- djm@cvs.openbsd.org 2014/06/24 01:13:21
     [Makefile.in auth-bsdauth.c auth-chall.c auth-options.c auth-rsa.c
     [auth2-none.c auth2-pubkey.c authfile.c authfile.h cipher-3des1.c
     [cipher-chachapoly.c cipher-chachapoly.h cipher.c cipher.h
     [digest-libc.c digest-openssl.c digest.h dns.c entropy.c hmac.h
     [hostfile.c key.c key.h krl.c monitor.c packet.c rsa.c rsa.h
     [ssh-add.c ssh-agent.c ssh-dss.c ssh-ecdsa.c ssh-ed25519.c
     [ssh-keygen.c ssh-pkcs11-client.c ssh-pkcs11-helper.c ssh-pkcs11.c
     [ssh-rsa.c sshbuf-misc.c sshbuf.h sshconnect.c sshconnect1.c
     [sshconnect2.c sshd.c sshkey.c sshkey.h
     [openbsd-compat/openssl-compat.c openbsd-compat/openssl-compat.h]
     New key API: refactor key-related functions to be more library-like,
     existing API is offered as a set of wrappers.

     with and ok markus@

     Thanks also to Ben Hawkes, David Tomaschik, Ivan Fratric, Matthew
     Dempsky and Ron Bowes for a detailed review a few months ago.

     NB. This commit also removes portable OpenSSH support for OpenSSL
diff --git a/authfile.c b/authfile.c
index 7cb9011..e93d867 100644
--- a/authfile.c
+++ b/authfile.c
@@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
-/* $OpenBSD: authfile.c,v 1.106 2014/04/29 18:01:49 markus Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: authfile.c,v 1.107 2014/06/24 01:13:21 djm Exp $ */
- * Author: Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>
- * Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland
- *                    All rights reserved
- * This file contains functions for reading and writing identity files, and
- * for reading the passphrase from the user.
- *
- * As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software
- * can be used freely for any purpose.  Any derived versions of this
- * software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is
- * incompatible with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be
- * called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell".
- *
- *
  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 Markus Friedl.  All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -43,32 +30,15 @@
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include <openssl/evp.h>
-#include <openssl/pem.h>
-/* compatibility with old or broken OpenSSL versions */
-#include "openbsd-compat/openssl-compat.h"
-#include "crypto_api.h"
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_UTIL_H
-#include <util.h>
-#include "xmalloc.h"
 #include "cipher.h"
-#include "buffer.h"
 #include "key.h"
 #include "ssh.h"
 #include "log.h"
@@ -76,667 +46,92 @@
 #include "rsa.h"
 #include "misc.h"
 #include "atomicio.h"
-#include "uuencode.h"
-/* openssh private key file format */
-#define MARK_END		"-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
-#define KDFNAME			"bcrypt"
-#define AUTH_MAGIC		"openssh-key-v1"
-#define SALT_LEN		16
-#define DEFAULT_CIPHERNAME	"aes256-cbc"
-#define	DEFAULT_ROUNDS		16
+#include "sshbuf.h"
+#include "ssherr.h"
 #define MAX_KEY_FILE_SIZE	(1024 * 1024)
-/* Version identification string for SSH v1 identity files. */
-static const char authfile_id_string[] =
-static int
-key_private_to_blob2(Key *prv, Buffer *blob, const char *passphrase,
-    const char *comment, const char *ciphername, int rounds)
-	u_char *key, *cp, salt[SALT_LEN];
-	size_t keylen, ivlen, blocksize, authlen;
-	u_int len, check;
-	int i, n;
-	const Cipher *c;
-	Buffer encoded, b, kdf;
-	CipherContext ctx;
-	const char *kdfname = KDFNAME;
-	if (rounds <= 0)
-		rounds = DEFAULT_ROUNDS;
-	if (passphrase == NULL || !strlen(passphrase)) {
-		ciphername = "none";
-		kdfname = "none";
-	} else if (ciphername == NULL)
-		ciphername = DEFAULT_CIPHERNAME;
-	else if (cipher_number(ciphername) != SSH_CIPHER_SSH2)
-		fatal("invalid cipher");
-	if ((c = cipher_by_name(ciphername)) == NULL)
-		fatal("unknown cipher name");
-	buffer_init(&kdf);
-	blocksize = cipher_blocksize(c);
-	keylen = cipher_keylen(c);
-	ivlen = cipher_ivlen(c);
-	authlen = cipher_authlen(c);
-	key = xcalloc(1, keylen + ivlen);
-	if (strcmp(kdfname, "none") != 0) {
-		arc4random_buf(salt, SALT_LEN);
-		if (bcrypt_pbkdf(passphrase, strlen(passphrase),
-		    salt, SALT_LEN, key, keylen + ivlen, rounds) < 0)
-			fatal("bcrypt_pbkdf failed");
-		buffer_put_string(&kdf, salt, SALT_LEN);
-		buffer_put_int(&kdf, rounds);
-	}
-	cipher_init(&ctx, c, key, keylen, key + keylen , ivlen, 1);
-	explicit_bzero(key, keylen + ivlen);
-	free(key);
-	buffer_init(&encoded);
-	buffer_append(&encoded, AUTH_MAGIC, sizeof(AUTH_MAGIC));
