Fix all the test case breakages caused by folks writing tests all over the place that depended explicitly 
on the output of "break set".  Please don't do this sort of thing!!!!!

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 5dee35d..b04485f 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -258,6 +258,193 @@
 # ==================================================
+# Utility functions for setting breakpoints
+# ==================================================
+def run_break_set_by_file_and_line (test, file_name, line_number, extra_options = None, num_expected_locations = 1, loc_exact=False, module_name=None):
+    """Set a breakpoint by file and line, returning the breakpoint number. 
+    If extra_options is not None, then we append it to the breakpoint set command.
+    If num_expected_locations is -1 we check that we got AT LEAST one location, otherwise we check that num_expected_locations equals the number of locations.
+    If loc_exact is true, we check that there is one location, and that location must be at the input file and line number."""
+    if file_name == None:
+        command = 'breakpoint set -l %d'%(line_number)
+    else:
+        command = 'breakpoint set -f "%s" -l %d'%(file_name, line_number)
+    if extra_options:
+        command += " " + extra_options
+    break_results = run_break_set_command (test, command)
+    if num_expected_locations == 1 and loc_exact:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations, file_name = file_name, line_number = line_number, module_name=module_name)
+    else:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations = num_expected_locations)
+    return get_bpno_from_match (break_results)
+def run_break_set_by_symbol (test, symbol, extra_options = None, num_expected_locations = -1, sym_exact = False, module_name=None):
+    """Set a breakpoint by symbol name.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line.
+    If sym_exact is true, then the output symbol must match the input exactly, otherwise we do a substring match."""
+    command = 'breakpoint set -n "%s"'%(symbol)
+    if extra_options:
+        command += " " + extra_options
+    break_results = run_break_set_command (test, command)
+    if num_expected_locations == 1 and sym_exact:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations = num_expected_locations, symbol_name = symbol, module_name=module_name)
+    else:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations = num_expected_locations)
+    return get_bpno_from_match (break_results)
+def run_break_set_by_selector (test, selector, extra_options = None, num_expected_locations = -1, module_name=None):
+    """Set a breakpoint by selector.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
+    command = 'breakpoint set -S "%s"'%(selector)
+    if extra_options:
+        command += " " + extra_options
+    break_results = run_break_set_command (test, command)
+    if num_expected_locations == 1:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations = num_expected_locations, symbol_name = selector, symbol_match_exact=False, module_name=module_name)
+    else:
+        check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations = num_expected_locations)
+    return get_bpno_from_match (break_results)
+def run_break_set_by_regexp (test, regexp, extra_options=None, num_expected_locations=-1):
+    """Set a breakpoint by regular expression match on symbol name.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
+    command = 'breakpoint set -r "%s"'%(regexp)
+    if extra_options:
+        command += " " + extra_options
+    break_results = run_break_set_command (test, command)
+    check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+    return get_bpno_from_match (break_results)
+def run_break_set_by_source_regexp (test, regexp, extra_options=None, num_expected_locations=-1):
+    """Set a breakpoint by source regular expression.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
+    command = 'breakpoint set -p "%s"'%(regexp)
+    if extra_options:
+        command += " " + extra_options
+    break_results = run_break_set_command (test, command)
+    check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+    return get_bpno_from_match (break_results)
+def run_break_set_command (test, command):
+    """Run the command passed in - it must be some break set variant - and analyze the result.  
+    Returns a dictionary of information gleaned from the command-line results.
+    Will assert if the breakpoint setting fails altogether.
+    Dictionary will contain:
+        bpno          - breakpoint of the newly created breakpoint, -1 on error.
+        num_locations - number of locations set for the breakpoint.
+    If there is only one location, the dictionary MAY contain:
+        file          - source file name
+        line_no       - source line number
+        symbol        - symbol name
+        inline_symbol - inlined symbol name
+        offset        - offset from the original symbol
+        module        - module
+        address       - address at which the breakpoint was set."""
