new API building Python script, does the C parsing directly, generates a

* doc/ doc/libxml2-api.xml doc/ new API
  building Python script, does the C parsing directly, generates
  a better API description including structure fieds defs and
  enums. Still a couple of bugs, but good enough for the python
  wrappers now.
* DOCBparser.c SAX.c nanohttp.c parser.c parserInternals.c tree.c
  valid.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c xmlreader.c xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c
  include/libxml/schemasInternals.h include/libxml/tree.h: more
  cleanup based on the python analysis script reports.
* make sure the API XML description is part of the
  devel package.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d1b204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1458 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+# This is the API builder, it parses the C sources and build the
+# API formal description in XML.
+# See Copyright for the status of this software.
+import sys
+import string
+import glob
+def escape(raw):
+    raw = string.replace(raw, '&', '&')
+    raw = string.replace(raw, '<', '&lt;')
+    raw = string.replace(raw, '>', '&gt;')
+    raw = string.replace(raw, "'", '&apos;')
+    raw = string.replace(raw, '"', '&quot;')
+    return raw
+class identifier:
+     def __init__(self, name, module=None, type=None, info=None, extra=None):
+ = name
+	 self.module = module
+	 self.type = type
+ = info
+	 self.extra = extra
+	 self.static = 0
+     def __repr__(self):
+         r = "%s %s:" % (self.type,
+	 if self.static:
+	     r = r + " static"
+	 if self.module != None:
+	     r = r + " from %s" % (self.module)
+	 if != None:
+	     r = r + " " +  ``
+	 if self.extra != None:
+	     r = r + " " + `self.extra`
+	 return r
+     def set_module(self, module):
+         self.module = module
+     def set_type(self, type):
+         self.type = type
+     def set_info(self, info):
+ = info
+     def set_extra(self, extra):
+         self.extra = extra
+     def set_static(self, static):
+         self.static = static
+     def update(self, module, type = None, info = None, extra=None):
+         if module != None and self.module == None:
+	     self.set_module(module)
+         if type != None and self.type == None:
+	     self.set_type(type)
+         if info != None:
+	     self.set_info(info)
+         if extra != None:
+	     self.set_extra(extra)
+class index:
+     def __init__(self, name = "noname"):
+ = name;
+         self.identifiers = {}
+         self.functions = {}
+	 self.variables = {}
+	 self.includes = {}
+	 self.structs = {}
+	 self.enums = {}
+	 self.typedefs = {}
+	 self.macros = {}
+	 self.references = {}
+     def add(self, name, module, static, type, info=None, extra=None):
+         if name[0:2] == '__':
+	     return None
+         d = None
+         try:
+	    d = self.identifiers[name]
+	    d.update(module, type, info, extra)
+	 except:
+	    d = identifier(name, module, type, info, extra)
+	    self.identifiers[name] = d
+	 if d != None and static == 1:
+	     d.set_static(1)
+	 if d != None and name != None and type != None:
+	     if type == "function":
+	         self.functions[name] = d
+	     elif type == "functype":
+	         self.functions[name] = d
+	     elif type == "variable":
+	         self.variables[name] = d
+	     elif type == "include":
+	         self.includes[name] = d
+	     elif type == "struct":
+	         self.structs[name] = d
+	     elif type == "enum":
+	         self.enums[name] = d
+	     elif type == "typedef":
+	         self.typedefs[name] = d
+	     elif type == "macro":
+	         self.macros[name] = d
+	     else:
+	         print "Unable to register type ", type
+	 return d
+     def merge(self, idx):
+         for id in idx.functions.keys():
+              #
+              # macro might be used to override functions or variables
+              # definitions
+              #
+	      if self.macros.has_key(id):
+	          del self.macros[id]
+	      if self.functions.has_key(id):
+	          print "function %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.functions[id].module, idx.functions[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.functions[id] = idx.functions[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.functions[id]
+         for id in idx.variables.keys():
+              #
+              # macro might be used to override functions or variables
+              # definitions
+              #
+	      if self.macros.has_key(id):
+	          del self.macros[id]
+	      if self.variables.has_key(id):
+	          print "variable %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.variables[id].module, idx.variables[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.variables[id] = idx.variables[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.variables[id]
+         for id in idx.structs.keys():
+	      if self.structs.has_key(id):
+	          print "struct %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.structs[id].module, idx.structs[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.structs[id] = idx.structs[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.structs[id]
+         for id in idx.typedefs.keys():
+	      if self.typedefs.has_key(id):
+	          print "typedef %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.typedefs[id].module, idx.typedefs[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.typedefs[id] = idx.typedefs[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.typedefs[id]
+         for id in idx.macros.keys():
+              #
+              # macro might be used to override functions or variables
+              # definitions
+              #
+              if self.variables.has_key(id):
+                  continue
+              if self.functions.has_key(id):
+                  continue
+              if self.enums.has_key(id):
+                  continue
+	      if self.macros.has_key(id):
+	          print "macro %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.macros[id].module, idx.macros[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.macros[id] = idx.macros[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.macros[id]
+         for id in idx.enums.keys():
+	      if self.enums.has_key(id):
+	          print "enum %s from %s redeclared in %s" % (