-	buffer_put_cstring(&encoded, ciphername);
-	buffer_put_cstring(&encoded, kdfname);
-	buffer_put_string(&encoded, buffer_ptr(&kdf), buffer_len(&kdf));
-	buffer_put_int(&encoded, 1);			/* number of keys */
-	key_to_blob(prv, &cp, &len);			/* public key */
-	buffer_put_string(&encoded, cp, len);
-	explicit_bzero(cp, len);
-	free(cp);
-	buffer_free(&kdf);
-	/* set up the buffer that will be encrypted */
-	buffer_init(&b);
-	/* Random check bytes */
-	check = arc4random();
-	buffer_put_int(&b, check);
-	buffer_put_int(&b, check);
-	/* append private key and comment*/
-	key_private_serialize(prv, &b);
-	buffer_put_cstring(&b, comment);
-	/* padding */
-	i = 0;
-	while (buffer_len(&b) % blocksize)
-		buffer_put_char(&b, ++i & 0xff);
-	/* length */
-	buffer_put_int(&encoded, buffer_len(&b));
-	/* encrypt */
-	cp = buffer_append_space(&encoded, buffer_len(&b) + authlen);
-	if (cipher_crypt(&ctx, 0, cp, buffer_ptr(&b), buffer_len(&b), 0,
-	    authlen) != 0)
-		fatal("%s: cipher_crypt failed", __func__);
-	buffer_free(&b);
-	cipher_cleanup(&ctx);
-	/* uuencode */
-	len = 2 * buffer_len(&encoded);
-	cp = xmalloc(len);
-	n = uuencode(buffer_ptr(&encoded), buffer_len(&encoded),
-	    (char *)cp, len);
-	if (n < 0)
-		fatal("%s: uuencode", __func__);
-	buffer_clear(blob);
-	buffer_append(blob, MARK_BEGIN, sizeof(MARK_BEGIN) - 1);
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-		buffer_put_char(blob, cp[i]);
-		if (i % 70 == 69)
-			buffer_put_char(blob, '\n');
-	}
-	if (i % 70 != 69)
-		buffer_put_char(blob, '\n');
-	buffer_append(blob, MARK_END, sizeof(MARK_END) - 1);
-	free(cp);
-	return buffer_len(blob);
-static Key *
-key_parse_private2(Buffer *blob, int type, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp)
-	u_char *key = NULL, *cp, *salt = NULL, pad, last;
-	char *comment = NULL, *ciphername = NULL, *kdfname = NULL;
-	const u_char *kdfp;
-	u_int keylen = 0, ivlen, blocksize, slen, klen, len, rounds, nkeys;
-	u_int check1, check2, m1len, m2len;
-	size_t authlen;
-	const Cipher *c;
-	Buffer b, encoded, copy, kdf;
-	CipherContext ctx;
-	Key *k = NULL;
-	int dlen, ret, i;
-	buffer_init(&b);
-	buffer_init(&kdf);
-	buffer_init(&encoded);
-	buffer_init(&copy);
-	/* uudecode */
-	m1len = sizeof(MARK_BEGIN) - 1;
-	m2len = sizeof(MARK_END) - 1;
-	cp = buffer_ptr(blob);
-	len = buffer_len(blob);
-	if (len < m1len || memcmp(cp, MARK_BEGIN, m1len)) {
-		debug("%s: missing begin marker", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cp += m1len;
-	len -= m1len;
-	while (len) {
-		if (*cp != '\n' && *cp != '\r')
-			buffer_put_char(&encoded, *cp);
-		last = *cp;
-		len--;
-		cp++;
-		if (last == '\n') {
-			if (len >= m2len && !memcmp(cp, MARK_END, m2len)) {
-				buffer_put_char(&encoded, '\0');
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (!len) {
-		debug("%s: no end marker", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	len = buffer_len(&encoded);
-	if ((cp = buffer_append_space(&copy, len)) == NULL) {
-		error("%s: buffer_append_space", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if ((dlen = uudecode(buffer_ptr(&encoded), cp, len)) < 0) {
-		error("%s: uudecode failed", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if ((u_int)dlen > len) {
-		error("%s: crazy uudecode length %d > %u", __func__, dlen, len);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	buffer_consume_end(&copy, len - dlen);
-	if (buffer_len(&copy) < sizeof(AUTH_MAGIC) ||
-	    memcmp(buffer_ptr(&copy), AUTH_MAGIC, sizeof(AUTH_MAGIC))) {
-		error("%s: bad magic", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	buffer_consume(&copy, sizeof(AUTH_MAGIC));
-	ciphername = buffer_get_cstring_ret(&copy, NULL);
-	if (ciphername == NULL ||
-	    (c = cipher_by_name(ciphername)) == NULL) {
-		error("%s: unknown cipher name", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if ((passphrase == NULL || !strlen(passphrase)) &&
-	    strcmp(ciphername, "none") != 0) {
-		/* passphrase required */
-		goto out;
-	}
-	kdfname = buffer_get_cstring_ret(&copy, NULL);
-	if (kdfname == NULL ||
-	    (strcmp(kdfname, "none") != 0 && strcmp(kdfname, "bcrypt") != 0)) {
-		error("%s: unknown kdf name", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(kdfname, "none") && strcmp(ciphername, "none") != 0) {
-		error("%s: cipher %s requires kdf", __func__, ciphername);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* kdf options */
-	kdfp = buffer_get_string_ptr_ret(&copy, &klen);
-	if (kdfp == NULL) {
-		error("%s: kdf options not set", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (klen > 0) {
