Remove ltplite and

ltplite was meant to be used as a quick test for install base.
It contains duplicate definitions:
fs, ipc, math, mm, nptl, pty, sched, syscalls

Definitions are outdated anyway. There is no point trying trying
to keep them sync.

Signed-off-by: Petr Vorel <>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b0368a4..bcadd21 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 $(foreach tgt,$(MAKE_TARGETS) include-all lib-all $(filter-out clean_install_dir,$(CLEAN_TARGETS)) $(INSTALL_TARGETS) include-install lib-install,$(eval $(call target_to_dir_dep_mapping,$(tgt))))
-SRCDIR_INSTALL_SCRIPTS	:= runltp ver_linux
+SRCDIR_INSTALL_SCRIPTS	:= runltp ver_linux
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 000e508..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-##                                                                            ##
-## Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001,2005            ##
-##                                                                            ##
-## This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and#or modify      ##
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       ##
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          ##
-## (at your option) any later version.                                        ##
-##                                                                            ##
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but        ##
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ##
-## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License   ##
-## for more details.                                                          ##
-##                                                                            ##
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          ##
-## along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software               ##
-## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA    ##
-##                                                                            ##
-# File: runltplite
-# Description:  This script can be used to run a subset the tests in the LTP test suite
-#               This script is typically used as a quick test to check an install base.
-# Authors:      Manoj Iyer -
-#               Robbie Williamson -
-#               Marty Ridgeway -
-# History:      Created runltplite script to run a subset of the LTP testsuite
-. "$(dirname $0)/runltp"
-    cd `dirname $0` || \
-    {
-        echo "FATAL: unable to change directory to $(dirname $0)"
-        exit 1
-    }
-    export LTPROOT=${PWD}
-    export TMPBASE="/tmp"
-    export TMP="${TMPBASE}/ltp-$$"
-    export PATH="${PATH}:${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin:${LTPROOT}/bin"
-    export LTP_DEV=""
-    export LTP_DEV_FS_TYPE="ext2"
-    [ -d $LTPROOT/testcases/bin ] ||
-    {
-        echo "FATAL: LTP not installed correctly"
-        echo "INFO:  Follow directions in INSTALL!"
-        exit 1
-    }
-    [ -e $LTPROOT/bin/ltp-pan ] ||
-    {
-        echo "FATAL: Test suite driver 'ltp-pan' not found"
-        echo "INFO:  Follow directions in INSTALL!"
-        exit 1
-    }
-    cat <<-EOF >&2
-    usage: ${0##*/} -c [-d TMPDIR] [-i # (in Mb)]
-    [ -l LOGFILE ] [ -o OUTPUTFILE ] [ -m # (in Mb)] -N -q
-    [ -r LTPROOT ] -v
-    -c NUM_PROCS    Run LTP under additional background CPU load.
-    -d TMPDIR       Directory where temporary files will be created.
-    -h              Help. Prints all available options.
-    -i # (in Mb)    Run LTP with a _min_ IO load of # Mb in background.
-    -l LOGFILE      Log results of test in a logfile.
-    -m # (in Mb)    Run LTP with a _min_ memory load of # Mb in background.
-    -N              Run all the networking tests.
-    -o OUTPUTFILE   Redirect test output to a file.
-    -p              Human readable format logfiles.
-    -q              Print less verbose output to screen.
-    -r LTPROOT      Fully qualified path where testsuite is installed.
-    -S SKIPFILE     Skip tests specified in SKIPFILE.
-    -b DEVICE       Some tests require an unmounted block device to run
-                    correctly.
-    -B LTP_DEV_FS_TYPE  The file system of test block devices.
-    example: ${0##*/} -i 1024 -m 128 -p -q  -l /tmp/resultlog.$$ -d ${PWD}
-exit 0
-    local CMDFILE="ltplite"
-    local PRETTY_PRT=""
-    local ALT_DIR=0
-    local RUN_NETEST=0
-    local QUIET_MODE=""
-    local VERBOSE_MODE=""
-    local NETPIPE=0
-    local GENLOAD=0
-    local MEMSIZE=0
-    local DURATION=""
-    local BYTESIZE=0
-    local LOGFILE=""
-    local PRETTY_PRT=""
-    local PAN_COMMAND=""
-    local scenfile=""
-    while getopts c:d:hi:l:m:No:pqr:S:b:B: arg
-    do  case $arg in
-        c)
-	    NUM_PROCS=$(($OPTARG))
-            $LTPROOT/testcases/bin/genload --cpu $NUM_PROCS >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-            GENLOAD=1 ;;
-        d)  # append $$ to TMP, as it is recursively
-            # removed at end of script.
