Fixed the Xcode project building of LLVM to be a bit more user friendly:

- If you download and build the sources in the Xcode project, x86_64 builds
  by default using the "" checkpointed LLVM.
- If you delete the "lldb/" and the "lldb/llvm" folder, and build the
  Xcode project will download the right LLVM sources and build them from 
- If you have a "lldb/llvm" folder already that contains a "lldb/llvm/lib"
  directory, we will use the sources you have placed in the LLDB directory.
Python can now be disabled for platforms that don't support it. 

Changed the way the libllvmclang.a files get used. They now all get built into
arch specific directories and never get merged into universal binaries as this
was causing issues where you would have to go and delete the file if you wanted
to build an extra architecture slice.

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 834920f..c903203 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -18,15 +18,33 @@
 our $llvm_clang_outfile = $ENV{SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0};
 our ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname) = fileparse ($llvm_clang_outfile);
-our @llvm_clang_slices; # paths to the single architecture static libraries (archives)
 our $llvm_configuration = $ENV{LLVM_CONFIGURATION};
 our $llvm_revision = "143472";
 our $clang_revision = "143472";
-our $llvm_source_dir = "$ENV{SRCROOT}";
+our $llvm_dstroot_zip = "$SRCROOT/";
 our @archs = split (/\s+/, $ENV{ARCHS});
+my $os_release = 11;
+our %llvm_config_info = (
+ 'Debug'         => { configure_options => '--disable-optimized --disable-assertions', make_options => 'DEBUG_SYMBOLS=1'},
+ 'Debug+Asserts' => { configure_options => '--disable-optimized --enable-assertions' , make_options => 'DEBUG_SYMBOLS=1'},
+ 'Release'       => { configure_options => '--enable-optimized --disable-assertions' , make_options => ''},
+ 'Release+Debug' => { configure_options => '--enable-optimized --disable-assertions' , make_options => 'DEBUG_SYMBOLS=1'},
+our $llvm_config_href = undef;
+if (exists $llvm_config_info{"$llvm_configuration"})
+	$llvm_config_href = $llvm_config_info{$llvm_configuration};
+	die "Unsupported LLVM configuration: '$llvm_configuration'\n";
 our @archive_files = (  
@@ -85,37 +103,71 @@
-if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} ne "BuildAndIntegration" and -e "$llvm_srcroot/lib")
+if (-e "$llvm_srcroot/lib")
-	print "Using standard LLVM build directory...\n";
-	# LLVM in the "lldb" root is a symlink which indicates we are using a 
-	# standard LLVM build directory where everything is built into the
-	# same folder
-	create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot, 1);
-	my $llvm_dstroot_archive = "$llvm_dstroot/$llvm_clang_basename";
-	push @llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_dstroot_archive;
-	create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
-	exit 0;
+    print "Using existing llvm sources in: '$llvm_srcroot'\n";
+    print "Using standard LLVM build directory:\n  SRC = '$llvm_srcroot'\n  DST = '$llvm_dstroot'\n";
-if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Debug" or $ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Release")
+elsif (-e $llvm_dstroot_zip)
     # Check for an old llvm source install (not the minimal zip based 
     # install by looking for a .svn file in the llvm directory
-    chomp(my $llvm_zip_md5 = `md5 -q $ENV{SRCROOT}/`);
+    chomp(my $llvm_zip_md5 = `md5 -q '$llvm_dstroot_zip'`);
     my $llvm_zip_md5_file = "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm/$llvm_zip_md5";
     if (!-e "$llvm_zip_md5_file")
-        print "Updating LLVM to use checkpoint from: '$ENV{SRCROOT}/'...\n";
+        print "Updating LLVM to use checkpoint from: '$llvm_dstroot_zip'...\n";
         if (-d "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm")
             do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && rm -rf llvm", "removing old llvm repository", 1);            
 		do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && unzip -q && touch '$llvm_zip_md5_file'", "expanding", 1);
+    }
+    my $arch_idx = 0;
+    foreach my $arch (@archs)
+    {
+        my $llvm_dstroot_arch = "${llvm_dstroot}/${arch}";
+        # Check for our symlink to our .a file
+        if (!-l "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_clang_basename")
+        {
+            # Symlink doesn't exist, make sure it isn't a normal file
+            if (-e "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_clang_basename")
+            {
+                # the .a file is a normal file which means it can't be from the 
+                # zip file, we must remove the previous arch directory
+                do_command ("rm -rf '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", "Removing old '$llvm_dstroot_arch' directory", 1);
+            }
+            # Create the arch specific LLVM destination directory if needed
+            if (!-d $llvm_dstroot_arch)
+            {
+                do_command ("mkdir -p '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", "making llvm build directory '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", 1);
+            }
+            # Create a symlink to the .a file from the zip file
+            do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' ; ln -s $ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm/$llvm_clang_basename", "making llvm archive symlink", 1);
+        }
     exit 0;
+    print "Checking out llvm sources from revision $llvm_revision...\n";
+    do_command ("cd '$SRCROOT' && svn co --quiet --revision $llvm_revision llvm", "checking out llvm from repository", 1); 
+    print "Checking out clang sources from revision $clang_revision...\n";
+    do_command ("cd '$llvm_srcroot/tools' && svn co --quiet --revision $clang_revision clang", "checking out clang from repository", 1);
+    print "Applying any local patches to LLVM...";
+    my @llvm_patches = bsd_glob("$ENV{SRCROOT}/scripts/llvm.*.diff");
+    foreach my $patch (@llvm_patches)
+    {
+        do_command ("cd '$llvm_srcroot' && patch -p0 < $patch");
+    }
+    print "Removing the llvm/test and llvm/tools/clang/test directories...\n";
+    do_command ("cd '$llvm_srcroot' && rm -rf test && rm -rf tools/clang/test ", "removing test directories", 1); 