-		if ((cp = buffer_append_space(&kdf, klen)) == NULL) {
-			error("%s: kdf alloc failed", __func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		memcpy(cp, kdfp, klen);
-	}
-	/* number of keys */
-	if (buffer_get_int_ret(&nkeys, &copy) < 0) {
-		error("%s: key counter missing", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (nkeys != 1) {
-		error("%s: only one key supported", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* pubkey */
-	if ((cp = buffer_get_string_ret(&copy, &len)) == NULL) {
-		error("%s: pubkey not found", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	free(cp); /* XXX check pubkey against decrypted private key */
-	/* size of encrypted key blob */
-	len = buffer_get_int(&copy);
-	blocksize = cipher_blocksize(c);
-	authlen = cipher_authlen(c);
-	if (len < blocksize) {
-		error("%s: encrypted data too small", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (len % blocksize) {
-		error("%s: length not multiple of blocksize", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* setup key */
-	keylen = cipher_keylen(c);
-	ivlen = cipher_ivlen(c);
-	key = xcalloc(1, keylen + ivlen);
-	if (!strcmp(kdfname, "bcrypt")) {
-		if ((salt = buffer_get_string_ret(&kdf, &slen)) == NULL) {
-			error("%s: salt not set", __func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		if (buffer_get_int_ret(&rounds, &kdf) < 0) {
-			error("%s: rounds not set", __func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		if (bcrypt_pbkdf(passphrase, strlen(passphrase), salt, slen,
-		    key, keylen + ivlen, rounds) < 0) {
-			error("%s: bcrypt_pbkdf failed", __func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	cp = buffer_append_space(&b, len);
-	cipher_init(&ctx, c, key, keylen, key + keylen, ivlen, 0);
-	ret = cipher_crypt(&ctx, 0, cp, buffer_ptr(&copy), len, 0, authlen);
-	cipher_cleanup(&ctx);
-	buffer_consume(&copy, len);
-	/* fail silently on decryption errors */
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		debug("%s: decrypt failed", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (buffer_len(&copy) != 0) {
-		error("%s: key blob has trailing data (len = %u)", __func__,
-		    buffer_len(&copy));
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* check bytes */
-	if (buffer_get_int_ret(&check1, &b) < 0 ||
-	    buffer_get_int_ret(&check2, &b) < 0) {
-		error("check bytes missing");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (check1 != check2) {
-		debug("%s: decrypt failed: 0x%08x != 0x%08x", __func__,
-		    check1, check2);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	k = key_private_deserialize(&b);
-	/* comment */
-	comment = buffer_get_cstring_ret(&b, NULL);
-	i = 0;
-	while (buffer_len(&b)) {
-		if (buffer_get_char_ret(&pad, &b) == -1 ||
-		    pad != (++i & 0xff)) {
-			error("%s: bad padding", __func__);
-			key_free(k);
-			k = NULL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	if (k && commentp) {
-		*commentp = comment;
-		comment = NULL;
-	}
-	/* XXX decode pubkey and check against private */
- out:
-	free(ciphername);
-	free(kdfname);
-	free(salt);
-	free(comment);
-	if (key)
-		explicit_bzero(key, keylen + ivlen);
-	free(key);
-	buffer_free(&encoded);
-	buffer_free(&copy);
-	buffer_free(&kdf);
-	buffer_free(&b);
-	return k;
-#ifdef WITH_SSH1
- * Serialises the authentication (private) key to a blob, encrypting it with
- * passphrase.  The identification of the blob (lowest 64 bits of n) will
- * precede the key to provide identification of the key without needing a
- * passphrase.
- */
-static int
-key_private_rsa1_to_blob(Key *key, Buffer *blob, const char *passphrase,
-    const char *comment)
-	Buffer buffer, encrypted;
-	u_char buf[100], *cp;
-	int i, cipher_num;
-	CipherContext ciphercontext;
-	const Cipher *cipher;
-	u_int32_t rnd;
-	/*
-	 * If the passphrase is empty, use SSH_CIPHER_NONE to ease converting
-	 * to another cipher; otherwise use SSH_AUTHFILE_CIPHER.
-	 */
-	cipher_num = (strcmp(passphrase, "") == 0) ?
-	if ((cipher = cipher_by_number(cipher_num)) == NULL)
-		fatal("save_private_key_rsa: bad cipher");
-	/* This buffer is used to built the secret part of the private key. */
-	buffer_init(&buffer);
-	/* Put checkbytes for checking passphrase validity. */
-	rnd = arc4random();
-	buf[0] = rnd & 0xff;
-	buf[1] = (rnd >> 8) & 0xff;
-	buf[2] = buf[0];
-	buf[3] = buf[1];
-	buffer_append(&buffer, buf, 4);
-	/*
-	 * Store the private key (n and e will not be stored because they
-	 * will be stored in plain text, and storing them also in encrypted
-	 * format would just give known plaintext).
