tools/{autoltp,ltprun}: Remove.

Remove obsolete scripts that were depending on obsolete

Signed-off-by: Cyril Hrubis <>
diff --git a/doc/automation-README.html b/doc/automation-README.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1acb72c..0000000
--- a/doc/automation-README.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-	<title>autoltp readme</title>
- <body bgcolor="#ffffff" vlink="#800000">
-<div align="center"><big><big><big><b>LTP Automation README<br>
-using autoltp</b></big></big></big></div>
-  <br>
-  <br>
-  <big><big><b>Prerequisites</b></big></big>
-  <li>All LTP installation prerequisites must be met<br>
-   </li>
-   <li>Perl modules Net::SFTP and Net::SSH::Perl <b>must</b> be <a
- href="">installed</a>
-on MASTER machine. (<a href=""></a> for instructions/downloads)</li>
-   <li>MASTER and TARGET machines must have sftp and ssh capabilities.<br>
-   </li>
-  <li>IP addresses may replace hostnames in this document if name service
-is unavailable.<br>
-   </li>
-  <big><big><b>Install files</b></big></big>
-  <li>Go to <a href="">GitHub LTP releases</a>
-      and download latest version of LTP</li>
-  <li>Login as root on MASTER machine</li>
-  <li>Untar ltp-xxxxxxxx.tgz in /root</li>
-  <ul>
-  <li>tar -xzvf &lt;filename.tgz&gt;</li>
-  <li>mv ltp-&lt;yyyymmdd&gt;.tgz ltp <i>(&lt;yyyymmdd&gt; should be replaced
- with the drop date you are using</i></li>
-  </ul>
- <big><big><b>Setup/Edit config files</b></big></big>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <li>edit and modify the run line to include the PAN_LOG
-  <ul>
-     <li>ex: <i>${LTPROOT}/pan/ltp-pan -l $PAN_LOG -e -S $instances $time -a
-$$ -n $$ -f ${TMP}/alltests</i></li>
-  </ul>
-   <li>tar up the ltp directory (<i>this is the ltp.tgz that is copied to
-the TARGET machines</i>)</li>
-  <ul>
-     <li>in the root directory of MASTER type tar -czvf ltp.tgz to tar up
-the testcases</li>
-     <li>copy the resulting ltp.tgz to /tmp on MASTER (<i>autoltp will look
-for /ltp.tgz in the tmp directory</i>)<br>
-     </li>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <big><big><b>Run LTP</b></big></big><br>
-  <li>cd to /root/ltp/auto on MASTER</li>
-   <li>create a config file that contains the list of hosts (TARGETS) to
-run LTP against</li>
-  <ul>
-     <li>example config file:<br>
-host1,username,password,number of instances,time<br>
- host2,username,password,number of instances,time</li>
-    <li>host is the hostname of a TARGET machine<br>
-    </li>
-    <li>username is usually root or a root privileged account</li>
-    <li>number of instances is how many copies of LTP you want running simultaneously</li>
-    <li>time is the duration of the ltp run where 10m = 10 minutes, 2h =
-2 hours, etc</li>
-  </ul>
-  <li>run ./autoltp -f &lt;config file&gt;</li>
-  <li>autoltp will then attempt to make ssh/sftp connections with your TARGET
-machines and run the LTP testcases<br>
-  </li>
diff --git a/doc/automation-cookbook.html b/doc/automation-cookbook.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d89b12..0000000
--- a/doc/automation-cookbook.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-  <title>autoltp cookbook</title>
- <body bgcolor="#ffffff" vlink="#800000">
-<div align="center"><big><big><big><b>LTP Automation<br>
-using autoltp</b></big></big></big></div>
-  <br>
-  <br>
-  <big><big><b>Prerequisites</b></big></big>
-  <li>All LTP installation prerequisites must be met<br>
-   </li>
-   <li>Perl modules Net::SFTP and Net::SSH::Perl <b>must</b> be <a
- href="">installed</a>
-on MASTER machine. (<a href=""></a> for instructions/downloads)</li>
-   <li>MASTER and TARGET machines must have sftp and ssh capabilities.<br>
-   </li>
-  <li>IP addresses may replace hostnames in this document if name service
-is unavailable.<br>
-   </li>
-  <big><big><b>Install files</b></big></big>
-  <li>Go to <a href="">GitHub LTP releases</a>
-      and download latest version of LTP</li>
-  <li>Login as root on MASTER machine</li>
-  <li>Untar ltp-xxxxxxxx.tgz in /root</li>
-  <ul>
-  <li>tar -xzvf &lt;filename.tgz&gt;</li>
-  <li>mv ltp-&lt;yyyymmdd&gt;.tgz ltp <i>(&lt;yyyymmdd&gt; should be replaced
- with the drop date you are using</i></li>
-  </ul>
