Rebuilt docs for 2.2.5, added XPointer, Daniel
diff --git a/doc/html/gnome-xml-uri.html b/doc/html/gnome-xml-uri.html
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+++ b/doc/html/gnome-xml-uri.html
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+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.33"><LINK
+TITLE="Gnome XML Library Reference Manual"
+TITLE="Libxml Library Reference"
+>Gnome XML Library Reference Manual</FONT
+>&#60;&#60;&#60; Previous Page</B
+>Next Page &#62;&#62;&#62;</B
+>uri &#8212; </DIV
+struct      <A
+typedef     <A
+>   <A
+>                    (void);
+>*    <A
+>                     (const <A
+> *URI,
+                                             const <A
+> *base);
+>   <A
+>                     (const char *URI);
+int         <A
+>            (<A
+> uri,
+                                             const char *str);
+>*    <A
+>                      (<A
+> uri);
+void        <A
+>                     (<GTKDOCLINK
+> *stream,
+                                             <A
+> uri);
+char*       <A
+>            (const char *str,
+                                             int len,
+                                             char *target);
+int         <A
+>             (char *path);
+void        <A
+>                      (<A
+> uri);</PRE
+>struct xmlURI</H3
+>struct xmlURI {
+    char *scheme;
+    char *opaque;
+    char *authority;
+    char *server;
+    char *user;
+    int port;
+    char *path;
+    char *query;
+    char *fragment;
+>typedef xmlURI *xmlURIPtr;</PRE
+>xmlCreateURI ()</H3
+>   xmlCreateURI                    (void);</PRE
+>Simply creates an empty xmlURI</P
+> :</TD
+>the new structure or NULL in case of error</TD
+>xmlBuildURI ()</H3
+>*    xmlBuildURI                     (const <A
+> *URI,
+                                             const <A
+> *base);</PRE
+>Computes he final URI of the reference done by checking that
+the given URI is valid, and building the final URI using the
+base URI. This is processed according to section 5.2 of the 
+RFC 2396</P
+>5.2. Resolving Relative References to Absolute Form</P
+>  the URI instance found in the document</TD
+>  the base value</TD
+> :</TD
+>a new URI string (to be freed by the caller) or NULL in case
+of error.</TD
+>xmlParseURI ()</H3
+>   xmlParseURI                     (const char *URI);</PRE
+>Parse an URI </P
+>URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]</P
+> :</TD
+>a newly build xmlURIPtr or NULL in case of error</TD
+>xmlParseURIReference ()</H3
+>int         xmlParseURIReference            (<A
+> uri,
+                                             const char *str);</PRE
+>Parse an URI reference string and fills in the appropriate fields
+of the <TT
+> structure</P
+>URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]</P
+>  pointer to an URI structure</TD
+>  the string to analyze</TD
+> :</TD
+>0 or the error code</TD
+>xmlSaveUri ()</H3
+>*    xmlSaveUri                      (<A
+> uri);</PRE
+>Save the URI as an escaped string</P
+>  pointer to an xmlURI</TD
+> :</TD
+>a new string (to be deallocated by caller)</TD
+>xmlPrintURI ()</H3
+>void        xmlPrintURI                     (<GTKDOCLINK
+> *stream,
+                                             <A
+> uri);</PRE
+>Prints the URI in the stream <TT
+>  a FILE* for the output</TD
+>  pointer to an xmlURI</TD
+>xmlURIUnescapeString ()</H3
+>char*       xmlURIUnescapeString            (const char *str,
+                                             int len,
+                                             char *target);</PRE
+>Unescaping routine, does not do validity checks !
+Output is direct unsigned char translation of <TT
+> values (no encoding)</P
+>  the string to unescape</TD
+>   the lenght in bytes to unescape (or &lt;= 0 to indicate full string)</TD
+>  optionnal destination buffer</TD
+> :</TD
+>an copy of the string, but unescaped</TD
+>xmlNormalizeURIPath ()</H3
+>int         xmlNormalizeURIPath             (char *path);</PRE
+>applies the 5 normalization steps to a path string
+Normalization occurs directly on the string, no new allocation is done</P
+>  pointer to the path string</TD
+> :</TD
+>0 or an error code</TD
+>xmlFreeURI ()</H3
+>void        xmlFreeURI                      (<A
+> uri);</PRE
+>Free up the xmlURI struct</P
+>  pointer to an xmlURI</TD
+>&#60;&#60;&#60; Previous Page</B
+>Next Page &#62;&#62;&#62;</B
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