-            TMPBASE=$OPTARG
-            TMP="${TMPBASE}/ltp-$$"
-            export TMPDIR="$TMP";;
-        h)  usage;;
-        i)
-            BYTESIZE=$(($OPTARG * 1024 * 1024))
-            $LTPROOT/testcases/bin/genload --io 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-            $LTPROOT/testcases/bin/genload --hdd 0 --hdd-bytes $BYTESIZE \
-            >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-            GENLOAD=1 ;;
-        l)
-            [ ! -d $LTPROOT/results ] && \
-            {
-               echo "INFO: creating $LTPROOT/results directory"
-               mkdir -p $LTPROOT/results || \
-               {
-                   echo "ERROR: failed to create $LTPROOT/results"
-                   exit 1
-                }
-            }
-            case $OPTARG in
-	    /*)
-                LOGFILE="-l $OPTARG" ;;
-            *)
-                LOGFILE="-l $LTPROOT/results/$OPTARG"
-                ALT_DIR=1 ;;
-            esac ;;
-        m)
-            MEMSIZE=$(($OPTARG * 1024 * 1024))
-            $LTPROOT/testcases/bin/genload  --vm 0 --vm-bytes $MEMSIZE \
-                >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-            GENLOAD=1;;
-        N)  RUN_NETEST=1;;
-        o)  OUTPUTFILE="-o $OPTARG" ;;
-        p)  PRETTY_PRT=" -p ";;
-        q)  QUIET_MODE=" -q ";;
-        r)  LTPROOT=$OPTARG;;
-        S)  case $OPTARG in
-                /*)
-                    SKIPFILE=$OPTARG;;
-                *)
-                    SKIPFILE="$LTPROOT/$OPTARG";;
-            esac ;;
-        b)  DEVICE=$OPTARG;;
-        B)  LTP_DEV_FS_TYPE=$OPTARG;;
-        \?) usage;;
-        esac
-    done
-    mkdir -p $TMP || \
-    {
-        echo "FATAL: Unable to make temporary directory $TMP"
-        exit 1
-    }
-    cd $TMP || \
-    {
-      echo "could not cd ${TMP} ... exiting"
-      exit 1
-    }
-# Run Networking tests ?
-    [ "$RUN_NETEST" -eq 1 ] && \
-    {
-        [ -z "$RHOST" ] || [ -z "$PASSWD" ] && \
-        {
-            [ -z "$RHOST" ] && \
-            {
-                echo \
-                "INFO: Enter RHOST = 'name of the remote host machine'"
-                echo -n "-> "
-                read RHOST
-            }
-            [ -z "$PASSWD" ] && \
-            {
-                echo " "
-                echo \
-                "INFO: Enter PASSWD = 'root passwd of the remote host machine'"
-                echo -n "-> "
-                read PASSWD
-            }
-            export RHOST=$RHOST
-            export PASSWD=$PASSWD
-            echo "WARNING: security of $RHOST may be compromised"
-        }
-    }
-    # If user does not provide a command file select a default set of testcases
-    # to execute.
-    if   [ -f $CMDFILE ] || \
-                CMDFILE="$LTPROOT/runtest/$CMDFILE"
-	then
-        cat $CMDFILE > ${TMP}/alltests || \
-        {
-            echo "FATAL: Unable to create command file"
-            exit 1
-        }
-    fi
-    if [ "$RUN_NETEST" -eq 1 ]; then
-        SCENARIO_LISTS="$SCENARIO_LISTS $LTPROOT/scenario_groups/network"
-    fi
-        if [ -n "$SCENARIO_LISTS" ]; then
-            # Insurance to make sure that the first element in the pipe
-            # completed successfully.
-            cat_ok_sentinel=$TMP/cat_ok.$$
-	    (cat $SCENARIO_LISTS && touch "$cat_ok_sentinel") | \
-                while read scenfile; do
-                    scenfile=${LTPROOT}/runtest/$scenfile
-                    # Skip over non-existent scenario files; things are
-                    # robust enough now that the build will fail if these
-                    # files don't exist.
-                    [ -f "$scenfile" ] || continue
-                    cat $scenfile >> "$TMP/alltests" || {
-                        echo "FATAL: unable to append to command file"
-                        rm -Rf "$TMP"
-                        rm -f "$cat_ok_sentinel"
-                        exit 1
-                    }
-                done
-            rm -f "$cat_ok_sentinel"
-        fi
-    # The fsx-linux tests use the SCRATCHDEV environment variable as a location
-    # that can be reformatted and run on.  Set SCRATCHDEV if you want to run
-    # these tests.  As a safeguard, this is disabled.
-    unset SCRATCHDEV
-    [ -n "$SCRATCHDEV" ] && \
-    {
-         cat ${LTPROOT}/runtest/fsx >> ${TMP}/alltests ||
-         {
-             echo "FATAL: unable to create  fsx-linux tests command file"
-             exit 1
-         }
-    }
-    # check for required users and groups
-    ${LTPROOT}/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
-    {
-        echo "WARNING: required users and groups not present"
-        echo "WARNING: some test cases may fail"
-    }
-    [ -n "$CMDFILES" ] && \
-    {
-        for scenfile in `echo "$CMDFILES" | tr ',' ' '`
-        do
-            [ -f "$scenfile" ] || scenfile="$LTPROOT/runtest/$scenfile"
-            cat "$scenfile" >> ${TMP}/alltests || \
-            {
-                echo "FATAL: unable to create command file"
-                rm -Rf "$TMP"
-                exit 1
-            }
-        done
-    }
-    # Blacklist or skip tests if a SKIPFILE was specified with -S
-    if [ -n "${SKIPFILE}" ]; then
-        for test_name in $(awk '{print $1}' "${SKIPFILE}"); do
-            case "${test_name}" in \#*) continue;; esac
-            sed -i "/\<${test_name}\>/c\\${test_name} exit 32;" alltests
-        done
-    fi
-    # display versions of installed software
-    [ -z "$QUIET_MODE" ] && \
-    {
-        ${LTPROOT}/ver_linux || \
-        {
-            echo "WARNING: unable to display versions of software installed"
-            exit 1
-        }
-    }
-    set_block_device
-    [ ! -z "$QUIET_MODE" ] && { echo "INFO: Test start time: $(date)" ; }
-    -n $$ $PRETTY_PRT -f ${TMP}/alltests $LOGFILE $OUTPUTFILE"
-    if [ ! -z "$VERBOSE_MODE" ] ; then
-      echo "COMMAND:    $PAN_COMMAND"
-      if [ ! -z "$TAG_RESTRICT_STRING" ] ; then
-        echo "INFO: Restricted to $TAG_RESTRICT_STRING"
-      fi
-    fi
-    #$PAN_COMMAND #Duplicated code here, because otherwise if we fail, only "PAN_COMMAND" gets output
-    # Some tests need to run inside the "bin" directory.
