intel/fs,vec4: Pull stall logic for memory fences up into the IR

Instead of emitting the stall MOV "inside" the
SHADER_OPCODE_MEMORY_FENCE generation, use the scheduling fences when
creating the IR.

For IvyBridge, every (data cache) fence is accompained by a render
cache fence, that now is explicit in the IR, two
SHADER_OPCODE_MEMORY_FENCEs are emitted (with different SFIDs).

Because Begin and End interlock intrinsics are effectively memory
barriers, move its handling alongside the other memory barrier
intrinsics.  The SHADER_OPCODE_INTERLOCK is still used to distinguish
if we are going to use a SENDC (for Begin) or regular SEND (for End).

This change is a preparation to allow emitting both SENDs in Gen11+
before we can stall on them.

Shader-db results for IVB (i965):

    total instructions in shared programs: 11971190 -> 11971200 (<.01%)
    instructions in affected programs: 11482 -> 11492 (0.09%)
    helped: 0
    HURT: 8
    HURT stats (abs)   min: 1 max: 3 x̄: 1.25 x̃: 1
    HURT stats (rel)   min: 0.03% max: 0.50% x̄: 0.14% x̃: 0.10%
    95% mean confidence interval for instructions value: 0.66 1.84
    95% mean confidence interval for instructions %-change: 0.01% 0.27%
    Instructions are HURT.

  Unlike the previous code, that used the `mov g1 g2` trick to force
  both `g1` and `g2` to stall, the scheduling fence will generate `mov
  null g1` and `mov null g2`.  During review it was decided it was not
  worth keeping the special codepath for the small effect will have.

Shader-db results for HSW (i965), BDW and SKL don't have a change
on instruction count, but do report changes in cycles count, showing
SKL results below

    total cycles in shared programs: 341738444 -> 341710570 (<.01%)
    cycles in affected programs: 7240002 -> 7212128 (-0.38%)
    helped: 46
    HURT: 5
    helped stats (abs) min: 14 max: 1940 x̄: 676.22 x̃: 154
    helped stats (rel) min: <.01% max: 2.62% x̄: 1.28% x̃: 0.95%
    HURT stats (abs)   min: 2 max: 1768 x̄: 646.40 x̃: 362
    HURT stats (rel)   min: <.01% max: 0.83% x̄: 0.28% x̃: 0.08%
    95% mean confidence interval for cycles value: -777.71 -315.38
    95% mean confidence interval for cycles %-change: -1.42% -0.83%
    Cycles are helped.

  This seems to be the effect of allocating two registers separatedly
  instead of a single one with size 2, which causes different register
  allocation, affecting the cycle estimates.

while ICL also has not change on instruction count but report changes
negative changes in cycles

    total cycles in shared programs: 352665369 -> 352707484 (0.01%)
    cycles in affected programs: 9608288 -> 9650403 (0.44%)
    helped: 4
    HURT: 104
    helped stats (abs) min: 24 max: 128 x̄: 88.50 x̃: 101
    helped stats (rel) min: <.01% max: 0.85% x̄: 0.46% x̃: 0.49%
    HURT stats (abs)   min: 2 max: 2016 x̄: 408.36 x̃: 48
    HURT stats (rel)   min: <.01% max: 3.31% x̄: 0.88% x̃: 0.45%
    95% mean confidence interval for cycles value: 256.67 523.24
    95% mean confidence interval for cycles %-change: 0.63% 1.03%
    Cycles are HURT.

  AFAICT this is the result of the case above.

Shader-db results for TGL have similar cycles result as ICL, but also
affect instructions

    total instructions in shared programs: 17690586 -> 17690597 (<.01%)
    instructions in affected programs: 64617 -> 64628 (0.02%)
    helped: 55
    HURT: 32
    helped stats (abs) min: 1 max: 16 x̄: 4.13 x̃: 3
    helped stats (rel) min: 0.05% max: 2.78% x̄: 0.86% x̃: 0.74%
    HURT stats (abs)   min: 1 max: 65 x̄: 7.44 x̃: 2
    HURT stats (rel)   min: 0.05% max: 4.58% x̄: 1.13% x̃: 0.69%
    95% mean confidence interval for instructions value: -2.03 2.28
    95% mean confidence interval for instructions %-change: -0.41% 0.15%
    Inconclusive result (value mean confidence interval includes 0).

  Now that more is done in the IR, more dependencies are visible and
  more SWSB annotations are emitted.  Mixed with different register
  allocation decisions like above, some shaders will see more `sync
  nops` while others able to avoid them.

  Most of the new `sync nops` are also redundant and could be dropped,
  which will be fixed in a separate change.

Reviewed-by: Francisco Jerez <>
Part-of: <>
7 files changed