- <big><big><b>Setup/Edit config files</b></big></big>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <li>edit and modify the run line to include the PAN_LOG
-  <ul>
-     <li>ex: <i>${LTPROOT}/pan/ltp-pan -l $PAN_LOG -e -S $instances $time -a
-$$ -n $$ -f ${TMP}/alltests</i></li>
-  </ul>
-   <li>tar up the ltp directory (<i>this is the ltp.tgz that is copied to
-the TARGET machines</i>)</li>
-  <ul>
-     <li>in the root directory of MASTER type tar -czvf ltp.tgz to tar up
-the testcases</li>
-     <li>copy the resulting ltp.tgz to /tmp on MASTER (<i>autoltp will look
-for /ltp.tgz in the tmp directory</i>)<br>
-     </li>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <ul>
-  </ul>
-  <big><big><b>Run LTP</b></big></big><br>
-  <li>cd to /root/ltp/auto on MASTER</li>
-   <li>create a config file that contains the list of hosts (TARGETS) to
-run LTP against</li>
-  <ul>
-     <li>example config file:<br>
-host1,username,password,number of instances,time<br>
- host2,username,password,number of instances,time</li>
-    <li>host is the hostname of a TARGET machine<br>
-    </li>
-    <li>username is usually root or a root privileged account</li>
-    <li>number of instances is how many copies of LTP you want running simultaneously</li>
-    <li>time is the duration of the ltp run where 10m = 10 minutes, 2h =
-2 hours, etc</li>
-  </ul>
-  <li>run ./autoltp -f &lt;config file&gt;</li>
-  <li>autoltp will then attempt to make ssh/sftp connections with your TARGET
-machines and run the LTP testcases<br>
-  </li>
diff --git a/tools/autoltp b/tools/autoltp
deleted file mode 100755
index 831cc25..0000000
--- a/tools/autoltp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# 05/22/02 wrote this script for ltp automation using ssh instead of telnet
-# 06/18/02 hacked this script up to try to make it work better with ltp_check
-# If you create a config file to use the -f option, the host line format is:
-# host,userid,password,number of instances,time
-# time option should include m/h/d units(example: 72h = 72 hour run)
-use Net::SSH::Perl ();
-use Net::SFTP ();
-$LTPRESULTS=$ENV{"HOME"} . "/ltpresults";
-if (!-d $LTPRESULTS)
-   print "Creating $LTPRESULTS \n";
-   print `mkdir $LTPRESULTS`;
-if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-f" )
-   if ( -f $ARGV[1] )
-   {
-      open(FILE, $ARGV[1]) or die "Can't open $ARGV[1]";
-      for ($i = 0; chomp($hosts[$i] = <FILE>); $i++) { ; }
-      $#hosts--;
-      close(FILE);
-   }
-   else { die "Please specify host list file with option -f\n"; }
-elsif (@ARGV)
-{  @hosts = @ARGV; }
-   print "HOSTS separate with [ENTER] finish with [^D]\n";
-   print "format: host,userid,password,instances,time\n";
-   chomp(@hosts = <STDIN>);
-# had to fork off the remote transactions because Net::SSH waits for return code
-for($i=0; $i <= $#hosts; $i++) {
-   if (!fork) {
-      ($HOST,$USER,$PASS,$INSTANCES,$DURATION)=split(/,/,@hosts[$i]);
-      ($SHORTHOST,$TRASH)=split(/\./,$HOST);
-      $LTP_LOGS="$SHORTHOST-$ETIME-ltpoutput.tgz";
-      $RUN_LOG="/root/runall.output";
-      #push tar.tgz
-      %args = {};
-      $args{user}=$USER;
-      $args{password}=$PASS;
-      my $sftp = Net::SFTP->new($HOST,%args);
-      $sftp->put($LTPSOURCE,$LTPTARGET);
-      print("$LTPSOURCE copied to $LTPTARGET on $HOST\n");
-      #untar, build, and run
-      my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($HOST);
-      $ssh->login($USER,$PASS);
-      print("Untar and build testcases on $HOST\n");
-      if($ssh->cmd("tar -xzf $LTPTARGET > /dev/null && rm $LTPTARGET && cd ltp && make clean install > /dev/null")) {
-          print("Error untarring or building on $HOST. Giving up on this machine.\n");
-          exit();
-      }
-      else {
-          print("Untar and build complete on $HOST\n");
-      }
-      print("Starting sar on $HOST\n");
-      $ssh->cmd("nohup sar -o 60 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 &");
-      print("Cranking up tests on " . $HOST . "\n");
-      if($ssh->cmd("cd ltp* && nohup ./ $INSTANCES $DURATION >$RUN_LOG &")) {
-          print("Error starting tests on $HOST. Giving up on this machine.\n");
-          exit();
-      }
-      else {
-          print("Tests completed on $HOST\n");
-      }
