fixed a problem in push mode when attribute contains unescaped '>'

* parser.c: fixed a problem in push mode when attribute contains
  unescaped '>' characters, fixes bug #134566
* test/att6 result//att6*: added the test to the regression suite
diff --git a/result/att6.rdr b/result/att6.rdr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d39352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/result/att6.rdr
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+0 1 Invoice 0 0
+1 14 #text 0 1 
+1 1 cat:ReferencedOrder 0 0
+2 14 #text 0 1 
+2 1 cat:SellersOrderID 0 0
+3 3 #text 0 1 pvalue->ReferencedOrder.SellersOrderID
+2 15 cat:SellersOrderID 0 0
+2 14 #text 0 1 
+1 15 cat:ReferencedOrder 0 0
+1 14 #text 0 1 
+0 15 Invoice 0 0