Forgot to document 2.9.1 release, regenerate docs
diff --git a/doc/bugs.html b/doc/bugs.html
index 6b29700..55ff296 100644
--- a/doc/bugs.html
+++ b/doc/bugs.html
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
 post to the list from an email address where such legal requirements are
 automatically added, get private paying support if you can't share
 information.</p><p>Check the following <strong><span style="color: #FF0000">before
-posting</span></strong>:</p><ul><li>Read the <a href="FAQ.html">FAQ</a> and <a href="search.php">use the
+  <li>Read the <a href="FAQ.html">FAQ</a> and <a href="search.php">use the
     search engine</a> to get information related to your problem.</li>
   <li>Make sure you are <a href="">using a recent
     version</a>, and that the problem still shows up in a recent version.</li>
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@
 </ul><p>Then send the bug with associated information to reproduce it to the <a href=""></a> list; if it's really libxml
 related I will approve it. Please do not send mail to me directly, it makes
 things really hard to track and in some cases I am not the best person to
-answer a given question, ask on the list.</p><p>To <span style="color: #E50000">be really clear about support</span>:</p><ul><li>Support or help <span style="color: #E50000">requests MUST be sent to
+answer a given question, ask on the list.</p><p>To <span style="color: #E50000">be really clear about support</span>:</p><ul>
+  <li>Support or help <span style="color: #E50000">requests MUST be sent to
     the list or on bugzilla</span> in case of problems, so that the Question
     and Answers can be shared publicly. Failing to do so carries the implicit
     message "I want free support but I don't want to share the benefits with