utility to create rootfs to fit on a floppy this filesystem contains busybox based Linux commands and a basic shell. use this floppy to boot the machine.
diff --git a/tools/mkrootfs/mkrootfs b/tools/mkrootfs/mkrootfs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d3d3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mkrootfs/mkrootfs
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+##                                                                            ##
+## Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001                 ##
+##                                                                            ##
+## This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and#or modify      ##
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       ##
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          ##
+## (at your option) any later version.                                        ##
+##                                                                            ##
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but        ##
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ##
+## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License   ##
+## for more details.                                                          ##
+##                                                                            ##
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          ##
+## along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software		          ##
+## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA    ##
+##									                                          ##
+# File:        mkrootfs
+# Description: script to create rootfs that will fit on a floppy. This 
+#              filesystem contains a staticly linked busybox that provides
+#              basic commands and a shell.
+# Author:      Manoj Iyer - manjo@mail.utexas.edu
+# History:     June 17 2003 - Created.
+TWDIR=/tmp/mkrootfs.$$ # temporary working directory 
+    echo "INFO: Cleaning and exiting program"
+    mount | grep "$TWDIR/mnt" 2>&1 >/dev/null && \
+    {
+        echo "INFO: unmounting $TWDIR/mnt"
+        umount $TWDIR/mnt 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
+        {
+            echo "WARNING: failed unmounting temporary device."
+            echo "WARNING: clean up temporary devices manually"
+        }
+     }
+    rm -fr $TWDIR 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
+    {
+        echo "WARNING: failed to remove temporary working directory"
+        echo "WARNING: clean up temporary files and directories manually"
+    }
+    [ -a ./busybox-0.60.5.tar.gz ] && \
+    {
+        rm ./busybox-0.60.5.tar.gz 2>&1 >/dev/null || \
+        {
+            echo "WARNING: unable to remove busybox tarball"
+            echo "WARNING: clean up temporary files and directories manually"
+        }
+    }
+    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [-b] -c -d <HDDTYPE> -f <fSTYPE> -h"
+    echo " "
+    echo " "
+    echo " -b            location of the staticly linked busybox binary."
+    echo "               (if you dont provide one, this script will build one)"
+    echo " -c            creates rootfs on floppy."
+    echo "               (if this option is not provided rootfs.gz will be "
+    echo "                created in the current working directory.)"
+    echo " -d <HDDTYPE>  options available are scsi or ide"
+    echo " -f <FSTYPE>   options available are ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs"
+    echo " -h            help"
+    echo " "
+    echo "Example: `basename $0` -b /tmp/busybox-dir/ -c -d ide -f ext2"
+    exit 0
+    echo "This program will create a root file system with busybox commads."
+    echo "Follow these steps to boot your machine with this file system"
+    echo "1. create a boot floppy."
+    echo "   - dd if=<path>/bzImage of=/dev/fd0h1440 bs=1k"
+    echo "2. create a root floppy "
+    echo "   - using this program eg: $0 -c -d scsi -f ext2 "
+    echo "3. boot machine with kernel in boot floppy"
+    echo "   - provide boot options root=/dev/fd0h1440 (floppy device)"
+    echo "4. insert root floppy when prompted by the kernel."
+    echo " "
+    echo " "
+    usage
+    local SYS_DIR=" "                 # names of various system directory
+    local SYS_DEV=" "                 # names of various system devices
+    local RC=0                        # return value from commands.
+    local FORCEREI=" "                # force mkfs.reiserfs to be quite
+    local CREATEFD=0                  # flag to create floppy or just image
+    local FSTYPE=ext2                 # file system type default is ext2
+    local HDDTYPE=ide                 # HDD type SCSI or IDE default: ide
+    local BBLOC="NONE"                # location of static busybox binary.
