blob: ed41a10793a3fdb0211b02104ccab478c02e2fac [file] [log] [blame]
Overall:(2 cases)
- Test method
* Preparation
+ Disable mcelog cron job
* Add cases/soft-inj/panic_ucr/ into configuration file, and invoke
a test driver on it.
- Common
* Test script of test cases in this file can be found in
1. ucna
- Objective:
* Test severity comparison logic of MCE handler
* Test logic of uncorrected with POLL
- Code path tested:
* machine_check_poll() except
if (!(flags & MCP_UC) &&
(m.status & (mce_ser ? MCI_STATUS_S : MCI_STATUS_UC))
* mce_log()
- Reference:
* Inject data file: cases/soft-inj/poll_ucr/data/ucna
- Expected result:
* MCE records collected via kernel panic log is same as reference ones.
* No warning or bug during kernel processing.
2. ucna_over
- Objective:
* Test severity comparison logic of MCE handler
* Test logic of uncorrected with POLL
- Code path tested:
* machine_check_poll() except
if (!(flags & MCP_UC) &&
(m.status & (mce_ser ? MCI_STATUS_S : MCI_STATUS_UC))
* mce_log()
- Reference:
* Inject data file: cases/soft-inj/poll_ucr/data/ucna_over
- Expected result:
* MCE records collected via kernel panic log is same as reference ones.
* No warning or bug during kernel processing.