ipynb: remove the add_parsed_event() hack in the UseCaseExamples notebook

The bart check of util estimation in the
UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis notebook starts with code to add the
sched_boost_task event filtered by comm back to the trappy FTrace object
which is a hack.  This is needed because trappy's grammar module
couldn't do it when the notebook was originally written.  trappy learned
to apply filters in its Parser() object in version 5.7.0, which led to
the simplification of the similar SchedTune test in
b9d488f58ab2 ("tests: simplify stune's boosted utilization signal

Apply a similar change to the UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis ipython
notebook.  This way the test is simpler and we educate our users on the
ability to use filters with the Analyzer.
diff --git a/ipynb/tutorial/UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis.ipynb b/ipynb/tutorial/UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis.ipynb
index 45881f6..2f8a7f3 100644
--- a/ipynb/tutorial/UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis.ipynb
+++ b/ipynb/tutorial/UseCaseExamples_SchedTuneAnalysis.ipynb
@@ -1628,26 +1628,6 @@
    "cell_type": "code",
-   "execution_count": 6,
-   "metadata": {
-    "collapsed": false,
-    "hidden": true
-   },
-   "outputs": [],
-   "source": [
-    "# Get the boost events related to the RTApp task\n",
-    "df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('sched_boost_task')\n",
-    "df = df[df.comm == 'task_ramp']\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# Use them to create a new \"boost_task_rtapp\" TRAPpy class\n",
-    "trace.ftrace.add_parsed_event(\"boost_task_rtapp\", df)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "# df = trace.data_frame.trace_event('boost_task_rtapp')\n",
-    "# df.head()"
-   ]
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": 7,
    "metadata": {
     "collapsed": false,
@@ -1661,12 +1641,11 @@
     "analyzer_config = {\n",
     "    \"SCALE\" : 1024,\n",
     "    \"BOOST\" : 15,\n",
-    "    \"RTAPP\" : trace.ftrace.boost_task_rtapp,\n",
     "# Verify that the margin is properly computed for each event:\n",
     "# margin := (scale - util) * boost\n",
-    "margin_check_statement = \"(((SCALE - RTAPP:util) * BOOST) // 100) == RTAPP:margin\""
+    "margin_check_statement = \"(((SCALE - sched_boost_task:util) * BOOST) // 100) == sched_boost_task:margin\""
@@ -1683,7 +1662,8 @@
     "# Create an Assertion Object\n",
     "a = Analyzer(trace.ftrace,\n",
     "             analyzer_config,\n",
-    "             window=last_phase)"
+    "             window=last_phase,\n",
+    "             filters={\"comm\": \"task_ramp\"})"