[contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh, contrib/solaris/README] Updated to
build on all platforms that support SVR4 style package tools. Now runs
from build dir. Parts are based on patches from Antonio Navarro, and
Darren Tucker.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fd9831d..fe0e60d 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ - (tim) [contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh, contrib/solaris/README] Updated to
+   build on all platforms that support SVR4 style package tools. Now runs
+   from build dir. Parts are based on patches from Antonio Navarro, and
+   Darren Tucker.
  - (djm) Revert bits of Markus' OpenSSL compat patch which was 
    accidentally committed.
@@ -7828,4 +7834,4 @@
  - Wrote replacements for strlcpy and mkdtemp
  - Released 1.0pre1
-$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.1920 2002/03/11 11:53:29 djm Exp $
+$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.1921 2002/03/12 04:55:53 tim Exp $
diff --git a/contrib/solaris/README b/contrib/solaris/README
index 5585249..9b0a46e 100644
--- a/contrib/solaris/README
+++ b/contrib/solaris/README
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 The following is a new package build script for Solaris.   This is being
 introduced into OpenSSH 3.0 and above in hopes of simplifying the build
+process.  As of 3.1p2 the script should work on all platforms that have
+SVR4 style package tools.
 The build process is called a 'dummy install'.. Which means the software does
 a  "make install-nokeys DESTDIR=[fakeroot]".  This way all manpages should
@@ -11,7 +12,8 @@
 1. make -F Makefile.in distprep  (Only if you are getting from the CVS tree)
 2. ./configure --with-pam [..any other options you want..]
-3. cd contrib/solaris; ./buildpkg.sh
+3. look at the top of contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh for the configurable options.
+4. ./contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh
 If all goes well you should have a solaris package ready to be installed.
@@ -20,9 +22,3 @@
 - Ben Lindstrom
-- Expand to cover all sysvr4 family of OSes
-- Clean things up a bit more.  
-- Detect if sshd is running and refuse to start.
-- SHOULD check for existing sshd_config nor ssh_config (does not currently).
-  [Post install script?  Ugh.. Nasty]
diff --git a/contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh b/contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh
index 05abb22..20f8544 100755
--- a/contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh
+++ b/contrib/solaris/buildpkg.sh
@@ -1,52 +1,139 @@
-# Fake Root Solaris Build System - Prototype
+# Fake Root Solaris/SVR4/SVR5 Build System - Prototype
 # The following code has been provide under Public Domain License.  I really
 # don't care what you use it for.  Just as long as you don't complain to me
 # nor my employer if you break it. - Ben Lindstrom (mouring@eviladmin.org)
 umask 022
+# Options for building the package
+# You can create a config.local with your customized options
+# uncommenting TEST_DIR and using configure--prefix=/var/tmp and 
+# PKGNAME=tOpenSSH should allow testing a package without interfering
+# with a real OpenSSH package on a system.
+#TEST_DIR=/var/tmp	# leave commented out for production build
+# uncomment these next two as needed
+# list of system directories we do NOT want to change owner/group/perms
+# when installing our package
+SYSTEM_DIR="/etc	\
+/etc/init.d		\
+/etc/rcS.d		\
+/etc/rc0.d		\
+/etc/rc1.d		\
+/etc/rc2.d		\
+/opt			\
+/opt/bin		\
+/usr			\
+/usr/bin		\
+/usr/lib		\
+/usr/sbin		\
+/usr/share		\
+/usr/share/man		\
+/usr/share/man/man1	\
+/usr/share/man/man8	\
+/usr/local		\
+/usr/local/bin		\
+/usr/local/etc		\
+/usr/local/libexec	\
+/usr/local/man		\
+/usr/local/man/man1	\
+/usr/local/man/man8	\
+/usr/local/sbin		\
+/usr/local/share	\
+/var			\
+/var/run		\
+/var/tmp		\
-## Extract common info requires for the 'info' part of the package.
-VERSION=`tail -1 ../../version.h | sed -e 's/.*_\([0-9]\)/\1/g' | sed 's/\"$//'`
-ARCH=`uname -p`
+# We may need to buiild as root so we make sure PATH is set up
+# only set the path if it's not set already
+[ -d /usr/local/bin ]  &&  {
+	echo $PATH | grep ":/usr/local/bin"  > /dev/null 2>&1
+	[ $? -ne 0 ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
+[ -d /usr/ccs/bin ]  &&  {
+	echo $PATH | grep ":/usr/ccs/bin"  > /dev/null 2>&1
+	[ $? -ne 0 ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin
+export PATH
+[ -f Makefile ]  ||  {
+	echo "Please run this script from your build directory"
+	exit 1
+# we will look for config.local to override the above options
+[ -s ./config.local ]  &&  . ./config.local
 ## Start by faking root install 
 echo "Faking root install..."