-    cd "${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin"
-    ${LTPROOT}/bin/ltp-pan $QUIET_MODE -e -S $INSTANCES $DURATION -a $$ \
-    -n $$ $PRETTY_PRT -f ${TMP}/alltests $LOGFILE $OUTPUTFILE
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-      echo "INFO: ltp-pan reported all tests PASS"
-      VALUE=0
-    else
-      echo "INFO: ltp-pan reported some tests FAIL"
-      VALUE=1
-    fi
-    cd ..
-    [ ! -z "$QUIET_MODE" ] && { echo "INFO: Test end time: $(date)" ; }
-    [ "$GENLOAD" -eq 1 ] && { killall -9 genload ; }
-    [ "$NETPIPE" -eq 1 ] && { killall -9 NPtcp ; }
-    [ "$ALT_DIR" -eq 1 ] && \
-    {
-    cat <<-EOF >&1
-       ###############################################################"
-            Done executing testcases."
-            result log is in the $LTPROOT/results directory"
-       ###############################################################"
-    }
-    exit $VALUE
-    rm -rf ${TMP}
-trap "cleanup" 0
-main "$@"
-#vim: syntax=sh
diff --git a/runtest/ltplite b/runtest/ltplite
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b26969..0000000
--- a/runtest/ltplite
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1113 +0,0 @@
-#DESCRIPTION:Math library tests - CPU tests
-abs01 abs01
-atof01 atof01
-float_bessel cd $LTPROOT/testcases/bin; float_bessel -v
-float_exp_log cd $LTPROOT/testcases/bin; float_exp_log -v
-float_iperb cd $LTPROOT/testcases/bin; float_iperb -v
-float_power cd $LTPROOT/testcases/bin; float_power -v
-float_trigo cd $LTPROOT/testcases/bin; float_trigo -v
-fptest01 fptest01
-fptest02 fptest02
-nextafter01 nextafter01
-#DESCRIPTION:fsx filesystem stress tests
-fsx-linux export TCbin=$LTPROOT/testcases/bin;fsxtest02 10000
-#fsx-ext2 fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV ext2 10000
-#fsx-ext3 fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV ext3 10000
-#fsx-jfs fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV jfs 10000
-#fsx-xfs  fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV xfs 10000
-#fsx-reiserfs fsxtest $SCRATCHDEV reiserfs 10000
-#DESCRIPTION:Interprocess communication stress
-# These tests use tests/pipeio to put pipes (named or unnamed) through a workout
-pipeio_1 pipeio -T pipeio_1 -c 5 -s 4090 -i 100 -b -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 100 chunks of 4090 bytes to a named pipe
-# using blocking I/O
-#pipeio_2 pipeio -T pipeio_2 -c 5 -s 4090 -i 100 -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 100 chunks of 4090 bytes to a named pipe
-# using non-blocking I/O
-# This test hits EAGAIN, which pipeio doesn't handle at the moment
-pipeio_3 pipeio -T pipeio_3 -c 5 -s 4090 -i 100 -u -b -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 100 chunks of 4090 bytes to an unnamed pipe
-# using blocking I/O
-pipeio_4 pipeio -T pipeio_4 -c 5 -s 4090 -i 100 -u -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 100 chunks of 4090 bytes to an unnamed pipe
-# using non-blocking I/O
-pipeio_5 pipeio -T pipeio_5 -c 5 -s 5000 -i 10 -b -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 10 chunks of 5000 bytes to a named pipe
-# using blocking I/O
-pipeio_6 pipeio -T pipeio_6 -c 5 -s 5000 -i 10 -b -u -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 10 chunks of 5000 bytes to an unnamed pipe
-# using blocking I/O
-#pipeio_7 pipeio -T pipeio_7 -c 5 -s 5000 -i 10 -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 10 chunks of 5000 bytes to a named pipe
-# using non-blocking I/O
-# This test hits EAGAIN, which pipeio doesn't handle at the moment
-pipeio_8 pipeio -T pipeio_8 -c 5 -s 5000 -i 10 -u -f x80
-# spawns 5 children to write 10 chunks of 5000 bytes to an unnamed pipe
-# using non-blocking I/O
-sem01 sem01
-sem02 sem02
-#DESCRIPTION:Kernel system calls
-abort01 abort01
-accept01 accept01
-access01 access01
-access02 access02
-access03 access03
-access04 access04
-acct01 acct01
-adjtimex01 adjtimex01
-adjtimex02 adjtimex02
-alarm02 alarm02
-alarm03 alarm03
-alarm05 alarm05
-alarm06 alarm06
-alarm07 alarm07
-asyncio02 asyncio02
-bind01 bind01
-bind02 bind02
-brk01 brk01
-capget01 capget01