 # If our output file already exists then we need not generate it again.
 if (-e $llvm_clang_outfile)
@@ -140,34 +192,6 @@
 sub build_llvm
 	#my $extra_svn_options = $debug ? "" : "--quiet";
-	my $svn_options = "--quiet";
-	if (-d "$llvm_source_dir/llvm")
-	{
-		print "Using existing llvm sources in: '$llvm_source_dir/llvm'\n";
-		# print "Updating llvm to revision $llvm_revision\n";
-		# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && svn update $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision", "updating llvm from repository", 1);
-		# print "Updating clang to revision $llvm_revision\n";
-		# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools/clang' && svn update $svn_options --revision $clang_revision", "updating clang from repository", 1);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		print "Checking out llvm sources from revision $llvm_revision...\n";
-		do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && svn co $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision llvm", "checking out llvm from repository", 1); 
-		print "Checking out clang sources from revision $clang_revision...\n";
-		do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools' && svn co $svn_options --revision $clang_revision clang", "checking out clang from repository", 1);
-        print "Applying any local patches to LLVM...";
-        my @llvm_patches = bsd_glob("$ENV{SRCROOT}/scripts/llvm.*.diff");
-        foreach my $patch (@llvm_patches)
-        {
-            do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && patch -p0 < $patch");
-        }
-        print "Removing the llvm/test directory...\n";
-		do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && rm -rf llvm/test", "removing test directory", 1); 
-	}
 	# Make the llvm build directory
     my $arch_idx = 0;
     foreach my $arch (@archs)
@@ -177,7 +201,8 @@
 		# if the arch destination root exists we have already built it
 		my $do_configure = 0;
 		my $do_make = 0;
+		my $is_arm = $arch =~ /^arm/;
 		my $llvm_dstroot_arch_archive = "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_clang_basename";
 		print "LLVM architecture root for ${arch} exists at '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...";
 		if (-e $llvm_dstroot_arch)
@@ -209,25 +234,59 @@
 	        do_command ("mkdir -p '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", "making llvm build directory '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", 1);
 			$do_configure = 1;
 			$do_make = 1;
-		}
-		# If this is the first architecture, then make a symbolic link
-		# for any header files that get generated.
