I am not sure why runtest/admin_tools was kept outside the perview of LTP default run. I found no issues in running it as normally as other LTP tests. Please let me know if some of you have some problem running it as default. Also included are some changes for running fs_acls tests. Signed-Off-By: Subrata Modak <subrata@linux.vnet.ibm.com>.
diff --git a/runltp b/runltp
index a7253a0..06f310c 100755
--- a/runltp
+++ b/runltp
@@ -511,7 +511,8 @@
                      ${LTPROOT}/runtest/controllers \
                      ${LTPROOT}/runtest/filecaps \
                      ${LTPROOT}/runtest/fcntl-locktests \
-                     ${LTPROOT}/runtest/connectors
+                     ${LTPROOT}/runtest/connectors \
+                     ${LTPROOT}/runtest/admin_tools
             [ -e "$SCENFILES" ] || \