Revamped HTML parsing, lots of bug fixes for HTML stuff,
Added xmlValidGetValidElements and xmlValidGetPotentialChildren,
Completed and cleaned up the tests,
Added doc for new modules gnome-xml-xmlmemory.html and gnome-xml-nanohttp.html,
diff --git a/SAXresult/ent7 b/SAXresult/ent7
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c229302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SAXresult/ent7
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+xmlSAXUserParseFile returned error 27
+SAX.internalSubset(item, (null), (null))
+SAX.entityDecl(sampleEnt, 4, (null), (null), <!ELEMENT item (para)+>)
+SAX.entityDecl(sampleEnt, 1, (null), (null), the hyacinth girl)
+SAX.error: PEReference: %sampleEnt; not found
+SAX.elementDecl(para, 3, ...)
+SAX.characters('they called me , 16)
+SAX.warning: Entity 'sampleEnt' not defined
+SAX.characters(', 1)
+xmlSAXUserParseFile returned error 27