+    # parse input arguments
+    while getopts b:cd:f:h arg
+    do case $arg in 
+        b) BBLOC=$OPTARG;;
+        c) CREATEFD=1;;
+        d) HDDTYPE=$OPTARG;;
+        f) FSTYPE=$OPTARG;;
+        h) help;;
+        \?) usage;;
+       esac
+    done       
+    # on exit clean up all temporary files and directories.
+    trap "clean" 0
+    # create temporary working directory 
+    mkdir -p $TWDIR  2>&1 || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating temporary working directory"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # make block or character special files called ramdisk_fs
+    mknod $TWDIR/ramdisk_fs b 1 0 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating block file $TWDIR/ramdisk_fs"
+        echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    # create a file system of required size, zeroing is important because
+    # the filesystem will be compressed before its put on a floppy, zeroing
+    # achives maximum compression. Creating a block file of size 8K.
+    dd if=/dev/zero of=$TWDIR/ramdisk_fs bs=1k count=8 \
+        2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: unable create filesystem of 8K size"
+        echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # create the filesystem, EXT2 file system will be default.
+    if [ $FSTYPE == "ext2" ]; then
+        mke2fs -v -m 0 -N 2000 $TWDIR/ramdisk_fs 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: unable to create EXT2 filesystem on block file."
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        } 
+    else 
+        [ "$FSTYPE" == "reiserfs" ] && \
+        { 
+            FORCEREI="-f -f";
+        }
+        mkfs.$FSTYPE $FORCEREI $TWDIR/ramdisk_fs 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: unable to create $FSTYPE filesystem on block file."
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    fi
+    # mount this filesystem so that it can be populated with system files and
+    # commands.
+    # create a temporary mount directory.
+    mkdir -p $TWDIR/mnt 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating temporary mount directory"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    mount -o loop $TWDIR/ramdisk_fs $TWDIR/mnt 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: unable to mount block file TWDIR/ramdisk_fs on $TWDIR/mnt"
+        echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # remove lost+found directory from the rootfs file system, this is not
+    # required.
+    rm -fr $TWDIR/mnt/lost+found 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "WARNING: unable to remove lost+found from $TWDIR/mnt/ directory"
+        echo "WARNING: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+    }
+    # create system directories.
+    for SYS_DIR in bin boot dev etc etc/init.d etc/rc.d lib mnt opt proc \
+                   root sbin tmp usr usr/bin usr/sbin usr/lib usr/share \
+                   var var/lock var/log var/run var/lib/rpm
+    do
+        mkdir -p $TWDIR/mnt/$SYS_DIR 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating $SYS_DIR"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    done
+    # initialize RPM database, just in case any RPMs will be installed to this
+    # root filesystem.
+    rpm --initdb --root=$TWDIR/mnt 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "WARNING: initializing RPM database."
+        echo "WARNING: cat `$TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+    }
+    # setting up the /etc directory, the three main files that will 
+    # be created are fstab, rc.sysinit and inittab.
+    # create the inittab file.
+    cat > $TWDIR/mnt/etc/inittab <<-EOF || RC=$?
+    ::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
+    ::askfirst:/bin/sh
+    [ $RC -ne 0 ] && \
+    {  
+        echo "FAILED: creating inittab file"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # changing perissions if inittab file to 644
+    chmod 644 $TWDIR/mnt/etc/inittab 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: changing permissions of $TWDIR/mnt/etc/inittab"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # create a /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file.
+    cat > $TWDIR/mnt/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit <<-EOF || RC=$?
+    #!/bin/sh
+    mount -a -n
+    [ $RC -ne 0 ] && \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating rc.sysinit file"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # changing perissions of rc.sysinit file to 755
+    chmod 755 $TWDIR/mnt/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: changing permissions of $TWDIR/mnt/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # creating etc/fstab file.
+    cat > $TWDIR/mnt/etc/fstab <<-EOF || RC=$?
