Changed to OpenBSD indent and function declaration style
Added display of time when logging out, to try to catch lastlog bugs
diff --git a/logintest.c b/logintest.c
index d7c62ab..d974f6e 100644
--- a/logintest.c
+++ b/logintest.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 #include "loginrec.h"
-RCSID("$Id: logintest.c,v 1.4 2000/06/13 00:29:34 andre Exp $");
+RCSID("$Id: logintest.c,v 1.5 2000/06/13 00:43:47 andre Exp $");
 int nologtest = 0;
@@ -57,228 +57,240 @@
 /* Dump a logininfo to stdout. Assumes a tab size of 8 chars. */
-void dump_logininfo(struct logininfo *li, char *descname)
+dump_logininfo(struct logininfo *li, char *descname)
-  /* yes I know how nasty this is */
-  printf("struct logininfo %s = {\n\t"
-	 "progname\t'%s'\n\ttype\t\t%d\n\t"
-	 "pid\t\t%d\n\tuid\t\t%d\n\t"
-	 "line\t\t'%s'\n\tusername\t'%s'\n\t"
-	 "hostname\t'%s'\n\texit\t\t%d\n\ttermination\t%d\n\t"
-	 "tv_sec\t%d\n\ttv_usec\t%d\n\t"
-	 "struct login_netinfo hostaddr {\n\t\t"
-	 "struct sockaddr sa {\n"
-	 "\t\t\tfamily\t%d\n\t\t}\n"
-	 "\t\t** !!! IP6 stuff not supported yet **\n"
-	 "\t}\n"
-	 "}\n",
-	 descname, li->progname, li->type, 
-	 li->pid, li->uid, li->line,
-	 li->username, li->hostname, li->exit, 
-	 li->termination, li->tv_sec, li->tv_usec, 
-	 li->;
+	/* yes I know how nasty this is */
+	printf("struct logininfo %s = {\n\t"
+	       "progname\t'%s'\n\ttype\t\t%d\n\t"
+	       "pid\t\t%d\n\tuid\t\t%d\n\t"
+	       "line\t\t'%s'\n\tusername\t'%s'\n\t"
+	       "hostname\t'%s'\n\texit\t\t%d\n\ttermination\t%d\n\t"
+	       "tv_sec\t%d\n\ttv_usec\t%d\n\t"
+	       "struct login_netinfo hostaddr {\n\t\t"
+	       "struct sockaddr sa {\n"
+	       "\t\t\tfamily\t%d\n\t\t}\n"
+	       "\t\t** !!! IP6 stuff not supported yet **\n"
+	       "\t}\n"
+	       "}\n",
+	       descname, li->progname, li->type, 
+	       li->pid, li->uid, li->line,
+	       li->username, li->hostname, li->exit, 
+	       li->termination, li->tv_sec, li->tv_usec, 
+	       li->;
-int testAPI()
-  struct logininfo *li1;
-  struct passwd *pw;
-  struct hostent *he;
-  struct sockaddr_in sa_in4;
-  char cmdstring[256], stripline[8];
-  char username[32];
+	struct logininfo *li1;
+	struct passwd *pw;
+	struct hostent *he;
+	struct sockaddr_in sa_in4;
+	char cmdstring[256], stripline[8];
+	char username[32];
 #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
-  time_t t0, t1, t2;
-  char s_t0[64],s_t1[64],s_t2[64]; /* ctime() strings */
+	time_t t0, t1, t2, logouttime;
+	char s_t0[64],s_t1[64],s_t2[64], s_logouttime[64]; /* ctime() strings */
-  printf("**\n** Testing the API...\n**\n");
+	printf("**\n** Testing the API...\n**\n");
-  pw = getpwuid(getuid());
-  strlcpy(username, pw->pw_name, sizeof(username));
+	pw = getpwuid(getuid());
+	strlcpy(username, pw->pw_name, sizeof(username));
-  /* gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); */
+	/* gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); */
-  printf("login_alloc_entry test (no host info):\n");
-  /* !!! fake tty more effectively */
-  li1 = login_alloc_entry((int)getpid(), username, NULL, ttyname(0));
-  strlcpy(li1->progname, "OpenSSH-logintest", sizeof(li1->progname));
+	printf("login_alloc_entry test (no host info):\n");
