- Add Andre Lucas' <andre.lucas@dial.pipex.com> patch to read entropy
   gathering commands from a text file
diff --git a/ssh_prng_cmds.in b/ssh_prng_cmds.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ecb30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssh_prng_cmds.in
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# entropy gathering commands
+# Format is: "program-name args" path rate
+# The "rate" represents the number of bits of usuable entropy per 
+# byte of command output. Be conservative.
+"ls -alni /var/log"			@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"ls -alni /var/adm"			@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"ls -alni /var/mail"			@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"ls -alni /var/spool/mail"		@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"ls -alni /proc"			@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"ls -alni /tmp"				@PROG_LS@	0.002
+"netstat -an"				@PROG_NETSTAT@	0.005
+"netstat -in"				@PROG_NETSTAT@	0.010
+"netstat -rn"				@PROG_NETSTAT@	0.002
+"netstat -s"				@PROG_NETSTAT@	0.002
+"arp -a -n"				@PROG_ARP@	0.002
+"ifconfig -a"				@PROG_IFCONFIG@	0.002
+"ps laxww"				@PROG_PS@	0.003
+"ps -al"				@PROG_PS@	0.003
+"ps -efl"				@PROG_PS@	0.003
+"w"					@PROG_W@	0.005
+"who -i"				@PROG_WHO@	0.001
+"last"					@PROG_LAST@	0.001
+"lastlog"				@PROG_LASTLOG@	0.001
+"df"					@PROG_DF@	0.010
+"df -i"					@PROG_DF@	0.010
+"vmstat"				@PROG_VMSTAT@	0.010
+"uptime"				@PROG_UPTIME@	0.001
+"ipcs -a"				@PROG_IPCS@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/log/messages"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/log/syslog"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/adm/messages"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/adm/syslog"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log"	@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/log/maillog"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001
+"tail -200 /var/adm/maillog"		@PROG_TAIL@	0.001