-	    if ($arch_idx == 0)
- 		{
-			if (!-l "$llvm_dstroot/llvm")
+			if ($is_arm)
-				do_command ("cd $llvm_dstroot && ln -s './${arch}' llvm");				
+		        my $llvm_dstroot_arch_bin = "${llvm_dstroot_arch}/bin";
+				if (!-d $llvm_dstroot_arch_bin)
+				{
+					do_command ("mkdir -p '$llvm_dstroot_arch_bin'", "making llvm build arch bin directory '$llvm_dstroot_arch_bin'", 1);
+					my @tools = ("ar", "nm", "ranlib", "strip", "lipo", "ld", "as");
+					my $script_mode = 0755;
+					my $prog;
+					for $prog (@tools)
+					{
+					   	chomp(my $actual_prog_path = `xcrun -sdk '$ENV{SDKROOT}' -find ${prog}`);
+					   	my $script_prog_path = "$llvm_dstroot_arch_bin/arm-apple-darwin${os_release}-${prog}";
+						open (SCRIPT, ">$script_prog_path") or die "Can't open $! for writing...\n";
+						print SCRIPT "#!/bin/sh\nexec '$actual_prog_path' \"\$\@\"\n";
+						close (SCRIPT);
+					   	chmod($script_mode, $script_prog_path);
+					}
+					#  Tools that must have the "-arch" and "-sysroot" specified
+					my @arch_sysroot_tools = ("clang", "clang++", "gcc", "g++");
+					for $prog (@arch_sysroot_tools)
+					{
+					   	chomp(my $actual_prog_path = `xcrun -sdk '$ENV{SDKROOT}' -find ${prog}`);
+					   	my $script_prog_path = "$llvm_dstroot_arch_bin/arm-apple-darwin${os_release}-${prog}";
+						open (SCRIPT, ">$script_prog_path") or die "Can't open $! for writing...\n";
+						print SCRIPT "#!/bin/sh\nexec '$actual_prog_path' -arch ${arch} -isysroot '$ENV{SDKROOT}' \"\$\@\"\n";
+						close (SCRIPT);
+					   	chmod($script_mode, $script_prog_path);
+					}
+					my $new_path = "$ENV{PATH}:$llvm_dstroot_arch_bin";
+					print "Setting new environment PATH = '$new_path'\n";
+			        $ENV{PATH} = $new_path;
+				}
 		if ($do_configure)
 			# Build llvm and clang
 	        print "Configuring clang ($arch) in '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...\n";
-			my $lldb_configuration_options = '';
-			$llvm_configuration eq 'Release' and $lldb_configuration_options .= '--enable-optimized --disable-assertions';
-	        do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/configure' $lldb_configuration_options --enable-targets=x86_64,arm --build=$arch-apple-darwin10",
+			my $lldb_configuration_options = "--enable-targets=x86_64,arm $llvm_config_href->{configure_options}";
+            if ($is_arm)
+            {
+                $lldb_configuration_options .= " --host=arm-apple-darwin${os_release} --target=arm-apple-darwin${os_release} --build=i686-apple-darwin${os_release}";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $lldb_configuration_options .= " --build=$arch-apple-darwin${os_release}";
+            }
+	        do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && '$llvm_srcroot/configure' $lldb_configuration_options",
 	                    "configuring llvm build", 1);			
@@ -236,52 +295,22 @@
 			# Build llvm and clang
 			my $num_cpus = parallel_guess();
 			print "Building clang using $num_cpus cpus ($arch)...\n";
-			do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus clang-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm'", "making llvm and clang", 1);			
-			do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus tools-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm' EDIS_VERSION=1", "making libedis", 1);			
+            my $extra_make_flags = '';
+            if ($is_arm)
+            {
+                $extra_make_flags = "UNIVERSAL=1 UNIVERSAL_ARCH=${arch} UNIVERSAL_SDK_PATH='$ENV{SDKROOT}'";
+            }
+            do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus clang-only VERBOSE=1 $llvm_config_href->{make_options} NO_RUNTIME_LIBS=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm' $extra_make_flags", "making llvm and clang", 1);			
+            do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus tools-only VERBOSE=1 $llvm_config_href->{make_options} NO_RUNTIME_LIBS=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm' $extra_make_flags EDIS_VERSION=1", "making libedis", 1);			
 			# Combine all .o files from a bunch of static libraries from llvm
 			# and clang into a single .a file.
 			create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot_arch, 1);
-		-f "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive" and push @llvm_clang_slices, "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive";
-    # Combine all skinny slices of the LLVM/Clang combined archive
-    create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
-sub create_dstroot_file
-	my $file = shift;
-	my $dir = shift;
-	my $fullpath = "$dir/$file";	# The path to the file to create
-	my $slice_aref = shift; # Array containing one or more skinny files that will be combined into $fullpath
-	my $what = shift;		# Text describing the $fullpath
-    print "create_dstroot_file file = '$file', dir = '$dir', slices = (" . join (', ', @$slice_aref) . ") for what = '$what'\n";
-	if (-d $dir)
-	{
-		if (@$slice_aref > 0)
-		{
-			print "Creating and installing $what into '$fullpath'...\n";
-			my $lipo_command = "lipo -output '$fullpath' -create";
-			foreach (@$slice_aref) { $lipo_command .= " '$_'"; }
-			do_command ($lipo_command, "creating $what universal output file", 1);
-		}
-		if (!-e $fullpath)
-		{
-			# die "error: '$fullpath' is missing\n";
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		die "error: directory '$dir' doesn't exist to receive file '$file'\n";
-	}
 # quote the path if needed and realpath it if the -r option was 
 # specified