+	/* !!! fake tty more effectively */
+	li1 = login_alloc_entry((int)getpid(), username, NULL, ttyname(0));
+	strlcpy(li1->progname, "OpenSSH-logintest", sizeof(li1->progname));
-  if (be_verbose)
-    dump_logininfo(li1, "li1");
+	if (be_verbose)
+		dump_logininfo(li1, "li1");
-  printf("Setting host address info for 'localhost' (may call out):\n");
-  if (! (he = gethostbyname("localhost"))) {
-    printf("Couldn't set hostname(lookup failed)\n");
-  } else {
-    /* NOTE: this is messy, but typically a program wouldn't have to set
-     *  any of this, a sockaddr_in* would be already prepared */
-    memcpy((void *)&(sa_in4.sin_addr), (void *)&(he->h_addr_list[0][0]),
-	   sizeof(struct in_addr));
-    login_set_addr(li1, (struct sockaddr *) &sa_in4, sizeof(sa_in4));
-    strlcpy(li1->hostname, "localhost", sizeof(li1->hostname));
-  }
-  if (be_verbose)
-    dump_logininfo(li1, "li1");
+	printf("Setting host address info for 'localhost' (may call out):\n");
+	if (! (he = gethostbyname("localhost"))) {
+		printf("Couldn't set hostname(lookup failed)\n");
+	} else {
+		/* NOTE: this is messy, but typically a program wouldn't have to set
+		 *  any of this, a sockaddr_in* would be already prepared */
+		memcpy((void *)&(sa_in4.sin_addr), (void *)&(he->h_addr_list[0][0]),
+		       sizeof(struct in_addr));
+		login_set_addr(li1, (struct sockaddr *) &sa_in4, sizeof(sa_in4));
+		strlcpy(li1->hostname, "localhost", sizeof(li1->hostname));
+	}
+	if (be_verbose)
+		dump_logininfo(li1, "li1");
-  if ((int)geteuid() != 0) {
-    printf("NOT RUNNING LOGIN TESTS - you are not root!\n");
-    return 1; /* this isn't necessarily an error */
-  }
+	if ((int)geteuid() != 0) {
+		printf("NOT RUNNING LOGIN TESTS - you are not root!\n");
+		return 1; /* this isn't necessarily an error */
+	}
-  if (nologtest)
-    return 1;
+	if (nologtest)
+		return 1;
-  line_stripname(stripline, li1->line, sizeof(stripline));
+	line_stripname(stripline, li1->line, sizeof(stripline));
-  printf("Performing an invalid login attempt (no type field)\n--\n");
-  login_write(li1);
-  printf("--\n(Should have written an error to stderr)\n");
+	printf("Performing an invalid login attempt (no type field)\n--\n");
+	login_write(li1);
+	printf("--\n(Should have written an error to stderr)\n");
 #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
-  (void)time(&t0);
-  strlcpy(s_t0, ctime(&t0), sizeof(s_t0));
-  t1 = login_get_lastlog_time(getuid());
-  strlcpy(s_t1, ctime(&t1), sizeof(s_t1));
-  printf("Before logging in:\n\tcurrent time is %d - %s\t"
-	 "lastlog time is %d - %s\n",
-	 (int)t0, s_t0, (int)t1, s_t1);
+	(void)time(&t0);
+	strlcpy(s_t0, ctime(&t0), sizeof(s_t0));
+	t1 = login_get_lastlog_time(getuid());
+	strlcpy(s_t1, ctime(&t1), sizeof(s_t1));
+	printf("Before logging in:\n\tcurrent time is %d - %s\t"
+	       "lastlog time is %d - %s\n",
+	       (int)t0, s_t0, (int)t1, s_t1);
-  printf("Performing a login on line %s...\n--\n", stripline);
-  login_login(li1);
+	printf("Performing a login on line %s...\n--\n", stripline);
+	login_login(li1);
-  snprintf(cmdstring, sizeof(cmdstring), "who | grep '%s '",
-	   stripline);
-  system(cmdstring);
+	snprintf(cmdstring, sizeof(cmdstring), "who | grep '%s '",