+		     id, self.enums[id].module, idx.enums[id].module)
+	      else:
+	          self.enums[id] = idx.enums[id]
+		  self.identifiers[id] = idx.enums[id]
+     def merge_public(self, idx):
+         for id in idx.functions.keys():
+	      if self.functions.has_key(id):
+	          up = idx.functions[id]
+	          self.functions[id].update(None, up.type,, up.extra)
+	      else:
+	          if idx.functions[id].static == 0:
+		      self.functions[id] = idx.functions[id]
+     def analyze_dict(self, type, dict):
+         count = 0
+	 public = 0
+         for name in dict.keys():
+	     id = dict[name]
+	     count = count + 1
+	     if id.static == 0:
+	         public = public + 1
+         if count != public:
+	     print "  %d %s , %d public" % (count, type, public)
+	 elif count != 0:
+	     print "  %d public %s" % (count, type)
+     def analyze(self):
+	 self.analyze_dict("functions", self.functions)
+	 self.analyze_dict("variables", self.variables)
+	 self.analyze_dict("structs", self.structs)
+	 self.analyze_dict("typedefs", self.typedefs)
+	 self.analyze_dict("macros", self.macros)
+# C parser analysis code
+ignored_files = {
+  "trio": "too many non standard macros",
+  "trio.c": "too many non standard macros",
+  "trionan.c": "too many non standard macros",
+  "triostr.c": "too many non standard macros",
+  "acconfig.h": "generated portability layer",
+  "config.h": "generated portability layer",
+  "libxml.h": "internal only",
+ignored_words = {
+  "WINAPI": (0, "Windows keyword"),
+  "LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT": (0, "Special macro to flag external keywords"),
+  "__declspec": (3, "Windows keyword"),
+  "ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED": (0, "macro keyword"),
+class CLexer:
+     """A lexer for the C language, tokenize the input by reading and
+        analyzing it line by line"""
+     def __init__(self, input):
+         self.input = input
+	 self.tokens = []
+	 self.line = ""
+	 self.lineno = 0
+     def getline(self):
+         line = ''
+	 while line == '':
+	     line = self.input.readline()
+	     if not line:
+		 return None
+	     self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
+	     line = string.lstrip(line)
+	     line = string.rstrip(line)
+	     if line == '':
+	         continue
+	     while line[-1] == '\\':
+	         line = line[:-1]
+		 n = self.input.readline()
+		 self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
+		 n = string.lstrip(n)
+		 n = string.rstrip(n)
+		 if not n:
+		     break
+		 else:
+		     line = line + n
+         return line
+     def getlineno(self):
+         return self.lineno
+     def push(self, token):
+         self.tokens.insert(0, token);
+     def debug(self):
+         print "Last token: ", self.last
+	 print "Token queue: ", self.tokens
+	 print "Line %d end: " % (self.lineno), self.line
+     def token(self):
+         while self.tokens == []:
+	     if self.line == "":
+		 line = self.getline()
+	     else:
+	         line = self.line
+		 self.line = ""
+	     if line == None:
+	         return None
+	     if line[0] == '#':
+	         self.tokens = map((lambda x: ('preproc', x)),
+		                   string.split(line))
+		 break;
+	     l = len(line)
+	     if line[0] == '"' or line[0] == "'":
+	         end = line[0]
+	         line = line[1:]
+		 found = 0
+		 tok = ""
+		 while found == 0:
+		     i = 0
+		     l = len(line)
+		     while i < l:
+			 if line[i] == end:
+			     self.line = line[i+1:]
+			     line = line[:i]
+			     l = i
+			     found = 1
+			     break
+			 if line[i] == '\\':
+			     i = i + 1
+			 i = i + 1
+		     tok = tok + line
+		     if found == 0:
+		         line = self.getline()
+			 if line == None:
+			     return None
+		 self.last = ('string', tok)
+		 return self.last
+	     if l >= 2 and line[0] == '/' and line[1] == '*':
+	         line = line[2:]
+		 found = 0
+		 tok = ""
+		 while found == 0:
+		     i = 0
+		     l = len(line)
+		     while i < l:
+			 if line[i] == '*' and i+1 < l and line[i+1] == '/':
+			     self.line = line[i+2:]
+			     line = line[:i-1]
+			     l = i
+			     found = 1
+			     break
+			 i = i + 1
+	             if tok != "":
+		         tok = tok + "\n"
+		     tok = tok + line
+		     if found == 0:
+		         line = self.getline()
+			 if line == None:
+			     return None
+		 self.last = ('comment', tok)
+		 return self.last
+	     if l >= 2 and line[0] == '/' and line[1] == '/':
+	         line = line[2:]
+		 self.last = ('comment', line)
+		 return self.last
+	     i = 0
+	     while i < l:
+	         if line[i] == '/' and i+1 < l and line[i+1] == '/':
+		     self.line = line[i:]
+		     line = line[:i]
+		     break
+	         if line[i] == '/' and i+1 < l and line[i+1] == '*':
+		     self.line = line[i:]
+		     line = line[:i]
+		     break
+		 if line[i] == '"' or line[i] == "'":
+		     self.line = line[i:]
+		     line = line[:i]
+		     break
+		 i = i + 1
+	     l = len(line)
+	     i = 0
+	     while i < l:
+	         if line[i] == ' ' or line[i] == '\t':
+		     i = i + 1
+		     continue
+		 o = ord(line[i])
+		 if (o >= 97 and o <= 122) or (o >= 65 and o <= 90) or \
+		    (o >= 48 and o <= 57):
+		     s = i
+		     while i < l:
+			 o = ord(line[i])
+			 if (o >= 97 and o <= 122) or (o >= 65 and o <= 90) or \
+			    (o >= 48 and o <= 57) or string.find(
+			       " \t(){}:;,+-*/%&!|[]=><", line[i]) == -1:
+			     i = i + 1
+			 else:
+			     break
+		     self.tokens.append(('name', line[s:i]))
+		     continue
+		 if string.find("(){}:;,[]", line[i]) != -1:
+#                 if line[i] == '(' or line[i] == ')' or line[i] == '{' or \
+#		    line[i] == '}' or line[i] == ':' or line[i] == ';' or \
+#		    line[i] == ',' or line[i] == '[' or line[i] == ']':
+		     self.tokens.append(('sep', line[i]))
+		     i = i + 1
+		     continue
+		 if string.find("+-*><=/%&!|.", line[i]) != -1:
+#                 if line[i] == '+' or line[i] == '-' or line[i] == '*' or \
+#		    line[i] == '>' or line[i] == '<' or line[i] == '=' or \
+#		    line[i] == '/' or line[i] == '%' or line[i] == '&' or \
+#		    line[i] == '!' or line[i] == '|' or line[i] == '.':
+		     if line[i] == '.' and  i + 2 < l and \
+		        line[i+1] == '.' and line[i+2] == '.':
+			 self.tokens.append(('name', '...'))
