blob: 8d6775ac057eed82d41b498f8f378bd3ca2ed029 [file] [log] [blame]
# Run mce test cases in a loop. It exists on failure of any one of the test cases.
# This script is using simple test driver.
# Authors: Dean Nelson <>
# Zheng Jiajia <>
# This file is released under the GPLv2.
# Usage:
#Run as root and invoke this test tool on test configure file.
#For example, ./loop-mce-test simple_ser.conf
#Note that only simple test configure file is used and full path is not needed here.
sd=$(dirname "$0")
export ROOT=`(cd $sd/..; pwd)`
prog=$(basename "$0")
echo "$prog <config>"
exit 1
. $ROOT/lib/
[ $# -eq 1 ] || usage
config=$(basename "$1")
[ -f $ROOT/config/$config ] || usage
while true ; do
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loop $i"
rm $ROOT/results/simple/result
sh $ROOT/drivers/simple/ $ROOT/config/$1
sed -e'/gcov/d' $ROOT/results/simple/result | grep "Fail" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
echo "failed on loop $i"
exit 1