Moved testscript here where it should be
diff --git a/testscripts/ b/testscripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44166db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testscripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# This script should be run after installing the libaio RPM or libraries
+# A valid large file should be passed to the test.
+# These tests will only run correctly if the kernel and libaio has been compiled
+# with at least a 3.3.X GCC. Older versions of the compiler will seg fault.
+# 02/08/04 
+cd `dirname $0`
+export LTPROOT=${PWD}
+echo $LTPROOT | grep testscripts > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ cd ..
+ export LTPROOT=${PWD}
+export TMPBASE="/tmp"
+	cat <<-END >&2
+	usage: ${0##*/} [ -f large_filename -b partition] [-e 1] [-t 1] [-j 1] [-x 1] or [-a 1]
+	defaults:
+	file1=$file1
+	part1=$part1
+        ext2=0
+        ext3=0
+        jfs=0
+        xfs=0
+	example: ${0##*/} -f MyLargeFile -b /dev/hdc1 [-a 1] or [-e 1] [-x 1] [-j 1] [-s 1]
+        -e = test ex2 filesystem.
+        -t = test ext3 filesystem
+        -j = test JFS filesystem
+        -x = test XFS filesystem
+                    or
+        -a = test all supported filesystems, this will override any other filesystem flags passed.
+        - a 1 turns on the test for the above supported filesystem, just omit passing the flag to skip that filesystem.
+        - A Large file should be passed to fully stress the test. You must pass at least one filesystem to test, you can pass any combination
+          but there is not a default filesystem. ReiserFS does not support AIO so these tests will not support ReiserFS.
+        - WARNING !! The partition you pass will be overwritten. This is a destructive test so only pass a partition where data can be destroyed.
+while getopts :a:b:e:f:t:x:j: arg
+do      case $arg in
+		f)	file1=$OPTARG;;
+		b)	part1=$OPTARG;;
+		e)	ext2=$OPTARG;;
+		t)	ext3=$OPTARG;;
+		x)	xfs=$OPTARG;;
+		j)	jfs=$OPTARG;;
+		a)	allfs=$OPTARG;;
+                \?)     echo "************** Help Info: ********************"
+                        usage;;
+        esac
+if [ ! -n "$file1"  ]; then
+  echo "Missing the large file. You must pass a large filename for testing"
+  usage;
+  exit
+if [ ! -n "$part1"  ]; then
+  echo "Missing the partition. You must pass a partition for testing"
+  usage;
+  exit
+if [ -n "$allfs"  ]; then
+  echo "testing ALL supported filesystems"
+  ext2="1"
+  ext3="1"
+  jfs="1"
+  xfs="1"
+  echo "test run = $run0"
+if [ -n "$ext2"  ]; then
+  echo "** testing ext2 **"
+  run0=$(($run0+1))
+if [ -n "$ext3"  ]; then
+  echo "** testing ext3 **"
+  run0=$(($run0+1))
+if [ -n "$xfs"  ]; then
+  echo "** testing xfs **"
+  run0=$(($run0+1))
+if [ -n "$jfs"  ]; then
+  echo "** testing jfs **"
+  run0=$(($run0+1))
+if [ "$run0" -eq 0 ]; then
+  echo "No filesystems passed to test"
+  echo "Please pass at least one supported filesystem or the -a 1 flag to run all "
+mkdir /test  2&>1 > /dev/nul
+mkdir /test/aiodio  2&>1 > /dev/nul 
+while [ "$runTest" -lt "$run0" ]
+echo "runTest=$runTest run0=$run0 nextTest=$nextTest"
+if [ -n "$ext2" -a $nextTest -eq 0 ]; then
+  echo "***************************"
+  echo "* Testing ext2 filesystem *" 
+  echo "***************************"
+  mkfs -t ext2 $part1
+  mount -t ext2 $part1 /test/aiodio
+elif [ $nextTest -eq 0 ]; then
+  nextTest=$(($nextTest+1))
+if [ -n "$ext3" -a $nextTest -eq 1 ]; then
+  echo "***************************"
+  echo "* Testing ext3 filesystem *"
+  echo "***************************"
+  mkfs -t ext3 $part1
+  mount -t ext3 $part1 /test/aiodio
+elif [ $nextTest -eq 1 ]; then
+  nextTest=$(($nextTest+1))
+if [ -n "$jfs" -a $nextTest -eq 2 ]; then
+  echo "**************************"
+  echo "* Testing jfs filesystem *"
+  echo "**************************"
+  mkfs.jfs  $part1 <yesenter.txt
+  mount -t jfs $part1 /test/aiodio
+elif [ $nextTest -eq 2 ]; then
+  nextTest=$(($nextTest+1))
+if [ -n "$xfs" -a $nextTest -eq 3 ]; then
+  echo "**************************"
+  echo "* Testing xfs filesystem *"
+  echo "**************************"
+  mkfs.xfs -f $part1
+  mount -t xfs $part1 /test/aiodio
+elif [ $nextTest -eq 3 ]; then
+  nextTest=$(($nextTest+1))
+mkdir /test/aiodio/junkdir
+cp $file1 /test/aiodio/junkfile
+cp $file1 /test/aiodio/fff
+cp $file1 /test/aiodio/ff1
+cp $file1 /test/aiodio/ff2
+cp $file1 /test/aiodio/ff3
+echo "************ Running aiocp tests " 
+echo "current working dir = ${PWD}"
+${LTPROOT}/tools/rand_lines -g ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltp-aiodio.part1 > ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part1
+${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpaiodiopart1 -n ltp-aiodiopart1 -l ltpaiodio.logfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part1 &
+wait $!
+echo "************ Running aiodio_sparse tests " 
+${LTPROOT}/tools/rand_lines -g ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltp-aiodio.part2 > ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part2
+${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpaiodiopart2 -n ltp-aiodiopart2 -l ltpaiodio2.logfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part2 &
+wait $!
+echo "************ Running aio-stress tests " 
+${LTPROOT}/tools/rand_lines -g ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltp-aio-stress.part1 > ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aio-stress.part1
+${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpaiostresspart1 -n ltp-aiostresspart1 -l ltpaiostress.logfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aio-stress.part1 &
+wait $!
+echo "************ Running aiodio_sparse tests " 
+${LTPROOT}/tools/rand_lines -g ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltp-aiodio.part3 > ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part3
+${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -x 5 -e -S -a ltpaiodiopart3 -n ltp-aiodiopart3 -l ltpaiodio3.logfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltp-aiodio.part3 &
+wait $!
+echo "Running dio_sparse"
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+echo -n "$var0 iteration on dio_sparse"
+  dirty
+  dio_sparse
+  date
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+echo -n "$var0 iteration on dio_sparse"
+  date
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+echo "Running aiodio_append"
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+  ./aiodio_append
+  date
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+echo "Running dio_append"
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+#echo "Running dio_truncate"
+#while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+#  var0=$(($var0+1))
+echo "Running read_checkzero"
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+echo "Running ltp-diorh"
+while [ "$var0" -lt "$LIMIT" ]
+./ltp-diorh /test/aiodio/file
+  var0=$(($var0+1))
+rm -f /test/aiodio/fff
+rm -f /test/aiodio/ff1
+rm -f /test/aiodio/ff2
+rm -f /test/aiodio/ff3
+rm -f /test/aiodio/junkfile*
+rm -f /test/aiodio/file*
+rm -rf /test/aiodio/junkdir
+umount $part1
+echo "AIO/DIO test complete " date