+			 i = i + 3
+			 continue
+		     j = i + 1
+		     if j < l and (
+		        string.find("+-*><=/%&!|", line[j]) != -1):
+#		        line[j] == '+' or line[j] == '-' or line[j] == '*' or \
+#			line[j] == '>' or line[j] == '<' or line[j] == '=' or \
+#			line[j] == '/' or line[j] == '%' or line[j] == '&' or \
+#			line[j] == '!' or line[j] == '|'):
+			 self.tokens.append(('op', line[i:j+1]))
+			 i = j + 1
+		     else:
+			 self.tokens.append(('op', line[i]))
+			 i = i + 1
+		     continue
+		 s = i
+		 while i < l:
+		     o = ord(line[i])
+		     if (o >= 97 and o <= 122) or (o >= 65 and o <= 90) or \
+		        (o >= 48 and o <= 57) or (
+		         string.find(" \t(){}:;,+-*/%&!|[]=><", line[i]) == -1):
+#		         line[i] != ' ' and line[i] != '\t' and
+#			 line[i] != '(' and line[i] != ')' and
+#			 line[i] != '{'  and line[i] != '}' and
+#			 line[i] != ':' and line[i] != ';' and
+#			 line[i] != ',' and line[i] != '+' and
+#			 line[i] != '-' and line[i] != '*' and
+#			 line[i] != '/' and line[i] != '%' and
+#			 line[i] != '&' and line[i] != '!' and
+#			 line[i] != '|' and line[i] != '[' and
+#			 line[i] != ']' and line[i] != '=' and
+#			 line[i] != '*' and line[i] != '>' and
+#			 line[i] != '<'):
+			 i = i + 1
+		     else:
+		         break
+		 self.tokens.append(('name', line[s:i]))
+	 tok = self.tokens[0]
+	 self.tokens = self.tokens[1:]
+	 self.last = tok
+	 return tok
+class CParser:
+     """The C module parser"""
+     def __init__(self, filename, idx = None):
+         self.filename = filename
+	 if len(filename) > 2 and filename[-2:] == '.h':
+	     self.is_header = 1
+	 else:
+	     self.is_header = 0
+         self.input = open(filename)
+	 self.lexer = CLexer(self.input)
+	 if idx == None:
+	     self.index = index()
+	 else:
+	     self.index = idx
+	 self.top_comment = ""
+	 self.last_comment = ""
+	 self.comment = None
+     def lineno(self):
+         return self.lexer.getlineno()
+     def error(self, msg, token=-1):
+         print "Parse Error: " + msg
+	 if token != -1:
+	     print "Got token ", token
+	 self.lexer.debug()
+	 sys.exit(1)
+     def debug(self, msg, token=-1):
+         print "Debug: " + msg
+	 if token != -1:
+	     print "Got token ", token
+	 self.lexer.debug()
+     def parseComment(self, token):
+         if self.top_comment == "":
+	     self.top_comment = token[1]
+	 if self.comment == None or token[1][0] == '*':
+	     self.comment = token[1];
+	 else:
+	     self.comment = self.comment + token[1]
+	 token = self.lexer.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a comment block associate to a macro
+     #
+     def parseMacroComment(self, name, quiet = 0):
+         if name[0:2] == '__':
+	     quiet = 1
+         args = []
+	 desc = ""
+         if self.comment == None:
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Missing comment for macro %s" % (name)
+	     return((args, desc))
+         if self.comment[0] != '*':
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Missing * in macro comment for %s" % (name)
+	     return((args, desc))
+	 lines = string.split(self.comment, '\n')
+	 if lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 if lines[0] != "* %s:" % (name):
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Misformatted macro comment for %s" % (name)
+		 print "  Expecting '* %s:' got '%s'" % (name, lines[0])
+	     return((args, desc))
+	 del lines[0]
+	 while lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 while len(lines) > 0 and lines[0][0:3] == '* @':
+	     l = lines[0][3:]
+	     try:
+	         (arg, desc) = string.split(l, ':', 1)
+		 desc=string.strip(desc)
+		 arg=string.strip(arg)
+             except:
+		 if not quiet:
+		     print "Misformatted macro comment for %s" % (name)
+		     print "  problem with '%s'" % (lines[0])
+		 del lines[0]
+		 continue
+	     del lines[0]
+	     l = string.strip(lines[0])
+	     while len(l) > 2 and l[0:3] != '* @':
+	         while l[0] == '*':
+		     l = l[1:]
+		 desc = desc + ' ' + string.strip(l)
+		 del lines[0]
+		 if len(lines) == 0:
+		     break
+		 l = lines[0]
+             args.append((arg, desc))
+	 while len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 desc = ""
+	 while len(lines) > 0:
+	     l = lines[0]
+	     while len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '*':
+	         l = l[1:]
+	     l = string.strip(l)
+	     desc = desc + " " + l
+	     del lines[0]
+	 desc = string.strip(desc)
+	 if quiet == 0:
+	     if desc == "":
+	         print "Macro comment for %s lack description of the macro" % (name)
+	 return((args, desc))
+     #
+     # Parse a comment block and merge the informations found in the
+     # parameters descriptions, finally returns a block as complete
