Lots of changes:

 - Removed lots of unnecessary checks from autoconf
 - Added support and autoconf test for openpty() function (Unix98 pty support)
 - Fix for scp not finding ssh if not installed as /usr/bin/ssh
 - Added TODO file
 - Merged parts of Debian patch From Phil Hands <phil@hands.com>:
   - Added ssh-askpass program
   - Added ssh-askpass support to ssh-add.c
   - Create symlinks for slogin on install
   - Fix "distclean" target in makefile
   - Added example for ssh-agent to manpage
   - Added support for PAM_TEXT_INFO messages
   - Disable internal /etc/nologin support if PAM enabled
 - Merged latest OpenBSD CVS changes:
   - [sshd.c] don't send fail-msg but disconnect if too many authentication
   - [sshd.c] replace assert() with error, fatal or packet_disconnect
   - [sshd.c] remove unused argument. ok dugsong
   - [sshd.c] typo
   - [rsa.c] clear buffers used for encryption. ok: niels
   - [rsa.c] replace assert() with error, fatal or packet_disconnect
 - Fixed coredump after merge of OpenBSD rsa.c patch
diff --git a/ssh-askpass b/ssh-askpass
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1e23c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssh-askpass
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Written by Tommi Virtanen <tv@debian.org>.  Consider it public domain.
+use strict;
+use Tk;
+sub do_it($$;) {
+  my ($passphrase, $main) = @_;
+  print $passphrase->get(), "\n";
+  $main->destroy();
+sub ask($;) {
+  my ($prompt)=@_;
+  my $main=MainWindow->new;
+  $main->Label(-text=>$prompt)->pack(-fill=>'x');
+  my $passphrase=$main->Entry(-show=>'*')->pack(-fill=>'x');
+  $passphrase->focus();
+  my $buttons=$main->Frame;
+  $buttons->pack(-side=>'right');
+  my $ok=$buttons->Button(-text=>'Ok', 
+                          -command=>sub {do_it $passphrase, $main}
+                         )->pack(-side=>'left');
+  my $cancel=$buttons->Button(-text=>'Cancel', -command=>[$main=>'destroy'])
+    ->pack(-side=>'right');
+  $main->bind('Tk::Button', '<Return>' => 'invoke');
+  $main->bind('<Return>', [$ok => 'invoke']);
+  $main->bind('<Escape>', [$cancel => 'invoke']);
+  $main->bind('<Visibility>' => [$main => 'grabGlobal']); 
+  MainLoop;
+ask ($#ARGV==0
+     ? $ARGV[0]
+     : 'Please enter your authentication passphrase:');