+OPENSSHD_IN=`dirname $0`/opensshd.in
+[ -d $FAKE_ROOT ]  &&  rm -fr $FAKE_ROOT
 mkdir $FAKE_ROOT
-cd ../..
-make install-nokeys DESTDIR=$FAKE_ROOT
+${MAKE} install-nokeys DESTDIR=$FAKE_ROOT
+if [ $? -gt 0 ]
+	echo "Fake root install failed, stopping."
+	exit 1
 ## Fill in some details, like prefix and sysconfdir
-ETCDIR=`grep "^sysconfdir=" Makefile | sed 's/sysconfdir=//'`
-PREFIX=`grep "^prefix=" Makefile | cut -d = -f 2`        
-PIDDIR=`grep "^piddir=" Makefile | cut -d = -f 2`        
+for confvar in prefix exec_prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datadir mandir sysconfdir piddir
+        eval $confvar=`grep "^$confvar=" Makefile | cut -d = -f 2`
+## Extract common info requires for the 'info' part of the package.
+VERSION=`./ssh -V 2>&1 | sed -e 's/,.*//'`
+UNAME_S=`uname -s`
+case ${UNAME_S} in
+	SunOS)	UNAME_S=Solaris
+		ARCH=`uname -p`
+		RCS_D=yes
+		DEF_MSG="(default: n)"
+		;;
+	*)	ARCH=`uname -m` ;;
 ## Setup our run level stuff while we are at it.
-mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/etc/init.d
-mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rcS.d
-mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc0.d
-mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc1.d
-mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc2.d
+mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d
 ## setup our initscript correctly
-sed -e "s#%%configDir%%#$ETCDIR#g" 		\
-    -e "s#%%openSSHDir%%#$PREFIX#g"	\
-    -e "s#%%pidDir%%#$PIDDIR#g"	\
-	../opensshd.in	> $FAKE_ROOT/etc/init.d/opensshd
-chmod 711 $FAKE_ROOT/etc/init.d/opensshd
+sed -e "s#%%configDir%%#${sysconfdir}#g" 	\
+    -e "s#%%openSSHDir%%#$prefix#g"		\
+    -e "s#%%pidDir%%#${piddir}#g"		\
+chmod 744 $FAKE_ROOT${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME}
-ln -s ../init.d/opensshd $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rcS.d/K30opensshd
-ln -s ../init.d/opensshd $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc0.d/K30opensshd
-ln -s ../init.d/opensshd $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc1.d/K30opensshd
-ln -s ../init.d/opensshd $FAKE_ROOT/etc/rc2.d/S98opensshd
+[ "${PERMIT_ROOT_LOGIN}" = no ]  &&  \
+	perl -p -i -e "s/#PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin no/" \
+		$FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config
+[ "${X11_FORWARDING}" = yes ]  &&  \
+	perl -p -i -e "s/#X11Forwarding no/X11Forwarding yes/" \
+		$FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config
+# fix PrintMotd
+perl -p -i -e "s/#PrintMotd yes/PrintMotd no/" \
+	$FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config
+# We don't want to overwrite config files on multiple installs
+mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_config $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_config.default
+mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/sshd_config.default
+[ -f $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds ]  &&  \
+mv $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds $FAKE_ROOT/${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default
 ## Ok, this is outright wrong, but it will work.  I'm tired of pkgmk
 ## whining.
@@ -58,28 +145,156 @@
 echo "Building pkginfo file..."
 cat > pkginfo << _EOF
-NAME=OpenSSH Portable for Solaris
+NAME="OpenSSH Portable for ${UNAME_S}"
 DESC="Secure Shell remote access utility; replaces telnet and rlogin/rsh."
 VENDOR="OpenSSH Portable Team - http://www.openssh.com/portable.html"
+## Build preinstall file
+echo "Building preinstall file..."