+     # as possible
+     #
+     def mergeFunctionComment(self, name, description, quiet = 0):
+         if name == 'main':
+	     quiet = 1
+         if name[0:2] == '__':
+	     quiet = 1
+	 (ret, args) = description
+	 desc = ""
+	 retdesc = ""
+         if self.comment == None:
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Missing comment for function %s" % (name)
+	     return(((ret[0], retdesc), args, desc))
+         if self.comment[0] != '*':
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Missing * in function comment for %s" % (name)
+	     return(((ret[0], retdesc), args, desc))
+	 lines = string.split(self.comment, '\n')
+	 if lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 if lines[0] != "* %s:" % (name):
+	     if not quiet:
+		 print "Misformatted function comment for %s" % (name)
+		 print "  Expecting '* %s:' got '%s'" % (name, lines[0])
+	     return(((ret[0], retdesc), args, desc))
+	 del lines[0]
+	 while lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 nbargs = len(args)
+	 while len(lines) > 0 and lines[0][0:3] == '* @':
+	     l = lines[0][3:]
+	     try:
+	         (arg, desc) = string.split(l, ':', 1)
+		 desc=string.strip(desc)
+		 arg=string.strip(arg)
+             except:
+		 if not quiet:
+		     print "Misformatted function comment for %s" % (name)
+		     print "  problem with '%s'" % (lines[0])
+		 del lines[0]
+		 continue
+	     del lines[0]
+	     l = string.strip(lines[0])
+	     while len(l) > 2 and l[0:3] != '* @':
+	         while l[0] == '*':
+		     l = l[1:]
+		 desc = desc + ' ' + string.strip(l)
+		 del lines[0]
+		 if len(lines) == 0:
+		     break
+		 l = lines[0]
+	     i = 0
+	     while i < nbargs:
+	         if args[i][1] == arg:
+		     args[i] = (args[i][0], arg, desc)
+		     break;
+		 i = i + 1
+	     if i >= nbargs:
+		 if not quiet:
+		     print "Uname to find arg %s from function comment for %s" % (
+		        arg, name)
+	 while len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '*':
+	     del lines[0]
+	 desc = ""
+	 while len(lines) > 0:
+	     l = lines[0]
+	     while len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '*':
+	         l = l[1:]
+	     l = string.strip(l)
+	     if len(l) >= 6 and  l[0:6] == "return" or l[0:6] == "Return":
+	         try:
+		     l = string.split(l, ' ', 1)[1]
+		 except:
+		     l = ""
+		 retdesc = string.strip(l)
+		 del lines[0]
+		 while len(lines) > 0:
+		     l = lines[0]
+		     while len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '*':
+			 l = l[1:]
+		     l = string.strip(l)
+		     retdesc = retdesc + " " + l
+		     del lines[0]
+	     else:
+	         desc = desc + " " + l
+		 del lines[0]
+	 retdesc = string.strip(retdesc)
+	 desc = string.strip(desc)
+	 if quiet == 0:
+	     #
+	     # report missing comments
+	     #
+	     i = 0
+	     while i < nbargs:
+	         if args[i][2] == None and args[i][0] != "void" and args[i][1] != None:
+		     print "Function comment for %s lack description of arg %s" % (name, args[i][1])
+		 i = i + 1
+	     if retdesc == "" and ret[0] != "void":
+		 print "Function comment for %s lack description of return value" % (name)
+	     if desc == "":
+	         print "Function comment for %s lack description of the function" % (name)
+	 return(((ret[0], retdesc), args, desc))
+     def parsePreproc(self, token):
+         name = token[1]
+	 if name == "#include":
+	     token = self.lexer.token()
+	     if token == None:
+	         return None
+	     if token[0] == 'preproc':
+		 self.index.add(token[1], self.filename, not self.is_header,
+		                "include")
+		 return self.lexer.token()
+	     return token
+	 if name == "#define":
+	     token = self.lexer.token()
+	     if token == None:
+	         return None
+	     if token[0] == 'preproc':
+	         # TODO macros with arguments
+		 name = token[1]
+	         lst = []
+		 token = self.lexer.token()
+		 while token != None and token[0] == 'preproc' and \
+		       token[1][0] != '#':
+		     lst.append(token[1])
+		     token = self.lexer.token()
+                 try:
+		     name = string.split(name, '(') [0]
+                 except:
+                     pass
+                 info = self.parseMacroComment(name, not self.is_header)
+		 self.index.add(name, self.filename, not self.is_header,
+		                "macro", info)
+		 return token
+	 token = self.lexer.token()
+	 while token != None and token[0] == 'preproc' and \
+	     token[1][0] != '#':
+	     token = self.lexer.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # token acquisition on top of the lexer, it handle internally
+     # preprocessor and comments since they are logically not part of
+     # the program structure.