+    /dev/ram0 / ext2 defaults 0 0
+    dev/fd0   / ext2    defaults 0 0
+    /proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
+    none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
+    [ $RC -ne 0 ] && \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating etc/fstab file"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # changing perissions of rc.sysinit file to 644
+    chmod 644 $TWDIR/mnt/etc/fstab 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: changing permissions of $TWDIR/mnt/etc/fstab"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # setting up /dev directory. Assuming that this script is 
+    # executed on a linux system, contents of /dev directory of the 
+    # host system will simply be copied to the rootfs file. Alternatively 
+    # the mknod command may be used to create 
+    # each device file. But the former is quick and easy.
+    # set up floppy drives. /dev/null and /dev/console
+    for SYS_DEV in /dev/fd[01]* /dev/null /dev/console /dev/zero
+    do
+        cp -dpR $SYS_DEV $TWDIR/mnt/dev 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating $SYS_DEV on $TWDIR/mnt/dev"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    done
+    # set up scsi or ide devices.
+    if [ "$HDDTYPE" == "scsi" ] || [ "$HDDTYPE" == "SCSI" ] 
+    then
+        # set up SCSI cdrom drives.
+        cp -dpR /dev/sr0 $TWDIR/mnt/dev 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating SCSI cdrom device on $TWDIR/mnt/dev"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        # set up SCSI hard drives.
+        cp -dpR /dev/sd* $TWDIR/mnt/dev 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating SCSI cdrom device on $TWDIR/mnt/dev"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    elif [ "$HDDTYPE" == "ide" ] || [ "$HDDTYPE" == "IDE" ] ; then
+        # set up IDE cdrom drive.
+        cp -dpR /dev/cdrom    $TWDIR/mnt/dev 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating SCSI cdrom device on $TWDIR/mnt/dev"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        # set up IDE hard drives.
+        cp -dpR /dev/hd* $TWDIR/mnt/dev 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: creating SCSI cdrom device on $TWDIR/mnt/dev"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    else
+        echo "FAILED: unknown hardware type:"
+        usage
+    fi
+    # setting up busybox. 
+    if [ "$BBLOC" == "NONE" ]
+    then
+        echo "ÏNFO: downloading busybox from www.busybox.net"
+        wget -q -c http://www.busybox.net/downloads/busybox-0.60.5.tar.gz \
+            2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: fetching busybox from www.busybox.net"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        tar zxf ./busybox-0.60.5.tar.gz 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: uncompressing busybox tar ball"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        mv ./busybox-0.60.5 $TWDIR/ 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: moving busybox dir  to temporary working dir"
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        echo "INFO: Compiling static busybox... this will take few minutes"
+        make -C $TWDIR/busybox-0.60.5 clean 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: compiling static busybox."
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        make -C $TWDIR/busybox-0.60.5 DOSTATIC=true 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: compiling static busybox."
