.1 or any later version 
-	published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, 
-	no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license
-	can be found <ulink type="help" url="gnome-help:fdl">here</ulink>.
-      </para>
-      <para>Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
-	services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
-	GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
-	of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
-	or initial caps.
-      </para>
-    </legalnotice>
-    <releaseinfo>This is release 0.1 of the xmllint Manual.</releaseinfo>
+    <releaseinfo>This is release 0.2 of the xmllint Manual.</releaseinfo>