Oops forgot to commit check-xinclude-test-suite.py, Daniel
diff --git a/check-xinclude-test-suite.py b/check-xinclude-test-suite.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11a3375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/check-xinclude-test-suite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+import string
+import libxml2
+# the testsuite description
+log = open(LOG, "w")
+# Error and warning handlers
+error_nr = 0
+error_msg = ''
+def errorHandler(ctx, str):
+    global error_nr
+    global error_msg
+    if string.find(str, "error:") >= 0:
+	error_nr = error_nr + 1
+    if len(error_msg) < 300:
+        if len(error_msg) == 0 or error_msg[-1] == '\n':
+	    error_msg = error_msg + "   >>" + str
+	else:
+	    error_msg = error_msg + str
+libxml2.registerErrorHandler(errorHandler, None)
+def testXInclude(filename, id):
+    global error_nr
+    global error_msg
+    global log
+    error_nr = 0
+    error_msg = ''
+    print "testXInclude(%s, %s)" % (filename, id)
+    return 1
+test_nr = 0
+test_succeed = 0
+test_failed = 0
+test_error = 0
+def runTest(test, basedir):
+    global test_nr
+    global test_failed
+    global test_error
+    global test_succeed
+    global error_msg
+    global log
+    uri = test.prop('href')
+    id = test.prop('id')
+    if uri == None:
+        print "Test without ID:", uri
+	return -1
+    if id == None:
+        print "Test without URI:", id
+	return -1
+    if basedir != None:
+	URI = basedir + "/" + uri
+    else:
+        URI = uri
+    if os.access(URI, os.R_OK) == 0:
+        print "Test %s missing: base %s uri %s" % (URI, basedir, uri)
+	return -1
+    # output =
+    test_nr = test_nr + 1
+    if res > 0:
+	test_succeed = test_succeed + 1
+    elif res == 0:
+	test_failed = test_failed + 1
+    elif res < 0:
+	test_error = test_error + 1
+    # Log the ontext
+    if res != 1:
+	log.write("   File: %s\n" % (URI))
+	content = string.strip(test.content)
+	while content[-1] == '\n':
+	    content = content[0:-1]
+	if extra != None:
+	    log.write("   %s:%s:%s\n" % (type, extra, content))
+	else:
+	    log.write("   %s:%s\n\n" % (type, content))
+	if error_msg != '':
+	    log.write("   ----\n%s   ----\n" % (error_msg))
+	    error_msg = ''
+	log.write("\n")
+    return 0
+def runTestCases(case):
+    creator = case.prop('creator')
+    if creator != None:
+	print "=>", creator
+    base = case.getBase(None)
+    basedir = case.prop('basedir')
+    if basedir != None:
+	base = libxml2.buildURI(basedir, base)
+    test = case.children
+    while test != None:
+        if test.name == 'testcase':
+	    runTest(test, base)
+	if test.name == 'testcases':
+	    runTestCases(test)
+        test = test.next
+conf = libxml2.parseFile(CONF)
+if conf == None:
+    print "Unable to load %s" % CONF
+    sys.exit(1)
+testsuite = conf.getRootElement()
+if testsuite.name != 'testsuite':
+    print "Expecting TESTSUITE root element: aborting"
+    sys.exit(1)
+profile = testsuite.prop('PROFILE')
+if profile != None:
+    print profile
+start = time.time()
+case = testsuite.children
+while case != None:
+    global test_nr
+    global test_succeed
+    global test_failed
+    global test_error
+    if case.name == 'testcases':
+	old_test_nr = test_nr
+	old_test_succeed = test_succeed
+	old_test_failed = test_failed
+	old_test_error = test_error
+        runTestCases(case)
+	print "   Ran %d tests: %d suceeded, %d failed and %d generated an error" % (
+	       test_nr - old_test_nr, test_succeed - old_test_succeed,
+	       test_failed - old_test_failed, test_error - old_test_error)
+    case = case.next
+print "Ran %d tests: %d suceeded, %d failed and %d generated an error in %.2f s." % (
+      test_nr, test_succeed, test_failed, test_error, time.time() - start)