+    patterns = [r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): (?P<num_locations>[0-9]+) locations\.$",
+                r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): (?P<num_locations>no) locations \(pending\)\.",
+                r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): where = (?P<module>.*)`(?P<symbol>[+\-]{0,1}[^+]+)( \+ (?P<offset>[0-9]+)){0,1}( \[inlined\] (?P<inline_symbol>.*)){0,1} at (?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line_no>[0-9]+), address = (?P<address>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$",
+                r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): where = (?P<module>.*)`(?P<symbol>.*)( \+ (?P<offset>[0-9]+)){0,1}, address = (?P<address>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$"]
+    match_object = test.match (command, patterns)
+    break_results = match_object.groupdict()
+    print "Break results: ", break_results
+    # We always insert the breakpoint number, setting it to -1 if we couldn't find it
+    # Also, make sure it gets stored as an integer.
+    if not 'bpno' in break_results:
+        break_results['bpno'] = -1
+    else:
+        break_results['bpno'] = int(break_results['bpno'])
+    # We always insert the number of locations
+    # If ONE location is set for the breakpoint, then the output doesn't mention locations, but it has to be 1...
+    # We also make sure it is an integer.
+    if not 'num_locations' in break_results:
+        num_locations = 1
+    else:
+        num_locations = break_results['num_locations']
+        if num_locations == 'no':
+            num_locations = 0
+        else:
+            num_locations = int(break_results['num_locations'])
+    break_results['num_locations'] = num_locations
+    if 'line_no' in break_results:
+        break_results['line_no'] = int(break_results['line_no'])
+    return break_results
+def get_bpno_from_match (break_results):
+    return int (break_results['bpno'])
+def check_breakpoint_result (test, break_results, file_name=None, line_number=-1, symbol_name=None, symbol_match_exact=True, module_name=None, offset=-1, num_locations=-1):
+    out_num_locations = break_results['num_locations']
+    print "Num locations: ", num_locations, " and out num locations: ", out_num_locations
+    if num_locations == -1:
+        test.assertTrue (out_num_locations > 0, "Expecting one or more locations, got none.")
+    else:
+        test.assertTrue (num_locations == out_num_locations, "Expecting %d locations, got %d."%(num_locations, out_num_locations))
+    if file_name:
+        out_file_name = ""
+        if 'file' in break_results:
+            out_file_name = break_results['file']
+        test.assertTrue (file_name == out_file_name, "Breakpoint file name '%s' doesn't match resultant name '%s'."%(file_name, out_file_name))
+    if line_number != -1:
+        out_file_line = -1
+        if 'line_no' in break_results:
+            out_line_number = break_results['line_no']
+        test.assertTrue (line_number == out_line_number, "Breakpoint line number %s doesn't match resultant line %s."%(line_number, out_line_number))
+    if symbol_name:
+        out_symbol_name = ""
+        # Look first for the inlined symbol name, otherwise use the symbol name:
+        if 'inline_symbol' in break_results and break_results['inline_symbol']:
+            out_symbol_name = break_results['inline_symbol']
+        elif 'symbol' in break_results:
+            out_symbol_name = break_results['symbol']
+        if symbol_match_exact:
+            test.assertTrue(symbol_name == out_symbol_name, "Symbol name '%s' doesn't match resultant symbol '%s'."%(symbol_name, out_symbol_name))
+        else:
+            test.assertTrue(out_symbol_name.find(symbol_name) != -1, "Symbol name '%s' isn't in resultant symbol '%s'."%(symbol_name, out_symbol_name))
+    if module_name:
+        out_nodule_name = None
+        if 'module' in break_results:
+            out_module_name = break_results['module']
+        test.assertTrue (module_name.find(out_module_name) != -1, "Symbol module name '%s' isn't in expected module name '%s'."%(out_module_name, module_name))
+# ==================================================
 # Utility functions related to Threads and Processes
 # ==================================================