+     #
+     def token(self):
+         global ignored_words
+         token = self.lexer.token()
+	 while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == 'comment':
+		 token = self.parseComment(token)
+		 continue
+	     elif token[0] == 'preproc':
+		 token = self.parsePreproc(token)
+		 continue
+	     elif token[0] == "name" and ignored_words.has_key(token[1]):
+	         (n, info) = ignored_words[token[1]]
+		 i = 0
+		 while i < n:
+		     token = self.lexer.token()
+		     i = i + 1
+		 token = self.lexer.token()
+		 continue
+	     else:
+	         #print "=> ", token
+	         return token
+	 return None
+     #
+     # Parse a typedef, it records the type and its name.
+     #
+     def parseTypedef(self, token):
+         if token == None:
+	     return None
+	 token = self.parseType(token)
+	 if token == None:
+	     self.error("parsing typedef")
+	     return None
+	 base_type = self.type
+	 type = base_type
+	 #self.debug("end typedef type", token)
+	 while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == "name":
+		 name = token[1]
+		 signature = self.signature
+		 if signature != None:
+		     d = self.mergeFunctionComment(name,
+			     ((type, None), signature), 1)
+		     self.index.add(name, self.filename, not self.is_header,
+				    "functype", d)
+		 else:
+		     if base_type == "struct":
+			 self.index.add(name, self.filename, not self.is_header,
+					"struct", type)
+			 base_type = "struct " + name
+	             else:
+			 self.index.add(name, self.filename, not self.is_header,
+		                    "typedef", type)
+		 token = self.token()
+	     else:
+		 self.error("parsing typedef: expecting a name")
+		 return token
+	     #self.debug("end typedef", token)
+	     if token != None and token[0] == 'sep' and token[1] == ',':
+	         type = base_type
+	         token = self.token()
+		 while token != None and token[0] == "op":
+		     type = type + token[1]
+		     token = self.token()
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == 'sep' and token[1] == ';':
+	         break;
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == 'name':
+	         type = base_type
+	         continue;
+	     else:
+		 self.error("parsing typedef: expecting ';'", token)
+		 return token
+	 token = self.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a C code block, used for functions it parse till
+     # the balancing } included
+     #
+     def parseBlock(self, token):
+         while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+	         token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseBlock(token)
+	     elif token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "}":
+	         self.comment = None
+	         token = self.token()
+		 return token
+	     else:
+	         token = self.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a C struct definition till the balancing }
+     #
+     def parseStruct(self, token):
+         fields = []
+	 #self.debug("start parseStruct", token)
+         while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+	         token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseTypeBlock(token)
+	     elif token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "}":
+		 self.struct_fields = fields
+		 #self.debug("end parseStruct", token)
+		 #print fields
+	         token = self.token()
+		 return token
+	     else:
+	         base_type = self.type
+		 #self.debug("before parseType", token)
+		 token = self.parseType(token)
+		 #self.debug("after parseType", token)
+		 if token != None and token[0] == "name":
+		     fname = token[1]
+		     token = self.token()
+		     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ";":
+		         self.comment = None
+		         token = self.token()
+			 fields.append((self.type, fname, self.comment))
+			 self.comment = None
+		     else:
+		         self.error("parseStruct: expecting ;", token)
+		 elif token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+		     token = self.token()
+		     token = self.parseTypeBlock(token)
+		     if token != None and token[0] == "name":
+			 token = self.token()
+		     if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ";":
+			 token = self.token()
+		     else:
+		         self.error("parseStruct: expecting ;", token)
+		 else:
+		     self.error("parseStruct: name", token)
+		     token = self.token()
+		 self.type = base_type;
+         self.struct_fields = fields
+	 #self.debug("end parseStruct", token)
+	 #print fields
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a C enum block, parse till the balancing }
+     #
+     def parseEnumBlock(self, token):
+         self.enums = []
+	 name = None
+	 self.comment = None
+	 comment = ""
+	 value = ""
+         while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+	         token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseTypeBlock(token)
+	     elif token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "}":
+		 if name != None:
+		     if self.comment != None:
+			 comment = self.comment
+			 self.comment = None
+		     self.enums.append((name, value, comment))
+	         token = self.token()
+		 return token
+	     elif token[0] == "name":
+		     if name != None:
+			 if self.comment != None:
+			     comment = string.strip(self.comment)
+			     self.comment = None
+			 self.enums.append((name, value, comment))
+		     name = token[1]
+		     comment = ""
+		     value = ""
+		     token = self.token()
+		     if token[0] == "op" and token[1][0] == "=":
+		         if len(token[1]) > 1:
+			     value = token[1][1:]
+		         token = self.token()
+		         while token[0] != "sep" or (token[1] != ',' and
+			       token[1] != '}'):
+			     value = value + token[1]
+			     token = self.token()
+		     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ",":
+			 token = self.token()
+	     else:
+	         token = self.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a C definition block, used for structs it parse till
+     # the balancing }
+     #
+     def parseTypeBlock(self, token):
+         while token != None:
+	     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+	         token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseTypeBlock(token)
+	     elif token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "}":
+	         token = self.token()
+		 return token
+	     else:
+	         token = self.token()
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a type: the fact that the type name can either occur after
+     #    the definition or within the definition makes it a little harder
+     #    if inside, the name token is pushed back before returning
+     #