-capget02 capget02
-capset01 capset01
-capset02 capset02
-chdir01 chdir01
-chdir01A symlink01 -T chdir01
-chdir02 chdir02
-chdir03 chdir03
-chdir04 chdir04
-chmod01 chmod01
-chmod01A symlink01 -T chmod01
-chmod02 chmod02
-chmod03 chmod03
-chmod04 chmod04
-chmod05 chmod05
-chmod06 chmod06
-chmod07 chmod07
-chown01 chown01
-chown02 chown02
-chown03 chown03
-chown04 chown04
-chown05 chown05
-chroot01 chroot01
-chroot02 chroot02
-chroot03 chroot03
-chroot04 chroot04
-clone01 clone01
-clone02 clone02
-clone03 clone03
-clone04 clone04
-clone05 clone05
-clone06 clone06
-clone07 clone07
-clone08 clone08
-close01 close01
-close02 close02
-close08 close08
-confstr01 confstr01
-connect01 connect01
-creat01 creat01
-creat03 creat03
-creat04 creat04
-creat05 creat05
-creat06 creat06
-creat07 creat07
-creat08 creat08
-dup01 dup01
-dup02 dup02
-dup03 dup03
-dup04 dup04
-dup05 dup05
-dup06 dup06
-dup07 dup07
-dup201 dup201
-dup202 dup202
-dup203 dup203
-dup204 dup204
-dup205 dup205
-epoll_ctl01 epoll_ctl01
-epoll_ctl02 epoll_ctl02
-epoll_wait01 epoll_wait01
-epoll_wait02 epoll_wait02
-epoll_wait03 epoll_wait03
-epoll_pwait01 epoll_pwait01
-execl01 execl01
-execle01 execle01
-execlp01 execlp01
-execv01 execv01
-execve01 execve01
-execve02 execve02
-execve03 execve03
-execve04 execve04
-execve05 execve05 -i 5 -n 32
-execvp01 execvp01
-exit01 exit01
-exit02 exit02
-fchdir01 fchdir01
-fchdir02 fchdir02
-fchdir03 fchdir03
-fchmod01 fchmod01
-fchmod02 fchmod02
-fchmod03 fchmod03
-fchmod04 fchmod04
-fchmod05 fchmod05
-fchmod06 fchmod06
-fchown01 fchown01
-fchown02 fchown02
-fchown03 fchown03
-fchown04 fchown04
-fchown05 fchown05
-fcntl01 fcntl01
-fcntl02 fcntl02
-fcntl03 fcntl03
-fcntl04 fcntl04
-fcntl05 fcntl05
-fcntl06 fcntl06
-fcntl07 fcntl07
-fcntl08 fcntl08
-fcntl09 fcntl09
-fcntl10 fcntl10
-fcntl11 fcntl11
-fcntl12 fcntl12
-fcntl13 fcntl13
-fcntl14 fcntl14
-fcntl15 fcntl15
-#fcntl16 fcntl16 #Contains errors.
-fcntl17 fcntl17
-fcntl18 fcntl18
-fcntl19 fcntl19
-fcntl20 fcntl20
-fcntl21 fcntl21
-fcntl22 fcntl22
-fcntl23 fcntl23
-fcntl24 fcntl24
-fcntl25 fcntl25
-fcntl26 fcntl26
-# The tests for these system calls  fcntl27 and fcntl28 are temporarily being disabled
-# fcntl27 fcntl27
-# fcntl28 fcntl28
-fcntl29 fcntl29
-fcntl30 fcntl30
-fcntl31 fcntl31
-fcntl32 fcntl32
-fcntl33 fcntl33
-fdatasync01 fdatasync01
-fdatasync02 fdatasync02
-flock01 flock01
-flock02 flock02
-flock03 flock03
-flock04 flock04
-flock06 flock06
-fmtmsg01 fmtmsg01
-fork01 fork01
-fork02 fork02
-fork03 fork03
-fork04 fork04
-fork05 fork05
-fork06 fork06
-fork07 fork07
-fork08 fork08
-fork09 fork09
-fork10 fork10
-fork11 fork11
-fpathconf01 fpathconf01
-fstat01 fstat01
-fstat02 fstat02
-fstat03 fstat03
-fstat05 fstat05
-fstatfs01 fstatfs01
-fstatfs02 fstatfs02
-fsync01 fsync01
-fsync02 fsync02
-fsync03 fsync03
-ftruncate01 ftruncate01
-ftruncate02 ftruncate02
-ftruncate03 ftruncate03
-ftruncate04 ftruncate04
-getcontext01 getcontext01
-getcwd01 getcwd01
-getcwd02 getcwd02
-getcwd03 getcwd03
-getcwd04 getcwd04
-getcwd05 getcwd05
-getdents01 getdents01
-getdents02 getdents02
-getdomainname01 getdomainname01
-getdtablesize01 getdtablesize01
-getegid01 getegid01
-geteuid01 geteuid01
-geteuid02 geteuid02
-getgid01 getgid01
-getgid03 getgid03
-getgroups01 getgroups01
-getgroups03 getgroups03
-gethostid01 gethostid01
-gethostname01 gethostname01
-getitimer01 getitimer01
-getitimer02 getitimer02
-getitimer03 getitimer03
-getpeername01 getpeername01
-getpgid01 getpgid01
-getpgid02 getpgid02
-getpgrp01 getpgrp01
-getpid01 getpid01
-getpid02 getpid02
-getppid01 getppid01
-getppid02 getppid02
-getpriority01 getpriority01
-getpriority02 getpriority02
-getresgid01 getresgid01
-getresgid02 getresgid02
-getresgid03 getresgid03
-getresuid01 getresuid01
-getresuid02 getresuid02
-getresuid03 getresuid03
-getrlimit01 getrlimit01
-getrlimit02 getrlimit02
-getrusage01 getrusage01
-getrusage02 getrusage02
-getsid01 getsid01
-getsid02 getsid02
-getsockname01 getsockname01
-getsockopt01 getsockopt01
-gettimeofday01 gettimeofday01
-gettimeofday02 gettimeofday02
-getuid01 getuid01
-getuid03 getuid03
-#Needs tty device.