+		 stripline);
+	system(cmdstring);
-  printf("--\nWaiting for a few seconds...\n");
-  sleep(2);
+	printf("--\nWaiting for a few seconds...\n");
+	sleep(2);
-  printf("Performing a logout (the root login "
-	 "shown above should be gone)\n"
-	 "If the root login hasn't gone, but another user on the same\n"
-	 "pty has, this is OK - we're hacking it here, and there\n"
-	 "shouldn't be two users on one pty in reality...\n"
-	 "-- ('who' output follows)\n");
-  login_logout(li1);
+	printf("Performing a logout ");
+#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
+	(void)time(&logouttime);
+	strlcpy(s_logouttime, ctime(&logouttime), sizeof(s_logouttime));
+	printf("at %d - %s", (int)logouttime, s_logouttime);
+	printf("(the root login shown above should be gone)\n"
+	       "If the root login hasn't gone, but another user on the same\n"
+	       "pty has, this is OK - we're hacking it here, and there\n"
+	       "shouldn't be two users on one pty in reality...\n"
+	       "-- ('who' output follows)\n");
+	login_logout(li1);
-  system(cmdstring);
-  printf("-- ('who' output ends)\n");
+	system(cmdstring);
+	printf("-- ('who' output ends)\n");
 #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
-  t2 = login_get_lastlog_time(getuid());
-  strlcpy(s_t2, ctime(&t2), sizeof(s_t2));
-  printf("After logging in, lastlog time is %d - %s\n", (int)t2, s_t2);
-  if (t1 == t2)
-    printf("The lastlog times before and after logging in are the "
-	   "same.\nThis indicates that lastlog is ** NOT WORKING "
-	   "CORRECTLY **\n");
-  else if (t0 != t2)
-    printf("** The login time and the lastlog time differ.\n"
-	   "** This indicates that lastlog is either recording the "
-	   "wrong time,\n** or retrieving the wrong entry.\n");
-  else
-    printf("lastlog agrees with the login time. This is a good thing.\n");
+	t2 = login_get_lastlog_time(getuid());
+	strlcpy(s_t2, ctime(&t2), sizeof(s_t2));
+	printf("After logging in, lastlog time is %d - %s\n", (int)t2, s_t2);
+	if (t1 == t2)
+		printf("The lastlog times before and after logging in are the "
+		       "same.\nThis indicates that lastlog is ** NOT WORKING "
+		       "CORRECTLY **\n");
+	else if (t0 != t2)
+		printf("** The login time and the lastlog time differ.\n"
+		       "** This indicates that lastlog is either recording the "
+		       "wrong time,\n** or retrieving the wrong entry.\n");
+	else
+		printf("lastlog agrees with the login time. This is a good thing.\n");
-  printf("--\nThe output of 'last' shown next should have "
-	 "an entry for root \n  on %s for the time shown above:\n--\n", 
-	 stripline);
-  snprintf(cmdstring, sizeof(cmdstring), "last | grep '%s ' | head -3",
-	   stripline);
-  system(cmdstring);
+	printf("--\nThe output of 'last' shown next should have "
+	       "an entry for root \n  on %s for the time shown above:\n--\n", 
+	       stripline);
+	snprintf(cmdstring, sizeof(cmdstring), "last | grep '%s ' | head -3",
+		 stripline);
+	system(cmdstring);
-  printf("--\nEnd of login test.\n");
+	printf("--\nEnd of login test.\n");
-  login_free_entry(li1);
+	login_free_entry(li1);
-  return 1;
+	return 1;
 } /* testAPI() */
-void testLineName(char *line)
+testLineName(char *line)
