Add a new option to the test driver, -N dsym or -N dwarf, in order to exclude tests decorated with
either @dsym_test or @dwarf_test to be executed during the testsuite run.  There are still lots of
Test*.py files which have not been decorated with the new decorator.

An example:

# From ->
class HelloWatchpointTestCase(TestBase):

    mydir = os.path.join("functionalities", "watchpoint", "hello_watchpoint")

    def test_hello_watchpoint_with_dsym_using_watchpoint_set(self):
        """Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit."""

    def test_hello_watchpoint_with_dwarf_using_watchpoint_set(self):
        """Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit."""

# Invocation ->
[17:50:14] johnny:/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test $ ./ -N dsym -v -p
LLDB build dir: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/build/Debug
Path: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Revision: 154133
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gclayton
Last Changed Rev: 154109
Last Changed Date: 2012-04-05 10:43:02 -0700 (Thu, 05 Apr 2012)

Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes will go into directory '2012-04-05-17_50_49'
Command invoked: python ./ -N dsym -v -p

Configuration: arch=x86_64 compiler=clang
Collected 2 tests

1: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dsym_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
   Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit. ... skipped 'dsym tests'
2: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dwarf_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
   Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit. ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 1.138s

OK (skipped=1)
Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes can be found in directory '2012-04-05-17_50_49'
[17:50:50] johnny:/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test $ 

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index d9d508e..4a2e1bf 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@
 # By default, benchmarks tests are not run.
 just_do_benchmarks_test = False
+# By default, both dsym and dwarf tests are performed.
+# Use @dsym_test or @dwarf_test decorators, defined in, to mark a test
+# as a dsym or dwarf test.  Use '-N dsym' or '-N dwarf' to exclude dsym or dwarf
+# tests from running.
+dont_do_dsym_test = False
+dont_do_dwarf_test = False
 # The blacklist is optional (-b blacklistFile) and allows a central place to skip
 # testclass's and/or testclass.testmethod's.
 blacklist = None
@@ -199,6 +206,8 @@
        inferior programs to be debugged
        suggestions: do not lump the -A arch1^arch2 together such that the -E
        option applies to only one of the architectures
+-N   : don't do test cases marked with the @dsym decorator by passing 'dsym' as the option arg, or
+       don't do test cases marked with the @dwarf decorator by passing 'dwarf' as the option arg
 -a   : don't do lldb Python API tests
        use @python_api_test to decorate a test case as lldb Python API test
 +a   : just do lldb Python API tests
@@ -353,6 +362,8 @@
     global dont_do_python_api_test
     global just_do_python_api_test
     global just_do_benchmarks_test
+    global dont_do_dsym_test
+    global dont_do_dwarf_test
     global blacklist
     global blacklistConfig
     global configFile
@@ -423,6 +434,21 @@
             cflags_extras = sys.argv[index]
             os.environ["CFLAGS_EXTRAS"] = cflags_extras
             index += 1
+        elif sys.argv[index].startswith('-N'):
+            # Increment by 1 to fetch 'dsym' or 'dwarf'.
+            index += 1
+            if index >= len(sys.argv) or sys.argv[index].startswith('-'):
+                usage()
+            dont_do = sys.argv[index]
+            if dont_do.lower() == 'dsym':
+                dont_do_dsym_test = True
+            elif dont_do.lower() == 'dwarf':
+                dont_do_dwarf_test = True
+            else:
+                print "!!!"
+                print "Warning: -N only accepts either 'dsym' or 'dwarf' as the option arg; you passed in '%s'?" % dont_do
+                print "!!!"
+            index += 1
         elif sys.argv[index].startswith('-a'):
             dont_do_python_api_test = True
             index += 1
@@ -995,10 +1021,12 @@
 # Put the blacklist in the lldb namespace, to be used by lldb.TestBase.
 lldb.blacklist = blacklist
-# Put dont/just_do_python_api_test in the lldb namespace.
+# Put all these test decorators in the lldb namespace.
 lldb.dont_do_python_api_test = dont_do_python_api_test
 lldb.just_do_python_api_test = just_do_python_api_test
 lldb.just_do_benchmarks_test = just_do_benchmarks_test
+lldb.dont_do_dsym_test = dont_do_dsym_test
+lldb.dont_do_dwarf_test = dont_do_dwarf_test
 # Do we need to skip build and cleanup?
 lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup = skip_build_and_cleanup