Add support for building LLDB on Linux host.

This change adds support for building LLDB with the following
build command from the top level:


There are known issues with the google linux host gcc 4.6.2+ variant
currently used to build host executables.  A follow up change will
apply a temporary work-around that will be used until either the
compiler is fixed or a new compiler is used.

Change-Id: I18451f73cbe2264074cd8fba6397680855352a93
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fec7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Don't build the library unless forced to.
+ifeq (true,$(ANDROID_BUILD_LLDB))
+# Don't build the library in unbundled branches.
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+LOCAL_MODULE:= liblldb
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+	liblldbInitAndLog \
+	liblldbAPI \
+	liblldbBreakpoint \
+	liblldbCommands \
+	liblldbCore \
+	liblldbDataFormatters \
+	liblldbExpression \
+	liblldbHostCommon \
+	liblldbHostLinux \
+	liblldbInterpreter \
+	liblldbPluginABIMacOSX_arm \
+	liblldbPluginABIMacOSX_i386 \
+	liblldbPluginABISysV_x86_64 \
+	liblldbPluginDisassemblerLLVM \
+	liblldbPluginDynamicLoaderMacOSX \
+	liblldbPluginDynamicLoaderPOSIX \
+	liblldbPluginDynamicLoaderStatic \
+	liblldbPluginEmulateInstructionARM \
+	liblldbPluginLanguageRuntimeCPlusPlusItaniumABI \
+	liblldbPluginLanguageRuntimeObjCAppleObjCRuntime \
+	liblldbPluginObjectContainerBSDArchive \
+	liblldbPluginObjectFileELF \
+	liblldbPluginObjectFilePECOFF \
+	liblldbPluginOperatingSystemPython \
+	liblldbPluginPlatformFreeBSD \
+	liblldbPluginPlatformGDBServer \
+	liblldbPluginPlatformLinux \
+	liblldbPluginPlatformMacOSX \
+	liblldbPluginProcessElfCore \
+	liblldbPluginProcessGDBRemote \
+	liblldbPluginProcessLinux \
+	liblldbPluginProcessPOSIX \
+	liblldbPluginSymbolFileDWARF \
+	liblldbPluginSymbolFileSymtab \
+	liblldbPluginSymbolVendorELF \
+	liblldbPluginUnwindAssemblyInstEmulation \
+	liblldbPluginUnwindAssemblyx86 \
+	liblldbPluginUtility \
+	liblldbSymbol \
+	liblldbTarget \
+	liblldbUtility
+	libLLVM \
+	libclang
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
+  LOCAL_LDLIBS := -limagehlp -lpsapi
+	-ldl \
+	-lm \
+	-lpthread \
+	-lrt \
+	-lutil \
+	-lz
+PYTHON_BASE_PATH := prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5
+LOCAL_LDLIBS += $(PYTHON_BASE_PATH)/lib/libpython2.7.a
+include $(LLDB_BUILD_MK)
+endif # don't build in unbundled branches
+endif # don't build unless forced to