-	 */
-	buffer_put_bignum(&buffer, key->rsa->d);
-	buffer_put_bignum(&buffer, key->rsa->iqmp);
-	buffer_put_bignum(&buffer, key->rsa->q);	/* reverse from SSL p */
-	buffer_put_bignum(&buffer, key->rsa->p);	/* reverse from SSL q */
-	/* Pad the part to be encrypted until its size is a multiple of 8. */
-	while (buffer_len(&buffer) % 8 != 0)
-		buffer_put_char(&buffer, 0);
-	/* This buffer will be used to contain the data in the file. */
-	buffer_init(&encrypted);
-	/* First store keyfile id string. */
-	for (i = 0; authfile_id_string[i]; i++)
-		buffer_put_char(&encrypted, authfile_id_string[i]);
-	buffer_put_char(&encrypted, 0);
-	/* Store cipher type. */
-	buffer_put_char(&encrypted, cipher_num);
-	buffer_put_int(&encrypted, 0);	/* For future extension */
-	/* Store public key.  This will be in plain text. */
-	buffer_put_int(&encrypted, BN_num_bits(key->rsa->n));
-	buffer_put_bignum(&encrypted, key->rsa->n);
-	buffer_put_bignum(&encrypted, key->rsa->e);
-	buffer_put_cstring(&encrypted, comment);
-	/* Allocate space for the private part of the key in the buffer. */
-	cp = buffer_append_space(&encrypted, buffer_len(&buffer));
-	cipher_set_key_string(&ciphercontext, cipher, passphrase,
-	if (cipher_crypt(&ciphercontext, 0, cp,
-	    buffer_ptr(&buffer), buffer_len(&buffer), 0, 0) != 0)
-		fatal("%s: cipher_crypt failed", __func__);
-	cipher_cleanup(&ciphercontext);
-	explicit_bzero(&ciphercontext, sizeof(ciphercontext));
-	/* Destroy temporary data. */
-	explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
-	buffer_free(&buffer);
-	buffer_append(blob, buffer_ptr(&encrypted), buffer_len(&encrypted));
-	buffer_free(&encrypted);
-	return 1;
-/* convert SSH v2 key in OpenSSL PEM format */
-static int
-key_private_pem_to_blob(Key *key, Buffer *blob, const char *_passphrase,
-    const char *comment)
-	int success = 0;
-	int blen, len = strlen(_passphrase);
-	u_char *passphrase = (len > 0) ? (u_char *)_passphrase : NULL;
-#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00907000L)
-	const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = (len > 0) ? EVP_des_ede3_cbc() : NULL;
-	const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = (len > 0) ? EVP_aes_128_cbc() : NULL;
-	const u_char *bptr;
-	BIO *bio;
-	if (len > 0 && len <= 4) {
-		error("passphrase too short: have %d bytes, need > 4", len);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if ((bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())) == NULL) {
-		error("%s: BIO_new failed", __func__);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	switch (key->type) {
-	case KEY_DSA:
-		success = PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bio, key->dsa,
-		    cipher, passphrase, len, NULL, NULL);
-		break;
-	case KEY_ECDSA:
-		success = PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey(bio, key->ecdsa,
-		    cipher, passphrase, len, NULL, NULL);
-		break;
-	case KEY_RSA:
-		success = PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bio, key->rsa,
-		    cipher, passphrase, len, NULL, NULL);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (success) {
-		if ((blen = BIO_get_mem_data(bio, &bptr)) <= 0)
-			success = 0;
-		else
-			buffer_append(blob, bptr, blen);
-	}
-	BIO_free(bio);
-	return success;
 /* Save a key blob to a file */
 static int
-key_save_private_blob(Buffer *keybuf, const char *filename)
+sshkey_save_private_blob(struct sshbuf *keybuf, const char *filename)
-	int fd;
+	int fd, oerrno;
-	if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0) {
-		error("open %s failed: %s.", filename, strerror(errno));
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (atomicio(vwrite, fd, buffer_ptr(keybuf),
-	    buffer_len(keybuf)) != buffer_len(keybuf)) {
-		error("write to key file %s failed: %s", filename,
-		    strerror(errno));
+	if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0)
+	if (atomicio(vwrite, fd, (u_char *)sshbuf_ptr(keybuf),
+	    sshbuf_len(keybuf)) != sshbuf_len(keybuf)) {
+		oerrno = errno;
-		return 0;
+		errno = oerrno;
-	return 1;
-/* Serialise "key" to buffer "blob" */
-static int
-key_private_to_blob(Key *key, Buffer *blob, const char *passphrase,
-    const char *comment, int force_new_format, const char *new_format_cipher,
-    int new_format_rounds)
-	switch (key->type) {
-#ifdef WITH_SSH1
-	case KEY_RSA1:
-		return key_private_rsa1_to_blob(key, blob, passphrase, comment);
-	case KEY_DSA:
-	case KEY_ECDSA:
-	case KEY_RSA:
-		if (force_new_format) {
-			return key_private_to_blob2(key, blob, passphrase,
-			    comment, new_format_cipher, new_format_rounds);
-		}
-		return key_private_pem_to_blob(key, blob, passphrase, comment);
-	case KEY_ED25519:
-		return key_private_to_blob2(key, blob, passphrase,
-		    comment, new_format_cipher, new_format_rounds);
-	default:
-		error("%s: cannot save key type %d", __func__, key->type);
-		return 0;
-	}
+	return 0;
-key_save_private(Key *key, const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
-    const char *comment, int force_new_format, const char *new_format_cipher,
-    int new_format_rounds)
+sshkey_save_private(struct sshkey *key, const char *filename,
+    const char *passphrase, const char *comment,
+    int force_new_format, const char *new_format_cipher, int new_format_rounds)
-	Buffer keyblob;
-	int success = 0;
+	struct sshbuf *keyblob = NULL;
+	int r;
-	buffer_init(&keyblob);
-	if (!key_private_to_blob(key, &keyblob, passphrase, comment,
-	    force_new_format, new_format_cipher, new_format_rounds))
+	if ((keyblob = sshbuf_new()) == NULL)
+	if ((r = sshkey_private_to_fileblob(key, keyblob, passphrase, comment,
+	    force_new_format, new_format_cipher, new_format_rounds)) != 0)
 		goto out;
-	if (!key_save_private_blob(&keyblob, filename))
+	if ((r = sshkey_save_private_blob(keyblob, filename)) != 0)
 		goto out;
-	success = 1;
+	r = 0;
-	buffer_free(&keyblob);
-	return success;
+	sshbuf_free(keyblob);
+	return r;
-#ifdef WITH_SSH1
- * Parse the public, unencrypted portion of a RSA1 key.