-#ioctl01 ioctl01 -D /dev/tty0
-#ioctl02 ioctl02 -D /dev/tty0
-# Introducing ioctl tests for all /dev/tty* devices
-ioctl test_ioctl
-ioperm01 ioperm01
-ioperm02 ioperm02
-iopl01 iopl01
-iopl02 iopl02
-kill01 kill01
-kill02 kill02
-kill03 kill03
-kill04 kill04
-kill05 kill05
-kill06 kill06
-kill07 kill07
-kill08 kill08
-kill09 kill09
-kill10 kill10
-kill11 kill11
-kill12 kill12
-lchown01 lchown01
-lchown02 lchown02
-lchown03 lchown03
-lgetxattr01 lgetxattr01
-lgetxattr02 lgetxattr02
-link01 symlink01 -T link01
-link02 link02
-link03 link03
-link04 link04
-link05 link05
-link06 link06
-link07 link07
-link08 link08
-listen01 listen01
-llistxattr01 llistxattr01
-llistxattr02 llistxattr02
-llistxattr03 llistxattr03
-llseek01 llseek01
-llseek02 llseek02
-llseek03 llseek03
-lseek01 lseek01
-lseek02 lseek02
-lseek07 lseek07
-lseek11 lseek11
-lstat01A symlink01 -T lstat01
-lstat01 lstat01
-lstat02 lstat02
-lstat03 lstat03
-mallopt01 mallopt01
-memset01 memset01
-memcmp01 memcmp01
-memcpy01 memcpy01
-mlockall01 mlockall01
-mlockall02 mlockall02
-mlockall03 mlockall03
-mkdir02 mkdir02
-mkdir03 mkdir03
-mkdir04 mkdir04
-mkdir05 mkdir05
-mkdir05A symlink01 -T mkdir05
-mkdir09 mkdir09
-mknod01 mknod01
-mknod02 mknod02
-mknod03 mknod03
-mknod04 mknod04
-mknod05 mknod05
-mknod06 mknod06
-mknod07 mknod07
-mknod08 mknod08
-mknod09 mknod09
-mlock01 mlock01
-mlock02 mlock02
-mlock201 mlock201
-mlock202 mlock202
-mlock203 mlock203
-qmm01 mmap001 -m 1
-mmap01 mmap01
-mmap02 mmap02
-mmap03 mmap03
-mmap04 mmap04
-mmap05 mmap05
-mmap06 mmap06
-mmap07 mmap07
-mmap08 mmap08
-mmap09 mmap09
-mmap16 mmap16
-modify_ldt01 modify_ldt01
-modify_ldt02 modify_ldt02
-modify_ldt03 modify_ldt03
-# These tests require an unmounted block device
-# to run correctly. Please see individual test
-# code for more information.
-#mount01 mount01 -D /dev/...
-#mount02 mount02 -D /dev/...
-#mount03 mount03 -D /dev/...
-#mount04 mount04 -D /dev/...
-mprotect01 mprotect01
-mprotect02 mprotect02
-mprotect03 mprotect03
-mprotect04 mprotect04
-mremap01 mremap01
-mremap02 mremap02
-mremap03 mremap03
-mremap04 mremap04
-msgctl01 msgctl01
-msgctl02 msgctl02
-msgctl03 msgctl03
-msgctl04 msgctl04
-msgget01 msgget01
-msgget02 msgget02
-msgget03 msgget03
-msgrcv01 msgrcv01
-msgrcv02 msgrcv02
-msgrcv03 msgrcv03
-msgrcv04 msgrcv04
-msgrcv05 msgrcv05
-msgrcv06 msgrcv06
-msgrcv07 msgrcv07
-msgrcv08 msgrcv08
-msgsnd01 msgsnd01
-msgsnd02 msgsnd02
-msgsnd05 msgsnd05
-msgsnd06 msgsnd06
-msync01 msync01
-msync02 msync02
-msync03 msync03
-munlock01 munlock01
-munlock02 munlock02
-munlockall01 munlockall01
-munmap01 munmap01
-munmap02 munmap02
-munmap03 munmap03
-nanosleep01 nanosleep01
-nanosleep02 nanosleep02
-nanosleep03 nanosleep03
-nanosleep04 nanosleep04
-nftw01 nftw01
-nftw6401 nftw6401
-nice01 nice01
-nice02 nice02
-nice03 nice03
-nice04 nice04
-open01 open01
-open01A symlink01 -T open01
-open02 open02
-open03 open03
-open04 open04
-open05 open05
-open06 open06
-open07 open07
-open08 open08
-open09 open09
-open10 open10
-open11 open11
-open12 open12
-open13 open13
-mincore01 mincore01
-#mincore02 mincore02 currently hangs and does not exit correctly
-madvise01 madvise01
-madvise02 madvise02
-pathconf01 pathconf01
-pause01 pause01
-pause02 pause02
-pause03 pause03
-personality01 personality01
-pipe01 pipe01
-pipe02 pipe02
-pipe03 pipe03
-pipe04 pipe04
-pipe05 pipe05
-pipe06 pipe06
-pipe07 pipe07
-pipe08 pipe08
-pipe09 pipe09
-pipe10 pipe10
-pipe11 pipe11
-poll01 poll01
-prctl01 prctl01
-prctl02 prctl02
-prctl03 prctl03
-pread01 pread01
-pread02 pread02
-pread03 pread03
-preadv01 preadv01
-preadv02 preadv02
-preadv03 preadv03
-preadv201 preadv201
-preadv202 preadv202
-profil01 profil01
-pselect01 pselect01
-pselect02 pselect02
-pselect03 pselect03
-ptrace01 ptrace01
