*** empty log message ***
diff --git a/ltpmenu b/ltpmenu
index 365f7c7..48bfe17 100755
--- a/ltpmenu
+++ b/ltpmenu
@@ -179,23 +179,24 @@
         dialog --backtitle "Linux Test Project Control Centre" \
                --title "LTP Test Results" \
                --textbox results/$results_item 17 70
+        dialog --backtitle "Linux Test Project Control Centre" \
+               --title "LTP Test Results." \
+               --yesno "Would you like to share these results with the LTP \
+                        community by posting it to the LTP results mailing list?" \
+                        7 70 || RESPONSE=$?
+        case $RESPONSE in 
+            0) \
+                mail ltp-results@lists.sourceforge.net < \
+                        ./results/$results_item ;
+                ;;
+            1)  ;;
+            255)  ;;
+        esac
-#    dialog --backtitle "Linux Test Project Control Centre" \
-#           --title "LTP Test Results." \
-#           --yesno "Would you like to share these results with the LTP \
-#                    community by posting it to the LTP results mailing list?" \
-#                    7 70 || RC=$?
-#    case $RC in 
-#        0) \
-#            mail ltp-results@lists.sourceforge.net < \
-#                    ./results/results.$RESULTS_FILE ;
-#            return ;;
-#        1) return ;;
-#        255) return ;;
-#    esac