- */
-static Key *
-key_parse_public_rsa1(Buffer *blob, char **commentp)
-	Key *pub;
-	Buffer copy;
-	/* Check that it is at least big enough to contain the ID string. */
-	if (buffer_len(blob) < sizeof(authfile_id_string)) {
-		debug3("Truncated RSA1 identifier");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Make sure it begins with the id string.  Consume the id string
-	 * from the buffer.
-	 */
-	if (memcmp(buffer_ptr(blob), authfile_id_string,
-	    sizeof(authfile_id_string)) != 0) {
-		debug3("Incorrect RSA1 identifier");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	buffer_init(&copy);
-	buffer_append(&copy, buffer_ptr(blob), buffer_len(blob));
-	buffer_consume(&copy, sizeof(authfile_id_string));
-	/* Skip cipher type and reserved data. */
-	(void) buffer_get_char(&copy);		/* cipher type */
-	(void) buffer_get_int(&copy);		/* reserved */
-	/* Read the public key from the buffer. */
-	(void) buffer_get_int(&copy);
-	pub = key_new(KEY_RSA1);
-	buffer_get_bignum(&copy, pub->rsa->n);
-	buffer_get_bignum(&copy, pub->rsa->e);
-	if (commentp)
-		*commentp = buffer_get_string(&copy, NULL);
-	/* The encrypted private part is not parsed by this function. */
-	buffer_free(&copy);
-	return pub;
 /* Load a key from a fd into a buffer */
-key_load_file(int fd, const char *filename, Buffer *blob)
+sshkey_load_file(int fd, const char *filename, struct sshbuf *blob)
 	u_char buf[1024];
 	size_t len;
 	struct stat st;
+	int r;
-	if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
-		error("%s: fstat of key file %.200s%sfailed: %.100s", __func__,
-		    filename == NULL ? "" : filename,
-		    filename == NULL ? "" : " ",
-		    strerror(errno));
-		return 0;
-	}
+	if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
 	if ((st.st_mode & (S_IFSOCK|S_IFCHR|S_IFIFO)) == 0 &&
-	    st.st_size > MAX_KEY_FILE_SIZE) {
- toobig:
-		error("%s: key file %.200s%stoo large", __func__,
-		    filename == NULL ? "" : filename,
-		    filename == NULL ? "" : " ");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	buffer_clear(blob);
+	    st.st_size > MAX_KEY_FILE_SIZE)
 	for (;;) {
 		if ((len = atomicio(read, fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) == 0) {
 			if (errno == EPIPE)
-			debug("%s: read from key file %.200s%sfailed: %.100s",
-			    __func__, filename == NULL ? "" : filename,
-			    filename == NULL ? "" : " ", strerror(errno));
-			buffer_clear(blob);
-			explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
-			return 0;
+			goto out;
-		buffer_append(blob, buf, len);
-		if (buffer_len(blob) > MAX_KEY_FILE_SIZE) {
-			buffer_clear(blob);
-			explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
-			goto toobig;
+		if ((r = sshbuf_put(blob, buf, len)) != 0)
+			goto out;
+		if (sshbuf_len(blob) > MAX_KEY_FILE_SIZE) {
+			goto out;
-	explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
 	if ((st.st_mode & (S_IFSOCK|S_IFCHR|S_IFIFO)) == 0 &&
-	    st.st_size != buffer_len(blob)) {
-		debug("%s: key file %.200s%schanged size while reading",
-		    __func__, filename == NULL ? "" : filename,
-		    filename == NULL ? "" : " ");
-		buffer_clear(blob);
-		return 0;
+	    st.st_size != (off_t)sshbuf_len(blob)) {
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
-	return 1;
+ out:
+	explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+	if (r != 0)
+		sshbuf_reset(blob);
+	return r;
 #ifdef WITH_SSH1
@@ -745,249 +140,65 @@
  * encountered (the file does not exist or is not readable), and the key
  * otherwise.
-static Key *
-key_load_public_rsa1(int fd, const char *filename, char **commentp)
+static int
+sshkey_load_public_rsa1(int fd, const char *filename,
+    struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp)
-	Buffer buffer;
-	Key *pub;
+	struct sshbuf *b = NULL;
+	int r;
-	buffer_init(&buffer);
-	if (!key_load_file(fd, filename, &buffer)) {
-		buffer_free(&buffer);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pub = key_parse_public_rsa1(&buffer, commentp);
-	if (pub == NULL)
-		debug3("Could not load \"%s\" as a RSA1 public key", filename);
-	buffer_free(&buffer);
-	return pub;
-/* load public key from private-key file, works only for SSH v1 */
-Key *
-key_load_public_type(int type, const char *filename, char **commentp)
-	Key *pub;
-	int fd;
-	if (type == KEY_RSA1) {
-		fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
-		if (fd < 0)
-			return NULL;
-		pub = key_load_public_rsa1(fd, filename, commentp);
-		close(fd);
-		return pub;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static Key *
-key_parse_private_rsa1(Buffer *blob, const char *passphrase, char **commentp)
-	int check1, check2, cipher_type;
-	Buffer decrypted;
-	u_char *cp;
-	CipherContext ciphercontext;
-	const Cipher *cipher;
-	Key *prv = NULL;
-	Buffer copy;
-	/* Check that it is at least big enough to contain the ID string. */
-	if (buffer_len(blob) < sizeof(authfile_id_string)) {
-		debug3("Truncated RSA1 identifier");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Make sure it begins with the id string.  Consume the id string
-	 * from the buffer.