-ptrace02 ptrace02
-ptrace03 ptrace03
-ptrace05 ptrace05
-pwrite01 pwrite01
-pwrite02 pwrite02
-pwrite04 pwrite04
-pwrite01_64 pwrite01_64
-pwrite02_64 pwrite02_64
-pwrite04_64 pwrite04_64
-pwritev01 pwritev01
-pwritev02 pwritev02
-pwritev03 pwritev03
-read01 read01
-read02 read02
-read03 read03
-read04 read04
-readdir01 readdir01
-readdir02 readdir02
-readdir21 readdir21
-readlink01A symlink01 -T readlink01
-readlink01 readlink01
-readlink03 readlink03
-readv01 readv01
-readv02 readv02
-readv03 readv03
-reboot01 reboot01
-reboot02 reboot02
-recv01 recv01
-recvfrom01 recvfrom01
-recvmsg01 recvmsg01
-removexattr01 removexattr01
-removexattr02 removexattr02
-rename01 rename01
-rename01A symlink01 -T rename01
-rename02 rename02
-rename03 rename03
-rename04 rename04
-rename05 rename05
-rename06 rename06
-rename07 rename07
-rename08 rename08
-rename09 rename09
-rename10 rename10
-rename11 rename11
-rename12 rename12
-rename13 rename13
-rename14 rename14
-request_key01 request_key01
-request_key02 request_key02
-rmdir01 rmdir01
-rmdir02 rmdir02
-rmdir03 rmdir03
-rmdir03A symlink01 -T rmdir03
-sbrk01 sbrk01
-sbrk02 sbrk02
-sbrk03 sbrk03
-sched_get_priority_max01 sched_get_priority_max01
-sched_get_priority_max02 sched_get_priority_max02
-sched_get_priority_min01 sched_get_priority_min01
-sched_get_priority_min02 sched_get_priority_min02
-sched_getparam01 sched_getparam01
-sched_getparam02 sched_getparam02
-sched_getparam03 sched_getparam03
-sched_rr_get_interval01 sched_rr_get_interval01
-sched_rr_get_interval02 sched_rr_get_interval02
-sched_rr_get_interval03 sched_rr_get_interval03
-sched_setparam01 sched_setparam01
-sched_setparam02 sched_setparam02
-sched_setparam03 sched_setparam03
-sched_setparam04 sched_setparam04
-sched_setparam05 sched_setparam05
-sched_getscheduler01 sched_getscheduler01
-sched_getscheduler02 sched_getscheduler02
-sched_setscheduler01 sched_setscheduler01
-sched_setscheduler02 sched_setscheduler02
-sched_setscheduler03 sched_setscheduler03
-sched_yield01 sched_yield01
-select01 select01
-select02 select02
-select03 select03
-select04 select04
-semctl01 semctl01
-semctl02 semctl02
-semctl03 semctl03
-semctl04 semctl04
-semctl05 semctl05
-semctl06 semctl06
-semctl07 semctl07
-semget01 semget01
-semget02 semget02
-semget03 semget03
-semget05 semget05
-semget06 semget06
-semop01 semop01
-semop02 semop02
-semop03 semop03
-semop04 semop04
-semop05 semop05
-send01 send01
-sendfile02 sendfile02
-sendfile03 sendfile03
-sendmsg01 sendmsg01
-sendto01 sendto01
-setdomainname01	setdomainname01
-setdomainname02	setdomainname02
-setdomainname03	setdomainname03
-setfsgid01 setfsgid01
-setfsgid02 setfsgid02
-setfsgid03 setfsgid03
-setfsuid01 setfsuid01
-setfsuid02 setfsuid02
-setfsuid03 setfsuid03
-setfsuid04 setfsuid04
-setgid01 setgid01
-setgid02 setgid02
-setgid03 setgid03
-setegid01 setegid01
-setegid02 setegid02
-setgroups01 setgroups01
-setgroups02 setgroups02
-setgroups03 setgroups03
-setgroups04 setgroups04
-sethostname01 sethostname01
-sethostname02 sethostname02
-sethostname03 sethostname03
-setitimer01 setitimer01
-setitimer02 setitimer02
-setitimer03 setitimer03
-setpgid01 setpgid01
-setpgid02 setpgid02
-setpgid03 setpgid03
-setpgrp01 setpgrp01
-setpgrp02 setpgrp02
-setpriority01 setpriority01
-setpriority02 setpriority02
-setregid01 setregid01
-setregid02 setregid02
-setregid03 setregid03
-setregid04 setregid04
-setresgid01 setresgid01
-setresgid02 setresgid02
-setresgid03 setresgid03
-setresgid04 setresgid04
-setresuid01 setresuid01
-setresuid02 setresuid02
-setresuid03 setresuid03
-setresuid04 setresuid04
-setresuid05 setresuid05
-setreuid01 setreuid01
-setreuid02 setreuid02
-setreuid03 setreuid03
-setreuid04 setreuid04
-setreuid05 setreuid05
-setreuid06 setreuid06
-setreuid07 setreuid07