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        cp $TWDIR/busybox-0.60.5/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/bin/ 2>&1 \
+            >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: copying busybox binary to $TWDIR/mnt/bin/"
+            exit 1
+        }
+    elif [ -z $BBLOC ]; then
+        echo "FAILED: bad path for static busybox"
+        usage
+    else
+        cp $BBLOC/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/bin/ 2>&1 \
+           >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {   
+            echo "FAILED: copying busybox binary to $TWDIR/mnt/bin/"
+            exit 1
+        }   
+    fi
+    echo "INFO: installing busybox"
+    # set up / directory
+    ln -f $TWDIR/mnt/bin/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/linuxrc 2>&1 \
+         >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+         echo "FAILED: linking busybox to linuxrc"
+         exit 1
+    }
+    # set up /usr/sbin directory
+     ln -f $TWDIR/mnt/bin/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/usr/sbin/chroot 2>&1 \
+         >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+     {
+         echo "FAILED: linking busybox to chroot"
+         exit 1
+     }
+     # set up /bin directory
+     for SYS_CMD in ash chmod dd false kill mknod pidof rmdir sync umount \
+                     chown df grep ln more ps sed tar uname cat cp dmesg  \
+                     gunzip ls mount pwd sh touch zcat chgrp date echo gzip \
+                     mkdir mv rm sleep true
+     do
+         ln -f $TWDIR/mnt/bin/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/bin/$SYS_CMD 2>&1 \
+             >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+         {
+             echo "FAILED: linking busybox to $SYS_CMD"
+             echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+             exit 1
+         }
+     done
+     # set up /sbin directory
+     for SYS_CMD in halt  klogd  mkswap    poweroff  swapoff  syslogd \
+                    init  lsmod  modprobe  reboot    swapon
+     do
+         ln -f $TWDIR/mnt/bin/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/sbin/$SYS_CMD 2>&1 \
+             >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+         {
+             echo "FAILED: linking busybox to $SYS_CMD"
+             echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+             exit 1
+         }
+     done
+     # set up /usr/bin directory
+     for SYS_CMD in clear   du    free      killall  sort \
+                    tty   wc      xargs basename  cut      env   head \
+                    logger tail  uniq    which   yes chvt  dirname \
+                    find  id    reset    test  uptime  whoami
+     do
+         ln -f $TWDIR/mnt/bin/busybox $TWDIR/mnt/usr/bin/$SYS_CMD 2>&1 \
+             >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+         {
+             echo "FAILED: linking busybox to $SYS_CMD"
+             echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+             exit 1
+         }
+     done
+    # sync'ing changes to disk.
+    sync; sync; sync; sync; sync; sync;
+    echo "INFO: creating compressed file system"
+    # creating compressed file system.
+    dd if=$TWDIR/ramdisk_fs bs=1k | gzip -v9 > $TWDIR/rootfs.gz || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED: creating compressed file system."
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # create a copy of the rootfs.gz on PWD. 
+    cp $TWDIR/rootfs.gz ./ 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+    {
+        echo "FAILED:  coping rootfs.gz from temp directory to $PWD"
+        echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    if [ $CREATEFD -ne 0 ]
+    then
+        # creating filesystem on floppy 
+        if [ $FSTYPE == "ext2" ]; then
+            mke2fs -v -m 0 -N 24 /dev/fd0h1440 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+            {
+                echo "FAILED: unable to create EXT2 filesystem on floppy"
+                echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+                echo "INFO: mke2fs -m 0 -N 24 /dev/fd0h1440"
+                echo "INFO: and dd rootfs.gz to this floppy"
+                exit 1
+            } 
+        else 
+            [ "$FSTYPE" == "reiserfs" ] && \
+            { 
+                FORCEREI="-f -f";
+            }
+            mkfs.$FSTYPE $FORCEREI /dev/fd0h1440 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+            {
+                echo "FAILED: unable to create $FSTYPE on floppy"
+                echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+                echo "INFO: mke2fs -m 0 -N 24 /dev/fd0h1440"
+                echo "INFO: and dd rootfs.gz to this floppy"
+                exit 1
+            }
+        fi
+        sync; sync; sync; sync 
+        # dd the rootfs on to floppy, if the rootfs.gz is greater than 
+        # dd will fail so no pre-check is done on size of rootfs.gz
+        dd if=$TWDIR/rootfs.gz of=/dev/fd0h1440 bs=1k 2>&1 >$TWDIR/crfs.out || \
+        {
+            echo "FAILED: dd'ing the rootfs.gz onto floppy."
+            echo "FAILED: `cat $TWDIR/crfs.out`"
+            echo "INFO: please try it manually" 
+            echo "INFO: dd if=./rootfs.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k"
+            exit 1
+        }
+        exit 0
+    else
+            echo "INFO: create floppy manually"
+            echo "INFO: rootfs.gz in in $PWD directory"
+            echo "INFO: dd if=./rootfs.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k"
+            exit 0
+    fi
+main "$@"