-	 */
-	if (memcmp(buffer_ptr(blob), authfile_id_string,
-	    sizeof(authfile_id_string)) != 0) {
-		debug3("Incorrect RSA1 identifier");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	buffer_init(&copy);
-	buffer_append(&copy, buffer_ptr(blob), buffer_len(blob));
-	buffer_consume(&copy, sizeof(authfile_id_string));
-	/* Read cipher type. */
-	cipher_type = buffer_get_char(&copy);
-	(void) buffer_get_int(&copy);	/* Reserved data. */
-	/* Read the public key from the buffer. */
-	(void) buffer_get_int(&copy);
-	prv = key_new_private(KEY_RSA1);
-	buffer_get_bignum(&copy, prv->rsa->n);
-	buffer_get_bignum(&copy, prv->rsa->e);
-	if (commentp)
-		*commentp = buffer_get_string(&copy, NULL);
-	else
-		(void)buffer_get_string_ptr(&copy, NULL);
-	/* Check that it is a supported cipher. */
-	cipher = cipher_by_number(cipher_type);
-	if (cipher == NULL) {
-		debug("Unsupported RSA1 cipher %d", cipher_type);
-		buffer_free(&copy);
-		goto fail;
-	}
-	/* Initialize space for decrypted data. */
-	buffer_init(&decrypted);
-	cp = buffer_append_space(&decrypted, buffer_len(&copy));
-	/* Rest of the buffer is encrypted.  Decrypt it using the passphrase. */
-	cipher_set_key_string(&ciphercontext, cipher, passphrase,
-	if (cipher_crypt(&ciphercontext, 0, cp,
-	    buffer_ptr(&copy), buffer_len(&copy), 0, 0) != 0)
-		fatal("%s: cipher_crypt failed", __func__);
-	cipher_cleanup(&ciphercontext);
-	explicit_bzero(&ciphercontext, sizeof(ciphercontext));
-	buffer_free(&copy);
-	check1 = buffer_get_char(&decrypted);
-	check2 = buffer_get_char(&decrypted);
-	if (check1 != buffer_get_char(&decrypted) ||
-	    check2 != buffer_get_char(&decrypted)) {
-		if (strcmp(passphrase, "") != 0)
-			debug("Bad passphrase supplied for RSA1 key");
-		/* Bad passphrase. */
-		buffer_free(&decrypted);
-		goto fail;
-	}
-	/* Read the rest of the private key. */
-	buffer_get_bignum(&decrypted, prv->rsa->d);
-	buffer_get_bignum(&decrypted, prv->rsa->iqmp);		/* u */
-	/* in SSL and SSH v1 p and q are exchanged */
-	buffer_get_bignum(&decrypted, prv->rsa->q);		/* p */
-	buffer_get_bignum(&decrypted, prv->rsa->p);		/* q */
-	/* calculate p-1 and q-1 */
-	rsa_generate_additional_parameters(prv->rsa);
-	buffer_free(&decrypted);
-	/* enable blinding */
-	if (RSA_blinding_on(prv->rsa, NULL) != 1) {
-		error("%s: RSA_blinding_on failed", __func__);
-		goto fail;
-	}
-	return prv;
+	*keyp = NULL;
 	if (commentp != NULL)
-		free(*commentp);
-	key_free(prv);
-	return NULL;
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((b = sshbuf_new()) == NULL)
+	if ((r = sshkey_load_file(fd, filename, b)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	if ((r = sshkey_parse_public_rsa1_fileblob(b, keyp, commentp)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
+ out:
+	sshbuf_free(b);
+	return r;
+#endif /* WITH_SSH1 */
-static Key *
-key_parse_private_pem(Buffer *blob, int type, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp)
-	EVP_PKEY *pk = NULL;
-	Key *prv = NULL;
-	char *name = "<no key>";
-	BIO *bio;
-	if ((bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(buffer_ptr(blob),
-	    buffer_len(blob))) == NULL) {
-		error("%s: BIO_new_mem_buf failed", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pk = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio, NULL, NULL, (char *)passphrase);
-	BIO_free(bio);
-	if (pk == NULL) {
-		debug("%s: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed", __func__);
-		(void)ERR_get_error();
-	} else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA &&
-	    (type == KEY_UNSPEC||type==KEY_RSA)) {
-		prv = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-		prv->rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pk);
-		prv->type = KEY_RSA;
-		name = "rsa w/o comment";
-#ifdef DEBUG_PK
-		RSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->rsa, 8);
-		if (RSA_blinding_on(prv->rsa, NULL) != 1) {
-			error("%s: RSA_blinding_on failed", __func__);
-			key_free(prv);
-			prv = NULL;
-		}
-	} else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA &&
-	    (type == KEY_UNSPEC||type==KEY_DSA)) {
-		prv = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-		prv->dsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pk);
-		prv->type = KEY_DSA;
-		name = "dsa w/o comment";
-#ifdef DEBUG_PK
-		DSA_print_fp(stderr, prv->dsa, 8);
-	} else if (pk->type == EVP_PKEY_EC &&
-	    (type == KEY_UNSPEC||type==KEY_ECDSA)) {
-		prv = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-		prv->ecdsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pk);
-		prv->type = KEY_ECDSA;
-		if ((prv->ecdsa_nid = key_ecdsa_key_to_nid(prv->ecdsa)) == -1 ||
-		    key_curve_nid_to_name(prv->ecdsa_nid) == NULL ||
-		    key_ec_validate_public(EC_KEY_get0_group(prv->ecdsa),
-		    EC_KEY_get0_public_key(prv->ecdsa)) != 0 ||
-		    key_ec_validate_private(prv->ecdsa) != 0) {
-			error("%s: bad ECDSA key", __func__);
-			key_free(prv);
-			prv = NULL;
-		}
-		name = "ecdsa w/o comment";
-#ifdef DEBUG_PK
-		if (prv != NULL && prv->ecdsa != NULL)
-			key_dump_ec_key(prv->ecdsa);
-#endif /* OPENSSL_HAS_ECC */
-	} else {
-		error("%s: PEM_read_PrivateKey: mismatch or "
-		    "unknown EVP_PKEY save_type %d", __func__, pk->save_type);
-	}
-	if (pk != NULL)
-		EVP_PKEY_free(pk);
-	if (prv != NULL && commentp)
-		*commentp = xstrdup(name);
-	debug("read PEM private key done: type %s",
-	    prv ? key_type(prv) : "<unknown>");
-	return prv;
-Key *
-key_load_private_pem(int fd, int type, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp)
-	Buffer buffer;