-setrlimit01 setrlimit01
-setrlimit02 setrlimit02
-setrlimit03 setrlimit03
-setsid01 setsid01
-setsockopt01 setsockopt01
-settimeofday01 settimeofday01
-settimeofday02 settimeofday02
-setuid01 setuid01
-setuid03 setuid03
-setuid04 setuid04
-shmat01 shmat01
-shmat02 shmat02
-shmctl01 shmctl01
-shmctl02 shmctl02
-shmctl03 shmctl03
-shmctl04 shmctl04
-shmdt01 shmdt01
-shmdt02 shmdt02
-shmget01 shmget01
-shmget02 shmget02
-shmget03 shmget03
-shmget04 shmget04
-shmget05 shmget05
-sigaction01 sigaction01
-sigaction02 sigaction02
-sigaltstack01 sigaltstack01
-sigaltstack02 sigaltstack02
-sighold02 sighold02
-signal01 signal01
-signal02 signal02
-signal03 signal03
-signal04 signal04
-signal05 signal05
-signal06 signal06
-sigpending02 sigpending02
-sigprocmask01 sigprocmask01
-sigrelse01 sigrelse01
-sigsuspend01 sigsuspend01
-socket01 socket01
-socketcall01 socketcall01
-socketcall02 socketcall02
-socketcall03 socketcall03
-socketcall04 socketcall04
-socketpair01 socketpair01
-sockioctl01 sockioctl01
-stat01 stat01
-stat02 stat02
-stat03 stat03
-stat04 symlink01 -T stat04
-stat05 stat05
-stat06 stat06
-statfs01 statfs01
-statfs02 statfs02
-statfs03 statfs03
-statvfs01 statvfs01
-statvfs02 statvfs02
-# This syscall is obsoleted by settimeofday.
-#stime01 stime01
-#stime02 stime02
-string01 string01
-swapoff01 swapoff01
-swapoff02 swapoff02
-swapon01 swapon01
-swapon02 swapon02
-swapon03 swapon03
-symlink01 symlink01
-symlink02 symlink02
-symlink03 symlink03
-symlink04 symlink04
-symlink05 symlink05
-sync01 sync01
-sync02 sync02
-syscall01 syscall01
-sysconf01 sysconf01
-sysctl01 sysctl01
-sysctl03 sysctl03
-sysctl04 sysctl04
-sysfs01 sysfs01
-sysfs02 sysfs02
-sysfs03 sysfs03
-sysfs04 sysfs04
-sysfs05 sysfs05
-sysfs06 sysfs06
-sysinfo01 sysinfo01
-sysinfo02 sysinfo02
-syslog01 syslog01
-syslog02 syslog02
-syslog03 syslog03
-syslog04 syslog04
-syslog05 syslog05
-syslog06 syslog06
-syslog07 syslog07
-syslog08 syslog08
-syslog09 syslog09
-syslog10 syslog10
-syslog11 syslog11
-syslog12 syslog12
-# This syscall is obsoleted by gettimeofday.
-# time01 time01
-# time02 time02
-times01 times01
-times03 times03
-truncate01 truncate01
-truncate02 truncate02
-truncate03 truncate03
-# This syscall is obsolete.  The latest glibc does not even
-# include the ulimit.h file anymore.  The test will fail
-# because the error handling has been simplified.
-# ulimit01 ulimit01
-umask01 umask01
-uname01 uname01
-uname02 uname02
-uname03 uname03
-unlink01 symlink01 -T unlink01
-unlink05 unlink05
-unlink07 unlink07
-unlink08 unlink08
-# These tests require an unmounted block device
-# to run correctly. Please see individual test
-# code for more information.
-#umount01 umount01 -D /dev/...
-#umount02 umount02 -D /dev/...
-#umount03 umount03 -D /dev/...
-umount2_01 umount2_01
-umount2_02 umount2_02
-umount2_03 umount2_03
-ustat01 ustat01
-ustat02 ustat02
-utime01 utime01
-utime01A symlink01 -T utime01
-utime02 utime02
-utime03 utime03
-utime04 utime04
-utime05 utime05
-utime06 utime06
-vfork01 vfork01
-vfork02 vfork02
-vhangup01 vhangup01
-vhangup02 vhangup02
-wait01 wait01
-wait02 wait02
-wait401 wait401
-wait402 wait402
-waitpid01 waitpid01
-waitpid02 waitpid02
-waitpid03 waitpid03
-waitpid04 waitpid04
-waitpid05 waitpid05
-waitpid06 waitpid06
-waitpid07 waitpid07
-waitpid08 waitpid08
-waitpid09 waitpid09
-waitpid10 waitpid10
-waitpid11 waitpid11
-waitpid12 waitpid12
-waitpid13 waitpid13
-write01 write01
-write03 write03
-write04 write04
-write05 write05
-writev01 writev01
-writev02 writev02
-writev05 writev05
-writev06 writev06
-writev07 writev07
-#DESCRIPTION:Memory Mgmt tests
-mm01 mmap001 -m 10000
-# 40 Mb mmap() test.
-# Creates a 10000 page mmap, touches all of the map, sync's it, and
-# munmap()s it.
-mm02 mmap001
-# simple mmap() test.
