runltp, set user-defined tmp directory correctly: I'd like to submit this patch to fix the functionality to set user-defined tmp directories for LTP runs. This undos the hardcoded TMPDIR from version 1.33 which added some special case handling of the passed in directory string, but broke the general case with what looks like debug code. Patch is against 1.45 version iof runltp (head). Signed-off-by: Henry Yei <>.
diff --git a/runltp b/runltp
index ce7c35a..c26f4ab 100755
--- a/runltp
+++ b/runltp
@@ -463,9 +463,9 @@
         exit 1
     export TMP
-    # To be evoked by tst_tmpdir()
-    #  write to it as user nobody
-    export TMPDIR="/tmp" 
+    # To be invoked by tst_tmpdir()
+    # write to it as user nobody
+    export TMPDIR=$TMP
     chmod 777 $TMP || \