+     def parseType(self, token):
+         self.type = ""
+	 self.struct_fields = []
+         self.signature = None
+	 if token == None:
+	     return token
+	 while token[0] == "name" and ( 
+	       token[1] == "const" or token[1] == "unsigned"):
+	     if self.type == "":
+	         self.type = token[1]
+	     else:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	     token = self.token()
+         if token[0] == "name" and (token[1] == "long" or token[1] == "short"):
+	     if self.type == "":
+	         self.type = token[1]
+	     else:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	     if token[0] == "name" and token[1] == "int":
+		 if self.type == "":
+		     self.type = tmp[1]
+		 else:
+		     self.type = self.type + " " + tmp[1]
+         elif token[0] == "name" and token[1] == "struct":
+	     if self.type == "":
+	         self.type = token[1]
+	     else:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	     token = self.token()
+	     nametok = None
+	     if token[0] == "name":
+	         nametok = token
+		 token = self.token()
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+		 token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseStruct(token)
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == "op" and token[1] == "*":
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + nametok[1] + " *"
+		 token = self.token()
+		 while token != None and token[0] == "op" and token[1] == "*":
+		     self.type = self.type + " *"
+		     token = self.token()
+		 if token[0] == "name":
+		     nametok = token
+		     token = self.token()
+		 else:
+		     self.error("struct : expecting name", token)
+		     return token
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == "name" and nametok != None:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + nametok[1]
+		 return token
+	     if nametok != None:
+		 self.lexer.push(token)
+		 token = nametok
+	     return token
+         elif token[0] == "name" and token[1] == "enum":
+	     if self.type == "":
+	         self.type = token[1]
+	     else:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	     self.enums = []
+	     token = self.token()
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+		 token = self.token()
+		 token = self.parseEnumBlock(token)
+	     else:
+		 self.error("parsing enum: expecting '{'", token)
+	     enum_type = None
+	     if token != None and token[0] != "name":
+	         self.lexer.push(token)
+	         token = ("name", "enum")
+	     else:
+	         enum_type = token[1]
+	     for enum in self.enums:
+		 self.index.add(enum[0], self.filename,
+			        not self.is_header, "enum",
+			        (enum[1], enum[2], enum_type))
+	     return token
+	 elif token[0] == "name":
+	     if self.type == "":
+	         self.type = token[1]
+	     else:
+	         self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	 else:
+	     self.error("parsing type %s: expecting a name" % (self.type),
+	                token)
+	     return token
+	 token = self.token()
+         while token != None and (token[0] == "op" or
+	       token[0] == "name" and token[1] == "const"):
+	     self.type = self.type + " " + token[1]
+	     token = self.token()
+	 #
+	 # if there is a parenthesis here, this means a function type
+	 #
+	 if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == '(':
+	     self.type = self.type + token[1]
+	     token = self.token()
+	     while token != None and token[0] == "op" and token[1] == '*':
+	         self.type = self.type + token[1]
+		 token = self.token()
+	     if token == None or token[0] != "name" :
+		 self.error("parsing function type, name expected", token);
+	         return token
+	     self.type = self.type + token[1]
+	     nametok = token
+	     token = self.token()
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ')':
+		 self.type = self.type + token[1]
+		 token = self.token()
+		 if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == '(':
+		     token = self.token()
+		     type = self.type;
+		     token = self.parseSignature(token);
+		     self.type = type;
+		 else:
+		     self.error("parsing function type, '(' expected", token);
+		     return token
+	     else:
+	         self.error("parsing function type, ')' expected", token);
+		 return token
+	     self.lexer.push(token)
+	     token = nametok
+	     return token
+         #
+	 # do some lookahead for arrays
+	 #
+	 if token != None and token[0] == "name":
+	     nametok = token
+	     token = self.token()
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == '[':
+	         self.type = self.type + nametok[1]
+		 while token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == '[':
+		     self.type = self.type + token[1]
+		     token = self.token()
+		     while token != None and token[0] != 'sep' and \
+		           token[1] != ']' and token[1] != ';':
+			 self.type = self.type + token[1]
+			 token = self.token()
+		 if token != None and token[0] == 'sep' and token[1] == ']':
+		     self.type = self.type + token[1]
+		     token = self.token()
+		 else:
+		     self.error("parsing array type, ']' expected", token);
+		     return token
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ':':
+	         # remove :12 in case it's a limited int size
+		 token = self.token()
+		 token = self.token()
+	     self.lexer.push(token)
+	     token = nametok
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a signature: '(' has been parsed and we scan the type definition
+     #    up to the ')' included
+     def parseSignature(self, token):
+         signature = []
+	 if token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ')':
+	     self.signature = []
+	     token = self.token()
+	     return token
+	 while token != None:
+	     token = self.parseType(token)
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "name":
+	         signature.append((self.type, token[1], None))
+		 token = self.token()
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ',':
+		 token = self.token()
+		 continue
+	     elif token != None and token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ')':
+	         # only the type was provided
+		 if self.type == "...":
+		     signature.append((self.type, "...", None))
+		 else:
+		     signature.append((self.type, None, None))
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep":
+	         if token[1] == ',':
+		     token = self.token()
+		     continue
+		 elif token[1] == ')':
+		     token = self.token()
+		     break
+	 self.signature = signature
+	 return token
+     #
+     # Parse a global definition, be it a type, variable or function
+     # the extern "C" blocks are a bit nasty and require it to recurse.
