Revamped HTML parsing, lots of bug fixes for HTML stuff,
Added xmlValidGetValidElements and xmlValidGetPotentialChildren,
Completed and cleaned up the tests,
Added doc for new modules gnome-xml-xmlmemory.html and gnome-xml-nanohttp.html,
diff --git a/doc/html/gnome-xml-nanohttp.html b/doc/html/gnome-xml-nanohttp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14244a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/gnome-xml-nanohttp.html
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+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.33"><LINK
+TITLE="Gnome XML Library Reference Manual"
+TITLE="Gnome XML Library"
+>Gnome XML Library Reference Manual</FONT
+>&#60;&#60;&#60; Previous Page</B
+>nanohttp &#8212; </DIV
+int         <A
+>                (const char *URL,
+                                             const char *filename);
+void*       <A
+>               (const char *URL,
+                                             const char *method,
+                                             const char *input,
+                                             char **contentType,
+                                             const char *headers);
+void*       <A
+>                 (const char *URL,
+                                             char **contentType);
+int         <A
+>           (void *ctx);
+int         <A
+>                 (void *ctx,
+                                             void *dest,
+                                             int len);
+int         <A
+>                 (void *ctxt,
+                                             const char *filename);
+void        <A
+>                (void *ctx);</PRE
+>xmlNanoHTTPFetch ()</H3
+>int         xmlNanoHTTPFetch                (const char *URL,
+                                             const char *filename);</PRE
+>This function try to fetch the indicated resource via HTTP GET
+and save it's content in the file.</P
+>  The URL to load</TD
+>  the filename where the content should be saved</TD
+> :</TD
+>-1 in case of failure, 0 incase of success. The contentType,
+if provided must be freed by the caller</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPMethod ()</H3
+>void*       xmlNanoHTTPMethod               (const char *URL,
+                                             const char *method,
+                                             const char *input,
+                                             char **contentType,
+                                             const char *headers);</PRE
+>This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+via HTTP using the given <TT
+>, adding the given extra headers
+and the input buffer for the request content.</P
+>  The URL to load</TD
+>  the HTTP method to use</TD
+>  the input string if any</TD
+>  the Content-Type information IN and OUT</TD
+>  the extra headers</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPOpen ()</H3
+>void*       xmlNanoHTTPOpen                 (const char *URL,
+                                             char **contentType);</PRE
+>This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+via HTTP GET.</P
+>  The URL to load</TD
+>  if available the Content-Type information will be
+returned at that location</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode ()</H3
+>int         xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode           (void *ctx);</PRE
+>  the HTTP context</TD
+> :</TD
+>the HTTP return code for the request.</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPRead ()</H3
+>int         xmlNanoHTTPRead                 (void *ctx,
+                                             void *dest,
+                                             int len);</PRE
+>This function tries to read <TT
+> bytes from the existing HTTP connection
+and saves them in <TT
+>. This is a blocking call.</P
+>  the HTTP context</TD
+>  a buffer</TD
+>  the buffer length</TD
+> :</TD
+>the number of byte read. 0 is an indication of an end of connection.
+-1 indicates a parameter error.</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPSave ()</H3
+>int         xmlNanoHTTPSave                 (void *ctxt,
+                                             const char *filename);</PRE
+>This function saves the output of the HTTP transaction to a file
+It closes and free the context at the end</P
+>  the filename where the content should be saved</TD
+> :</TD
+>-1 in case of failure, 0 incase of success.</TD
+>xmlNanoHTTPClose ()</H3
+>void        xmlNanoHTTPClose                (void *ctx);</PRE
+>This function closes an HTTP context, it ends up the connection and
+free all data related to it.</P
+>  the HTTP context</TD
+>&#60;&#60;&#60; Previous Page</B
\ No newline at end of file