-      #this looks lame, but ltp_check needs ltprun.out to grab the ltp version
-      $ssh->cmd('echo version: $(cat VERSION) > ltprun.out');
-      #stop sar on client(s)
-      if($ssh->cmd("killall sar && killall sadc")) {
-          print("hmmm...couldn't stop sar automatically.\n");
-      }
-      else {
-          print("Stopped sar on $HOST\n");
-      }
-      #tar up and remove the results files
-      if($tmp=$ssh->cmd("cd /root && tar --remove-files -czf $LTP_LOGS ltp-logfile runall.output ltprun.out")) {
-          print("Error returned $tmp tarring up results on $HOST. Some of the logs may be missing.\n");
-      }
-      else {
-          print("Results tarred up on $HOST\n");
-      }
-      #upload the results back to the machine you ran from
-      print("Uploading results, $LTP_LOGS, to $LTPRESULTS for $HOST\n");
-      if($sftp->get($LTP_LOGS,$LTPRESULTS."/$LTP_LOGS")) {
-          print("Error uploading results from " . $HOST . ". Giving up on this machine.\n");
-          exit();
-      }
-      else {
-          print("Results uploaded for $HOST\n");
-      }
-      exit;
-   }
-for ($j=0; $j <= $#hosts; $j++) {
-   wait;
diff --git a/tools/ltprun b/tools/ltprun
deleted file mode 100755
index 1fe9b13..0000000
--- a/tools/ltprun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#initial attempt at an automation script: ltprun
-#       3/12/02 William Jay Huie (creation)
-#       3/28/02 William Jay Huie minor updates
-#this will be kicked off by ltp_master from the master control machine which
-#uploads this script and then telnets into each machine and kick this script off
-#perhaps by passing a uniq ID to name the LTP_OUTPUT_TAR file by, or
-#allowing the script to create a unique name itself (reccommended for now)
-#Check ltp_master for details
-#FIXME: One problem is that the tests need to be run as root and this script
-#       doesn't as of yet su
-#This is the user to get the ltp.tgz file from, not who we're running as,
-#     that's ocntrolled by ltp_master
-#This script passes the -l ~/ltp/ltp-logfile option to
-if [ -z $1 ]; then
-   SHORT_HOSTNAME=`hostname | perl -e 'while(<>){ m/(\w+)[.\\$]?/ && print $1;}'`
-   TIMESTAMP=`date +%s`
-   echo "Attempting to download the LTP testcases";
-   cd ~
-   rm -Rf ltp $LTP_TARFILE
-   ftp -n $LTP_HOST << END_GET
-   	user $LTP_USER $LTP_PASS
-	bin
-	bye
-   if [ -s $LTP_TARFILE ]; then
-      echo "              downloaded sucessfully";
-   else
-      echo "FAILED        download of LTP Testcases"; return 0;
-   fi
-   return 1;
-   echo "Untarring $LTP_TARFILE now";
-   cd ~
-   tar -zxf $LTP_TARFILE &> /dev/null
-   if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-      echo "Problems untarring the archive"; return 0;
-   else
-      echo "          successfully untarred $LTP_TARFILE";
-   fi
-   return 1;
-   cd ~/ltp
-   echo "Building LTP Testsuite version: `cat VERSION`";
-   make clean install &> /dev/null
-   if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-      echo "FAILED   LTP Testsuite compilation"; return 0;
-   else
-      echo "         LTP Testsuite compilation successful"
-   fi
-   return 1;
-   cd ~/ltp
-   echo "Trying to start sar"
-   sar -o $SAR_OUTFILE 60 0 &
-   echo "Running LTP testsuite"
-   ./ -l ~/ltp/$LTP_LOGFILE &> $LTP_RUNALL_OUT
-   echo "Done running tests"
-   killall -9 sadc
-   echo "Killing sar if it is running"
-   return 1;
-#collect results has a hack to copy the &>ltprun file into the ~/ltp dir then
-#tar it up with everything else, but this seems to work so far.
-   echo "Collecting LTP output"
-   cd ~/ltp
-   cp ~/$LTP_RUN_OUTPUT .
-   if [ -s ~/$LTP_OUTPUT_TAR ]; then
-      echo "LTP output tarfile created sucessfully";
-   else
-      echo "FAILED        tar of LTP results"; return 0;
-   fi
-   return 1;
-   echo "Uploading LTP output"
-   cd ~
-   ftp -n $LTP_HOST << END_PUT
-	bin
-	bye
-#FIXME! Right now don't have a way to verify the upload worked, but
-#we'd like to know so we can delete the OUTPUT_TAR file
-#   rm -f $LTP_OUTPUT_TAR
-    rm -f $LTP_TARFILE
-#Start the work!
-if [ $? = 1 ]; then
-   untar_ltp
-   if [ $? = 1 ]; then
-      build_ltp
-      if [ $? = 1 ]; then
-         run_ltp
-      fi
-   fi
-#Want to upload results even if things didn't run
-echo "Done"