+     #
+     def parseGlobal(self, token):
+         static = 0
+         if token[1] == 'extern':
+	     token = self.token()
+	     if token == None:
+	         return token
+	     if token[0] == 'string':
+	         if token[1] == 'C':
+		     token = self.token()
+		     if token == None:
+			 return token
+		     if token[0] == 'sep' and token[1] == "{":
+		         token = self.token()
+#			 print 'Entering extern "C line ', self.lineno()
+			 while token != None and (token[0] != 'sep' or
+			       token[1] != "}"):
+			     if token[0] == 'name':
+				 token = self.parseGlobal(token)
+			     else:
+				 self.error(
+				 "token %s %s unexpected at the top level" % (
+					token[0], token[1]))
+				 token = self.parseGlobal(token)
+#			 print 'Exiting extern "C" line', self.lineno()
+			 token = self.token()
+			 return token
+		 else:
+		     return token
+	 elif token[1] == 'static':
+	     static = 1
+	     token = self.token()
+	     if token == None or  token[0] != 'name':
+	         return token
+	 if token[1] == 'typedef':
+	     token = self.token()
+	     return self.parseTypedef(token)
+	 else:
+	     token = self.parseType(token)
+	     type_orig = self.type
+	 if token == None or token[0] != "name":
+	     return token
+	 type = type_orig
+ = token[1]
+	 token = self.token()
+	 while token != None and (token[0] == "sep" or token[0] == "op"):
+	     if token[0] == "sep":
+		 if token[1] == "[":
+		     type = type + token[1]
+		     token = self.token()
+		     while token != None and (token[0] != "sep" or \
+		           token[1] != ";"):
+			 type = type + token[1]
+			 token = self.token()
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "op" and token[1] == "=":
+		 #
+		 # Skip the initialization of the variable
+		 #
+		 token = self.token()
+		 if token[0] == 'sep' and token[1] == '{':
+		     token = self.token()
+		     token = self.parseBlock(token)
+		 else:
+		     self.comment = None
+		     while token != None and (token[0] != "sep" or \
+			   (token[1] != ';' and token[1] != ',')):
+			     token = self.token()
+		 self.comment = None
+		 if token == None or token[0] != "sep" or (token[1] != ';' and
+		    token[1] != ','):
+		     self.error("missing ';' or ',' after value")
+	     if token != None and token[0] == "sep":
+		 if token[1] == ";":
+		     self.comment = None
+		     token = self.token()
+		     if type == "struct":
+		         self.index.add(, self.filename,
+			      not self.is_header, "struct", self.struct_fields)
+		     else:
+			 self.index.add(, self.filename,
+			      not self.is_header, "variable", type)
+		     break
+		 elif token[1] == "(":
+		     token = self.token()
+		     token = self.parseSignature(token)
+		     if token == None:
+			 return None
+		     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == ";":
+		         d = self.mergeFunctionComment(,
+				 ((type, None), self.signature), 1)
+			 self.index.add(, self.filename, static,
+			                "function", d)
+			 token = self.token()
+		     if token[0] == "sep" and token[1] == "{":
+		         d = self.mergeFunctionComment(,
+				 ((type, None), self.signature), static)
+			 self.index.add(, self.filename, static,
+			                "function", d)
+			 token = self.token()
+			 token = self.parseBlock(token);
+		 elif token[1] == ',':
+		     self.comment = None
+		     self.index.add(, self.filename, static,
+		                    "variable", type)
+		     type = type_orig
+		     token = self.token()
+		     while token != None and token[0] == "sep":
+		         type = type + token[1]
+			 token = self.token()
+		     if token != None and token[0] == "name":
+	 = token[1]
+			 token = self.token()
+		 else:
+		     break
+	 return token
+     def parse(self):
+         print "Parsing %s" % (self.filename)
+         token = self.token()
+	 while token != None:
+             if token[0] == 'name':
+	         token = self.parseGlobal(token)
+             else:
+	         self.error("token %s %s unexpected at the top level" % (
+		        token[0], token[1]))
+		 token = self.parseGlobal(token)
+		 return
+         return self.index
+class docBuilder:
+     """A documentation builder"""
+     def __init__(self, name, directories=['.'], excludes=[]):
+ = name
+         self.directories = directories
+	 self.excludes = excludes + ignored_files.keys()
+	 self.modules = {}
+	 self.headers = {}
+	 self.idx = index()
+     def analyze(self):
+         print "Project %s : %d headers, %d modules" % (, len(self.headers.keys()), len(self.modules.keys()))
+	 self.idx.analyze()
+     def scanHeaders(self):
+	 for header in self.headers.keys():
+	    parser = CParser(header)
+	    idx = parser.parse()
+	    self.headers[header] = idx;
+	    self.idx.merge(idx)
+     def scanModules(self):
+	 for module in self.modules.keys():
+	    parser = CParser(module)
+	    idx = parser.parse()
+	    # idx.analyze()
+	    self.modules[module] = idx
+	    self.idx.merge_public(idx)
+     def scan(self):
+         for directory in self.directories:
+	     files = glob.glob(directory + "/*.c")
+	     for file in files:
+	         skip = 0
+		 for excl in self.excludes:
+		     if string.find(file, excl) != -1:
+		         skip = 1;
+			 break
+		 if skip == 0:
+		     self.modules[file] = None;
+	     files = glob.glob(directory + "/*.h")
+	     for file in files:
+	         skip = 0
+		 for excl in self.excludes:
+		     if string.find(file, excl) != -1:
+		         skip = 1;
+			 break
+		 if skip == 0:
+		     self.headers[file] = None;
