- sobrado@cvs.openbsd.org 2008/12/09 15:35:00
     [sftp.1 sftp.c]
     update for the synopses displayed by the 'help' command, there are a
     few missing flags; add 'bye' to the output of 'help'; sorting and spacing.
     jmc@ suggested replacing .Oo/.Oc with a single .Op macro.
     ok jmc@
diff --git a/sftp.c b/sftp.c
index 4d37f85..01077a7 100644
--- a/sftp.c
+++ b/sftp.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $OpenBSD: sftp.c,v 1.105 2008/12/09 03:04:39 djm Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: sftp.c,v 1.106 2008/12/09 15:35:00 sobrado Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Damien Miller <djm@openbsd.org>
@@ -207,36 +207,37 @@
 static void
-	printf("Available commands:\n");
-	printf("cd path                       Change remote directory to 'path'\n");
-	printf("lcd path                      Change local directory to 'path'\n");
-	printf("chgrp grp path                Change group of file 'path' to 'grp'\n");
-	printf("chmod mode path               Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'\n");
-	printf("chown own path                Change owner of file 'path' to 'own'\n");
-	printf("df [path]                     Display statistics for current directory or\n");
-	printf("                              filesystem containing 'path'\n");
-	printf("help                          Display this help text\n");
-	printf("get remote-path [local-path]  Download file\n");
-	printf("lls [ls-options [path]]       Display local directory listing\n");
-	printf("ln oldpath newpath            Symlink remote file\n");
-	printf("lmkdir path                   Create local directory\n");
-	printf("lpwd                          Print local working directory\n");
-	printf("ls [path]                     Display remote directory listing\n");
-	printf("lumask umask                  Set local umask to 'umask'\n");
-	printf("mkdir path                    Create remote directory\n");
-	printf("progress                      Toggle display of progress meter\n");
-	printf("put local-path [remote-path]  Upload file\n");
-	printf("pwd                           Display remote working directory\n");
-	printf("exit                          Quit sftp\n");
-	printf("quit                          Quit sftp\n");
-	printf("rename oldpath newpath        Rename remote file\n");
-	printf("rmdir path                    Remove remote directory\n");
-	printf("rm path                       Delete remote file\n");
-	printf("symlink oldpath newpath       Symlink remote file\n");
-	printf("version                       Show SFTP version\n");
-	printf("!command                      Execute 'command' in local shell\n");
-	printf("!                             Escape to local shell\n");
-	printf("?                             Synonym for help\n");
+	printf("Available commands:\n"
+	    "bye                                Quit sftp\n"
+	    "cd path                            Change remote directory to 'path'\n"
+	    "chgrp grp path                     Change group of file 'path' to 'grp'\n"
+	    "chmod mode path                    Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'\n"
+	    "chown own path                     Change owner of file 'path' to 'own'\n"
+	    "df [-hi] [path]                    Display statistics for current directory or\n"
+	    "                                   filesystem containing 'path'\n"
+	    "exit                               Quit sftp\n"
+	    "get [-P] remote-path [local-path]  Download file\n"
+	    "help                               Display this help text\n"
+	    "lcd path                           Change local directory to 'path'\n"
+	    "lls [ls-options [path]]            Display local directory listing\n"
+	    "lmkdir path                        Create local directory\n"
+	    "ln oldpath newpath                 Symlink remote file\n"
+	    "lpwd                               Print local working directory\n"
+	    "ls [-1aflnrSt] [path]              Display remote directory listing\n"
+	    "lumask umask                       Set local umask to 'umask'\n"
+	    "mkdir path                         Create remote directory\n"
+	    "progress                           Toggle display of progress meter\n"
+	    "put [-P] local-path [remote-path]  Upload file\n"
+	    "pwd                                Display remote working directory\n"
+	    "quit                               Quit sftp\n"
+	    "rename oldpath newpath             Rename remote file\n"
+	    "rm path                            Delete remote file\n"
+	    "rmdir path                         Remove remote directory\n"
+	    "symlink oldpath newpath            Symlink remote file\n"
+	    "version                            Show SFTP version\n"
+	    "!command                           Execute 'command' in local shell\n"
+	    "!                                  Escape to local shell\n"
+	    "?                                  Synonym for help\n");
 static void