-	Key *prv;
-	buffer_init(&buffer);
-	if (!key_load_file(fd, NULL, &buffer)) {
-		buffer_free(&buffer);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	prv = key_parse_private_pem(&buffer, type, passphrase, commentp);
-	buffer_free(&buffer);
-	return prv;
+/* XXX Deprecate? */
-key_perm_ok(int fd, const char *filename)
+sshkey_load_private_pem(int fd, int type, const char *passphrase,
+    struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp)
+	struct sshbuf *buffer = NULL;
+	int r;
+	*keyp = NULL;
+	if (commentp != NULL)
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((buffer = sshbuf_new()) == NULL)
+	if ((r = sshkey_load_file(fd, NULL, buffer)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	if ((r = sshkey_parse_private_pem_fileblob(buffer, type, passphrase,
+	    keyp, commentp)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
+ out:
+	sshbuf_free(buffer);
+	return r;
+#endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */
+/* XXX remove error() calls from here? */
+sshkey_perm_ok(int fd, const char *filename)
 	struct stat st;
 	if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
-		return 0;
 	 * if a key owned by the user is accessed, then we check the
 	 * permissions of the file. if the key owned by a different user,
@@ -1002,313 +213,311 @@
 		error("Permissions 0%3.3o for '%s' are too open.",
 		    (u_int)st.st_mode & 0777, filename);
-		error("It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.");
+		error("It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.");
 		error("This private key will be ignored.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static Key *
-key_parse_private_type(Buffer *blob, int type, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp)
-	Key *k;
-	switch (type) {
-#ifdef WITH_SSH1
-	case KEY_RSA1:
-		return key_parse_private_rsa1(blob, passphrase, commentp);
-	case KEY_DSA:
-	case KEY_ECDSA:
-	case KEY_RSA:
-		return key_parse_private_pem(blob, type, passphrase, commentp);
-	case KEY_ED25519:
-		return key_parse_private2(blob, type, passphrase, commentp);
-	case KEY_UNSPEC:
-		if ((k = key_parse_private2(blob, type, passphrase, commentp)))
-			return k;
-		return key_parse_private_pem(blob, type, passphrase, commentp);
-	default:
-		error("%s: cannot parse key type %d", __func__, type);
-		break;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-Key *
-key_load_private_type(int type, const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp, int *perm_ok)
-	int fd;
-	Key *ret;
-	Buffer buffer;
-	fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
-	if (fd < 0) {
-		debug("could not open key file '%s': %s", filename,
-		    strerror(errno));
-		if (perm_ok != NULL)
-			*perm_ok = 0;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (!key_perm_ok(fd, filename)) {
-		if (perm_ok != NULL)
-			*perm_ok = 0;
-		error("bad permissions: ignore key: %s", filename);
-		close(fd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (perm_ok != NULL)
-		*perm_ok = 1;
-	buffer_init(&buffer);
-	if (!key_load_file(fd, filename, &buffer)) {
-		buffer_free(&buffer);
-		close(fd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	ret = key_parse_private_type(&buffer, type, passphrase, commentp);
-	buffer_free(&buffer);
-	return ret;
-Key *
-key_parse_private(Buffer *buffer, const char *filename,
-    const char *passphrase, char **commentp)
-#ifdef WITH_SSH1
-	Key *pub, *prv;
-	/* it's a SSH v1 key if the public key part is readable */
-	pub = key_parse_public_rsa1(buffer, commentp);
-	if (pub == NULL) {
-		prv = key_parse_private_type(buffer, KEY_UNSPEC,
-		    passphrase, NULL);
-		/* use the filename as a comment for PEM */
-		if (commentp && prv)
-			*commentp = xstrdup(filename);
-	} else {
-		key_free(pub);
-		/* key_parse_public_rsa1() has already loaded the comment */
-		prv = key_parse_private_type(buffer, KEY_RSA1, passphrase,
-		    NULL);
-	}
-	return prv;
-	return key_parse_private_type(buffer, KEY_UNSPEC,
-	    passphrase, commentp);
-Key *
-key_load_private(const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
-    char **commentp)
-	Key *prv;
-	Buffer buffer;
-	int fd;
-	fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
-	if (fd < 0) {
-		debug("could not open key file '%s': %s", filename,
-		    strerror(errno));
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (!key_perm_ok(fd, filename)) {
-		error("bad permissions: ignore key: %s", filename);
-		close(fd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	buffer_init(&buffer);
-	if (!key_load_file(fd, filename, &buffer)) {
-		buffer_free(&buffer);
-		close(fd);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	close(fd);
-	prv = key_parse_private(&buffer, filename, passphrase, commentp);
-	buffer_free(&buffer);
-	return prv;
-static int
-key_try_load_public(Key *k, const char *filename, char **commentp)
-	FILE *f;
-	char line[SSH_MAX_PUBKEY_BYTES];
-	char *cp;
-	u_long linenum = 0;
-	f = fopen(filename, "r");
-	if (f != NULL) {
-		while (read_keyfile_line(f, filename, line, sizeof(line),
-			    &linenum) != -1) {
-			cp = line;
-			switch (*cp) {
-			case '#':
-			case '\n':
-			case '\0':
-				continue;
-			}
-			/* Abort loading if this looks like a private key */
-			if (strncmp(cp, "-----BEGIN", 10) == 0)
-				break;
-			/* Skip leading whitespace. */
-			for (; *cp && (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t'); cp++)
-				;
-			if (*cp) {
-				if (key_read(k, &cp) == 1) {
-					cp[strcspn(cp, "\r\n")] = '\0';
-					if (commentp) {
-						*commentp = xstrdup(*cp ?
