When compiling powerpc binaries, gcc defaults to 32 bit. To do some tests I needed to have a 64 bit binary. Since I'm using realtime, I modified config.mk as below. My questions: is there any official way to turn LTP in 64bit? If not, what shall we do then? Should LTP default to 32 or native-arch bit? Shall we use something like: "if (uname -m) ..." or use a command line option? Any comment?

According to man gcc:
     Generate code for a 32-bit or 64-bit environment.  The 32-bit environment sets int, long and pointer to 32 bits and generates code that runs on any i386 system.  The 64-bit environment sets int to 32 bits and long and pointer to 64 bits and generates code for AMD's x86-64 architecture. For darwin only the -m64 option turns off the -fno-pic and -mdynamic-no-pic options. This seems like the right thing to do to me.  Gilles, have you confirmed that this doesn't break things on the x86_64 platforms? No objection from me.

I've also run the involved tests on an x86_64 machine and it was OK.
Gilles Carry <Gilles.Carry@bull.net>.
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