blob: c625b2dc860149c7f4cbc3d02d5432b1b543f457 [file] [log] [blame]
KVM RAS Test Suite
The KVM RAS Test Suite is a collection of test scripts for testing the
Linux kernel MCE processing features in KVM guest system.
Jan 26th, 2010
Jiajia Zheng
In the Package
Here is a short description of what is included in the package
Contains host test scripts, which drive test procedure on host system.
Contains guest test scripts, which drive test procedure on guest system.
KVM RAS Test Suite has following dependencies on kernel and other tools:
* Linux Kernel:
Version 2.6.32 or newer, with MCA high level handlers enabled.
* page-types:
A tool to query page types, which is accompanied with Linux kernel
source (2.6.32 or newer, $KERNEL_SRC/Documentation/vm/page-types.c).
* simple_process:
A process constantly access the allocated memeory. (../tools/simple_process)
1. Build host kernel with
2. Create a testing dirctory on host system and put the host test scripts
and test tool (page-types) into it.
By default, the testing directory is /test.
3. Use ssh-keygen to generate public and privite keys, and copy them into the
testing directory on host system.
4. Mount guest image
5. Create a testing dirctory on guest system and copy guest test script and
tools (page-types, simple_process) into it.
By default, the testing directory is /test.
6. Use qemu to start guest system, install page-types and simple_process on
guest system.
gcc -o page-types page-types.c
cd simple_process
Start Testing
Run testing by
./ <option> <argument>
You can get the help information by
./ -h