preparing 2.4.6 release updated and rebuilt the docs fixed a number of

* preparing 2.4.6 release
* doc/xml.html doc/html/*: updated and rebuilt the docs
* include/libxml/*.h *.c: fixed a number of teh/the widht/width typos
diff --git a/catalog.c b/catalog.c
index eaaf075..55c20a6 100644
--- a/catalog.c
+++ b/catalog.c
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
  * xmlDelXMLCatalog:
  * @catal:  top of an XML catalog
- * @value:  the value to remove from teh catalog
+ * @value:  the value to remove from the catalog
  * Remove entries in the XML catalog where the value or the URI
  * is equal to @value