-  /* have to null-terminate - these functions are designed for
-   * structures with fixed-length char arrays, and don't null-term.*/
-  char full[17], strip[9], abbrev[5];
+	/* have to null-terminate - these functions are designed for
+	 * structures with fixed-length char arrays, and don't null-term.*/
+	char full[17], strip[9], abbrev[5];
-  memset(full, '\0', sizeof(full));
-  memset(strip, '\0', sizeof(strip));
-  memset(abbrev, '\0', sizeof(abbrev));
+	memset(full, '\0', sizeof(full));
+	memset(strip, '\0', sizeof(strip));
+	memset(abbrev, '\0', sizeof(abbrev));
-  line_fullname(full, line, sizeof(full)-1);
-  line_stripname(strip, full, sizeof(strip)-1);
-  line_abbrevname(abbrev, full, sizeof(abbrev)-1);
-  printf("%s: %s, %s, %s\n", line, full, strip, abbrev);
+	line_fullname(full, line, sizeof(full)-1);
+	line_stripname(strip, full, sizeof(strip)-1);
+	line_abbrevname(abbrev, full, sizeof(abbrev)-1);
+	printf("%s: %s, %s, %s\n", line, full, strip, abbrev);
 } /* testLineName() */
-int testOutput() {
-  printf("**\n** Testing linename functions\n**\n");
-  testLineName("/dev/pts/1");
-  testLineName("pts/1");
-  testLineName("pts/999");
-  testLineName("/dev/ttyp00");
-  testLineName("ttyp00");
+	printf("**\n** Testing linename functions\n**\n");
+	testLineName("/dev/pts/1");
+	testLineName("pts/1");
+	testLineName("pts/999");
+	testLineName("/dev/ttyp00");
+	testLineName("ttyp00");
-  return 1;
+	return 1;
 } /* testOutput() */
 /* show which options got compiled in */
-void showOptions(void)
-  printf("**\n** Compile-time options\n**\n");
+	printf("**\n** Compile-time options\n**\n");
-  printf("login recording methods selected:\n");
+	printf("login recording methods selected:\n");
 #ifdef USE_LOGIN
-  printf("\tUSE_LOGIN\n");
+	printf("\tUSE_LOGIN\n");
 #ifdef USE_UTMP
-  printf("\tUSE_UTMP (UTMP_FILE=%s)\n", UTMP_FILE);
+	printf("\tUSE_UTMP (UTMP_FILE=%s)\n", UTMP_FILE);
 #ifdef USE_UTMPX
-  printf("\tUSE_UTMPX (UTMPX_FILE=%s)\n", UTMPX_FILE);
+	printf("\tUSE_UTMPX (UTMPX_FILE=%s)\n", UTMPX_FILE);
 #ifdef USE_WTMP
-  printf("\tUSE_WTMP (WTMP_FILE=%s)\n", WTMP_FILE);
+	printf("\tUSE_WTMP (WTMP_FILE=%s)\n", WTMP_FILE);
 #ifdef USE_WTMPX
-  printf("\tUSE_WTMPX (WTMPX_FILE=%s)\n", WTMPX_FILE);
+	printf("\tUSE_WTMPX (WTMPX_FILE=%s)\n", WTMPX_FILE);
-  printf("\n");
+	printf("\n");
 } /* showOptions() */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  printf("Platform-independent login recording test driver\n");
+	printf("Platform-independent login recording test driver\n");
-  if (argc == 2) {
-    if (strncmp(argv[1], "-i", 3) == 0)
-      compile_opts_only = 1;
-    else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 3) == 0)
-      be_verbose=1;
-  }
+	if (argc == 2) {
+		if (strncmp(argv[1], "-i", 3) == 0)
+			compile_opts_only = 1;
+		else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 3) == 0)
+			be_verbose=1;
+	}
-  if (!compile_opts_only) {
-    if (be_verbose && !testOutput())
-      return 1;
+	if (!compile_opts_only) {
+		if (be_verbose && !testOutput())
+			return 1;
-    if (!testAPI())
-      return 1;
-  }
+		if (!testAPI())
+			return 1;
+	}
-  showOptions();
+	showOptions();
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
 } /* main() */