-#mm03 mmap001 -i 0 -I 1 -m 100
-# repetitive mmapping test.
-# Creates a one page map repetitively for one minute.
-mtest01 mtest01 -p80
-mtest01w mtest01 -p80 -w
-#test for race conditions
-mtest05 mmstress
-mtest06 mmap1 -x 0.05
-mem01 mem01
-mem02 mem02
-page01 page01
-page02 page02
-data_space data_space
-stack_space stack_space
-shmt02 shmt02
-shmt03 shmt03
-shmt04 shmt04
-shmt05 shmt05
-shmt06 shmt06
-shmt07 shmt07
-shmt08 shmt08
-shmt09 shmt09
-shmt10 shmt10
-#DESCRIPTION:Scheduler Stress Tests
-pth_str01 pth_str01
-pth_str02 pth_str02 -n1000
-pth_str03 pth_str03
-#DESCRIPTION:Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL) Tests
-nptl01 nptl01
-#DESCRIPTION:Terminal type stress
-pty01 pty01
-ptem01 ptem01
-hangup01 hangup01
-#DESCRIPTION:Filesystem stress tests
-gf01 growfiles -W gf01 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 20 -w -C 1 -l -I r -T 10 glseek20 glseek20.2
-gf02 growfiles -W gf02 -b -e 1 -L 10 -i 100 -I p -S 2 -u -f gf03_
-gf03 growfiles -W gf03 -b -e 1 -g 1 -i 1 -S 150 -u -f gf05_
-#gf04 growfiles -W gf04 -b -e 1 -g 4090 -i 500 -t 39000 -u -f gf06_
-#gf05 growfiles -W gf05 -b -e 1 -g 5000 -i 500 -t 49900 -T10 -c9 -I p -u -f gf07_
-gf06 growfiles -W gf06 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--1 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 g_rand10 g_rand10.2
-gf07 growfiles -W gf07 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--2 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I p g_rand13 g_rand13.2
-#gf08 growfiles -W gf08 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--2 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 g_rand11 g_rand11.2
-#gf09 growfiles -W gf09 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -R 0--1 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I p g_rand12 g_rand12.2
-gf10 growfiles -W gf10 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I l g_lio14 g_lio14.2
-gf11 growfiles -W gf11 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-5000 -i 0 -L 30 -C 1 -I L g_lio15 g_lio15.2
-gf12 mkfifo gffifo17; growfiles -b -W gf12 -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 30 gffifo17
-gf13 mkfifo gffifo18; growfiles -b -W gf13 -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 30 -I r -r 1-4096 gffifo18
-gf14 growfiles -W gf14 -b -e 1 -u -i 0 -L 20 -w -l -C 1 -T 10 glseek19 glseek19.2
-gf15 growfiles -W gf15 -b -e 1 -u -r 1-49600 -I r -u -i 0 -L 120 Lgfile1
-#gf16 growfiles -W gf16 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -u -g 4090 -T 100 -t 408990 -l -C 10 -c 1000 -S 10 -f Lgf02_
-gf17 growfiles -W gf17 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -u -g 5000 -T 100 -t 499990 -l -C 10 -c 1000 -S 10 -f Lgf03_
-gf18 growfiles -W gf18 -b -e 1 -i 0 -L 120 -w -u -r 10-5000 -I r -l -S 2 -f Lgf04_
-gf19 growfiles -W gf19 -b -e 1 -g 5000 -i 500 -t 49900 -T10 -c9 -I p -o O_RDWR,O_CREAT,O_TRUNC -u -f gf08i_
-gf20 growfiles -W gf20 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 1-256000:512 -R 512-256000 -T 4 gfbigio-$$
-#gf21 growfiles -W gf21 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-bld-$$
-#gf22 growfiles -W gf22 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-bldf-$$
-gf23 growfiles -W gf23 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 512-64000:1024 -R 1-384000 -T 4 gf-inf-$$
-gf24 growfiles -W gf24 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -g 20480 gf-jbld-$$
-gf25 growfiles -W gf25 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 1024000-2048000:2048 -R 4095-2048000 -T 1 gf-large-gs-$$
-gf26 growfiles -W gf26 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -r 128-32768:128 -R 512-64000 -T 4 gfsmallio-$$
-gf27 growfiles -W gf27 -b -D 0 -w -g 8b -C 1 -b -i 1000 -u gfsparse-1-$$
-#gf28 growfiles -W gf28 -b -D 0 -w -g 16b -C 1 -b -i 1000 -u gfsparse-2-$$
-#gf29 growfiles -W gf29 -b -D 0 -r 1-4096 -R 0-33554432 -i 0 -L 60 -C 1 -u gfsparse-3-$$
-gf30 growfiles -W gf30 -D 0 -b -i 0 -L 60 -u -B 1000b -e 1 -o O_RDWR,O_CREAT,O_SYNC -g 20480 -T 10 -t 20480 gf-sync-$$
-rwtest01 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest01 -c -q -i 60s  -f sync 10%25000:rw-sync-$$
-rwtest02 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest02 -c -q -i 60s  -f buffered 10%25000:rw-buffered-$$
-rwtest03 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest03 -c -q -i 60s -n 2  -f buffered -s mmread,mmwrite -m random -Dv 10%25000:mm-buff-$$
-rwtest04 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest04 -c -q -i 60s -n 2  -f sync -s mmread,mmwrite -m random -Dv 10%25000:mm-sync-$$
-rwtest05 export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest05 -c -q -i 50 -T 64b 500b:/tmp/rwtest01%f