Refactor samples (#541)

Refactoring the hello-oboe and MegaDrone samples. Changes include: 

- Each sample's audio engine now owns a separate callback object, rather than it _being_ a callback. This decouples the callback from the owning class. 
- A new `DefaultAudioStreamCallback` object implements common useful callback functionality. 
- In hello-oboe a customised `LatencyTuningCallback` is used which automatically adjusts the buffer size of the audio stream based on the number of underruns (more underruns = bigger buffer).
- `ManagedStream` is used in both samples which simplifies the ownership of an `AudioStream` object.
- Both samples now have a `TappableAudioSource` which is an object which can be tapped and renders audio data.
- Duplicated code has been refactored into shared objects, these can be found in the `samples/shared` folder. 
Thanks to @atneya who implemented the vast majority of these changes. 
25 files changed