+	 self.scanHeaders()
+	 self.scanModules()
+     def modulename_file(self, file):
+         module = string.split(file, '/')[-1]
+	 if module[-2:] == '.h':
+	     module = module[:-2]
+	 return module
+     def serialize_enum(self, output, name):
+         id = self.idx.enums[name]
+         output.write("    <enum name='%s' file='%s'" % (name,
+	              self.modulename_file(id.module)))
+	 if != None:
+	     info =
+	     if info[0] != None and info[0] != '':
+		 output.write(" value='%s'" % info[0]);
+	     if info[2] != None and info[2] != '':
+		 output.write(" type='%s'" % info[2]);
+	     if info[1] != None and info[1] != '':
+		 output.write(" info='%s'" % escape(info[1]));
+         output.write("/>\n")
+     def serialize_macro(self, output, name):
+         id = self.idx.macros[name]
+         output.write("    <macro name='%s' file='%s'>\n" % (name,
+	              self.modulename_file(id.module)))
+	 if != None:
+             try:
+		 (args, desc) =
+		 if desc != None and desc != "":
+		     output.write("      <info>%s</info>\n" % (escape(desc)))
+		 for arg in args:
+		     (name, desc) = arg
+		     if desc != None and desc != "":
+			 output.write("      <arg name='%s' info='%s'/>\n" % (
+				      name, escape(desc)))
+		     else:
+			 output.write("      <arg name='%s'/>\n" % (name))
+             except:
+                 pass
+         output.write("    </macro>\n")
+     def serialize_typedef(self, output, name):
+         id = self.idx.typedefs[name]
+	 if[0:7] == 'struct ':
+	     output.write("    <struct name='%s' file='%s' type='%s'" % (
+	              name, self.modulename_file(id.module),
+	     name =[7:]
+	     if self.idx.structs.has_key(name):
+	         output.write(">\n");
+		 for field in self.idx.structs[name].info:
+		     desc = field[2]
+		     if desc == None:
+		         desc = ''
+	             else:
+		         desc = escape(desc)
+		     output.write("      <field name='%s' type='%s' info='%s'/>\n" % (field[1] , field[0], desc))
+		 output.write("    </struct>\n")
+	     else:
+	         output.write("/>\n");
+	 else :
+	     output.write("    <typedef name='%s' file='%s' type='%s'/>\n" % (
+	              name, self.modulename_file(id.module),
+     def serialize_function(self, output, name):
+         id = self.idx.functions[name]
+         output.write("    <%s name='%s' file='%s'>\n" % (id.type, name,
+	              self.modulename_file(id.module)))
+	 try:
+	     (ret, params, desc) =
+	     output.write("      <info>%s</info>\n" % (escape(desc)))
+	     if ret[0] != None:
+	         if ret[0] == "void":
+		     output.write("      <return type='void'/>\n")
+		 else:
+		     output.write("      <return type='%s' info='%s'/>\n" % (
+			      ret[0], escape(ret[1])))
+	     for param in params:
+	         if param[0] == 'void':
+		     continue
+	         if param[2] == None:
+		     output.write("      <arg name='%s' type='%s' info=''/>\n" % (param[1], param[0]))
+		 else:
+		     output.write("      <arg name='%s' type='%s' info='%s'/>\n" % (param[1], param[0], escape(param[2])))
+	 except:
+	     print "Failed to save function %s info: " % name, ``
+         output.write("    </%s>\n" % (id.type))
+     def serialize_exports(self, output, file):
+         module = self.modulename_file(file)
+	 output.write("    <file name='%s'>\n" % (module))
+	 dict = self.headers[file]
+	 ids = dict.functions.keys() + dict.variables.keys() + \
+	       dict.macros.keys() + dict.typedefs.keys() + \
+	       dict.structs.keys() + dict.enums.keys()
+	 ids.sort()
+	 for id in ids:
+	     output.write("     <exports symbol='%s'/>\n" % (id))
+	 output.write("    </file>\n")
+     def serialize(self, filename = None):
+         if filename == None:
+	     filename = "%s-api.xml" %
+         print "Saving XML description %s" % (filename)
+	 output = open(filename, "w")
+	 output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\n')
+	 output.write("<api name='%s'>\n" %
+	 output.write("  <files>\n")
+	 for file in self.headers.keys():
+	     self.serialize_exports(output, file)
+	 output.write("  </files>\n")
+	 output.write("  <symbols>\n")
+	 macros = self.idx.macros.keys()
+	 macros.sort()
+	 for macro in macros:
+	     self.serialize_macro(output, macro)
+	 enums = self.idx.enums.keys()
+	 enums.sort()
+	 for enum in enums:
+	     self.serialize_enum(output, enum)
+	 typedefs = self.idx.typedefs.keys()
+	 typedefs.sort()
+	 for typedef in typedefs:
+	     self.serialize_typedef(output, typedef)
+	 functions = self.idx.functions.keys()
+	 functions.sort()
+	 for function in functions:
+	     self.serialize_function(output, function)
+	 output.write("  </symbols>\n")
+	 output.write("</api>\n")
+	 output.close()
+def rebuild():
+    builder = None
+    if glob.glob("../parser.c") != [] :
+        print "Rebuilding API description for libxml2"
+	builder = docBuilder("libxml2", ["..", "../include/libxml"],
+	                     ["xmlwin32version.h", "tst.c"])
+    elif glob.glob("../libxslt/transform.c") != [] :
+        print "Rebuilding API description for libxslt"
+	builder = docBuilder("libxslt", ["../libxslt"],
+	                     ["win32config.h", "tst.c"])
+    else:
+        print "rebuild() failed, unable to guess the module"
+	return None
+    builder.scan()
+    builder.analyze()
+    builder.serialize()
+    return builder
+# for debugging the parser
+def parse(filename):
+    parser = CParser(filename)
+    idx = parser.parse()
+    return idx
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    rebuild()