+cat > preinstall << _EOF
+#! /sbin/sh
+[ "\${PRE_INS_STOP}" = "yes" ]  &&  ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} stop
+exit 0
+## Build postinstall file
+echo "Building postinstall file..."
+cat > postinstall << _EOF
+#! /sbin/sh
+[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config ]  ||  \\
+	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config.default ${sysconfdir}/ssh_config
+[ -f ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config ]  ||  \\
+	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config.default ${sysconfdir}/sshd_config
+[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default ]  &&  {
+	[ -f ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds ]  ||  \\
+	cp -p ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds.default ${sysconfdir}/ssh_prng_cmds
+# make rc?.d dirs only if we are doing a test install
+[ -n "${TEST_DIR}" ]  &&  {
+	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rcS.d
+	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc0.d
+	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc1.d
+	mkdir -p ${TEST_DIR}/etc/rc2.d
+if [ "\${USE_SYM_LINKS}" = yes ]
+	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
+installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME}=../init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} s
+	[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
+installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
+	installf ${PKGNAME} $TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME}=$TEST_DIR/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} l
+installf -f ${PKGNAME}
+[ "\${POST_INS_START}" = "yes" ]  &&  ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} start
+exit 0
+## Build preremove file
+echo "Building preremove file..."
+cat > preremove << _EOF
+#! /sbin/sh
+${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} stop
+exit 0
+## Build request file
+echo "Building request file..."
+cat > request << _EOF
+trap 'exit 3' 15
+# Use symbolic links?
+ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
+-p "Do you want symbolic links for the start/stop scripts? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
+case \$ans in
+	[y,Y]*)	USE_SYM_LINKS=yes ;;
+# determine if should restart the daemon
+if [ -s ${piddir}/sshd.pid  -a  -f ${TEST_DIR}/etc/init.d/${SYSVINIT_NAME} ]
+	ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
+-p "Should the running sshd daemon be restarted? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
+	case \$ans in
+		[y,Y]*)	PRE_INS_STOP=yes
+			;;
+	esac
+# determine if we should start sshd
+	ans=\`ckyorn -d n \
+-p "Start the sshd daemon after installing this package? ${DEF_MSG}"\` || exit \$?
+	case \$ans in
+		[y,Y]*)	POST_INS_START=yes ;;
+	esac
+# make parameters available to installation service,
+# and so to any other packaging scripts
+cat >\$1 <<!
+exit 0
+## Build space file
+echo "Building space file..."
+cat > space << _EOF
+# extra space required by start/stop links added by installf in postinstall
+$TEST_DIR/etc/rc0.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
+$TEST_DIR/etc/rc1.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
+$TEST_DIR/etc/rc2.d/S98${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1
+[ "$RCS_D" = yes ]  &&  \
+echo "$TEST_DIR/etc/rcS.d/K30${SYSVINIT_NAME} 0 1" >> space
 ## Next Build our prototype
 echo "Building prototype file..."
-find . | egrep -v "prototype|pkginfo" | sort | pkgproto $PROTO_ARGS | \
-	awk '
-            BEGIN { print "i pkginfo" }	
-	    { $5="root"; $6="sys"; }
-	    { print; }' > prototype
+cat >mk-proto.awk << _EOF
+	    BEGIN { print "i pkginfo"; print "i preinstall"; \\
+		    print "i postinstall"; print "i preremove"; \\
+		    print "i request"; print "i space"; \\
+	            split("$SYSTEM_DIR",sys_files); }
+	    {
+	     for (dir in sys_files) { if ( \$3 != sys_files[dir] )
+	             { \$5="root"; \$6="sys"; }
+	        else
+	             { \$4="?"; \$5="?"; \$6="?"; break;}
+	    } }
+	    { print; }
+find . | egrep -v "prototype|pkginfo|mk-proto.awk" | sort | \
+	pkgproto $PROTO_ARGS | nawk -f mk-proto.awk > prototype
 ## Step back a directory and now build the package.
 echo "Building package.."
 cd ..
-pkgmk -d . -f $FAKE_ROOT/prototype -o
+pkgmk -d ${FAKE_ROOT} -f $FAKE_ROOT/prototype -o
+echo | pkgtrans -os ${FAKE_ROOT} ${START}/$PKGNAME-$UNAME_S-$ARCH-$VERSION.pkg
 rm -rf $FAKE_ROOT
-echo | pkgtrans -os . $PKGNAME-$ARCH-$VERSION.pkg
-rm -rf $PKGNAME