Large sync between my W3C base and Gnome's one:

- parser.[ch]: added xmlGetFeaturesList() xmlGetFeature() and xmlAddFeature()
- tree.[ch]: added xmlAddChildList()
- xmllint.c: MAP_FAILED macro test
- parser.h: added xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity()
- valid.c: applied bug fixes removed warning
- tree.c: added CDATA block to elements content
- testSAX.c: cleanup of output
- testHTML.c: added SAX testing
- encoding.c: better error recovery
- SAX.c, parser.c: fixed one of the external entity processing of the OASis testsuite
- added HTML SAX regression tests
- bumped to 2.2.2
- test/HTML/ result/HTML: added a few of HTML tests, and added the SAX results

diff --git a/result/HTML/doc3.htm.err b/result/HTML/doc3.htm.err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabc200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/HTML/doc3.htm.err
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:10: error: htmlParseStartTag: invalid element name
+<!-- END Naviscope Javascript --><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//E
+                                  ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:52: error: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
+ href="|tech|ent&i
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:52: error: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
+_top"><img src="
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:52: error: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
+><img src="
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:145: error: error parsing attribute name
+                        width=70 Gentus?.?></A><BR><A 
+                                       ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:145: error: htmlParseStartTag: problem parsing attributes
+                        width=70 Gentus?.?></A><BR><A 
+                                       ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:145: error: Couldn't find end of Start Tag img
+                        width=70 Gentus?.?></A><BR><A 
+                                       ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:148: error: Unexpected end tag : p
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:236: error: Unexpected end tag : font
+            Specials<BR><BR></FONT></A><BR></FONT></A><B><FONT color=yellow 
+                                                  ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:236: error: Unexpected end tag : a
+            Specials<BR><BR></FONT></A><BR></FONT></A><B><FONT color=yellow 
+                                                      ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:747: error: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
+er=0 alt="Advertisement" src="
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:747: error: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'
+Advertisement" src="
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:747: error: Unexpected end tag : li"></a></IFRAME></CENTER></LI
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:747: error: Unexpected end tag : font
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:747: error: Unexpected end tag : p
+                                                                                ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:772: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: font and form
+            archive</A></FONT> </FORM></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--		
+                              ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:772: error: Unexpected end tag : form
+            archive</A></FONT> </FORM></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--		
+                                      ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:815: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: b and noscript
+            <B><NOSCRIPT></B><A 
+                             ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:820: error: Unexpected end tag : a
+            </A></A></B><B></NOSCRIPT></B><B><!-- END Search Box --></
+                    ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:820: error: Unexpected end tag : noscript
+            </A></A></B><B></NOSCRIPT></B><B><!-- END Search Box --></
+                                      ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:826: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: form and center
+            </FORM><!-- Pricewatch Search Box --><A 
+                   ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:833: error: Unexpected end tag : p
+            Special<BR>Code:BP6-hd</FONT></A> </P></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></
+                                                  ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:833: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: center and table
+            Special<BR>Code:BP6-hd</FONT></A> </P></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></
+                                                           ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:839: error: Unexpected end tag : p
+                                                 ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:839: error: Unexpected end tag : center
+                                                          ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:839: error: Unexpected end tag : tr
+                                                               ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:839: error: Unexpected end tag : tbody
+                                                                       ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:839: error: Unexpected end tag : table
+                                                                               ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:840: error: Unexpected end tag : td
+                      ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:840: error: Unexpected end tag : tr
+                           ^
+./test/HTML/doc3.htm:841: error: Unexpected end tag : table
+HEIGHT="70">&nbsp;</TD> </TR></TABLE>
+                                    ^