pan/bi: Add disassembler generator

Given a parsed instruction set definition, this script generates
instruction disassembly routines responsible for decoding instruction
words and pretty-printing. Decoding is somewhat complex as with the
previous disassembler but can be automated.

Disssembly is complicated by indirect specifications of instruction
modifiers. These specifiers are given as logic expressions in the XML,
which optimizes for straightforwaard packing but makes disassembly
awkward. Instead of attempting to invert the logic directly, we generate
lookup tables of `modifiers -> encoding` maps which we may invert
directly to produce a lookup table for the `encoding -> modifiers` map
needed for disassembly.

Signed-off-by: Alyssa Rosenzweig <>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Stone <>
Part-of: <>
1 file changed