-						    cp : filename);
-					}
-					fclose(f);
-					return 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		fclose(f);
 	return 0;
-/* load public key from ssh v1 private or any pubkey file */
-Key *
-key_load_public(const char *filename, char **commentp)
+/* XXX kill perm_ok now that we have SSH_ERR_KEY_BAD_PERMISSIONS? */
+sshkey_load_private_type(int type, const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
+    struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp, int *perm_ok)
-	Key *pub;
-	char file[MAXPATHLEN];
+	int fd, r;
+	struct sshbuf *buffer = NULL;
+	*keyp = NULL;
+	if (commentp != NULL)
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+		if (perm_ok != NULL)
+			*perm_ok = 0;
+	}
+	if (sshkey_perm_ok(fd, filename) != 0) {
+		if (perm_ok != NULL)
+			*perm_ok = 0;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (perm_ok != NULL)
+		*perm_ok = 1;
+	if ((buffer = sshbuf_new()) == NULL) {
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if ((r = sshkey_load_file(fd, filename, buffer)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	if ((r = sshkey_parse_private_fileblob_type(buffer, type, passphrase,
+	    keyp, commentp)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
+ out:
+	close(fd);
+	if (buffer != NULL)
+		sshbuf_free(buffer);
+	return r;
+/* XXX this is almost identical to sshkey_load_private_type() */
+sshkey_load_private(const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
+    struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp)
+	struct sshbuf *buffer = NULL;
+	int r, fd;
+	*keyp = NULL;
+	if (commentp != NULL)
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+	if (sshkey_perm_ok(fd, filename) != 0) {
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if ((buffer = sshbuf_new()) == NULL) {
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if ((r = sshkey_load_file(fd, filename, buffer)) != 0 ||
+	    (r = sshkey_parse_private_fileblob(buffer, passphrase, filename,
+	    keyp, commentp)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
+ out:
+	close(fd);
+	if (buffer != NULL)
+		sshbuf_free(buffer);
+	return r;
+static int
+sshkey_try_load_public(struct sshkey *k, const char *filename, char **commentp)
+	FILE *f;
+	char line[SSH_MAX_PUBKEY_BYTES];
+	char *cp;
+	u_long linenum = 0;
+	int r;
+	if (commentp != NULL)
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
+	while (read_keyfile_line(f, filename, line, sizeof(line),
+		    &linenum) != -1) {
+		cp = line;
+		switch (*cp) {
+		case '#':
+		case '\n':
+		case '\0':
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Abort loading if this looks like a private key */
+		if (strncmp(cp, "-----BEGIN", 10) == 0 ||
+		    strcmp(cp, "SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE") == 0)
+			break;
+		/* Skip leading whitespace. */
+		for (; *cp && (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t'); cp++)
+			;
+		if (*cp) {
+			if ((r = sshkey_read(k, &cp)) == 0) {
+				cp[strcspn(cp, "\r\n")] = '\0';
+				if (commentp) {
+					*commentp = strdup(*cp ?
+					    cp : filename);
+					if (*commentp == NULL)
+						r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+				}
+				fclose(f);
+				return r;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(f);
+/* load public key from ssh v1 private or any pubkey file */
+sshkey_load_public(const char *filename, struct sshkey **keyp, char **commentp)
+	struct sshkey *pub = NULL;
+	char file[MAXPATHLEN];
+	int r, fd;
+	if (keyp != NULL)
+		*keyp = NULL;
+	if (commentp != NULL)
+		*commentp = NULL;
+	if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+		goto skip;
 #ifdef WITH_SSH1
 	/* try rsa1 private key */
-	pub = key_load_public_type(KEY_RSA1, filename, commentp);
-	if (pub != NULL)
-		return pub;
-	/* try rsa1 public key */
-	pub = key_new(KEY_RSA1);
-	if (key_try_load_public(pub, filename, commentp) == 1)
-		return pub;
-	key_free(pub);
+	r = sshkey_load_public_rsa1(fd, filename, keyp, commentp);
+	close(fd);
+	switch (r) {
+	case 0:
+		return r;
+	}
+#endif /* WITH_SSH1 */
 	/* try ssh2 public key */
-	pub = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-	if (key_try_load_public(pub, filename, commentp) == 1)
-		return pub;
+	if ((pub = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL)
+	if ((r = sshkey_try_load_public(pub, filename, commentp)) == 0) {
+		if (keyp != NULL)
+			*keyp = pub;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	sshkey_free(pub);
+#ifdef WITH_SSH1
+	/* try rsa1 public key */
+	if ((pub = sshkey_new(KEY_RSA1)) == NULL)
+	if ((r = sshkey_try_load_public(pub, filename, commentp)) == 0) {
+		if (keyp != NULL)
+			*keyp = pub;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	sshkey_free(pub);
+#endif /* WITH_SSH1 */
+ skip:
+	/* try .pub suffix */
+	if ((pub = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL)
+	r = SSH_ERR_ALLOC_FAIL;	/* in case strlcpy or strlcat fail */
 	if ((strlcpy(file, filename, sizeof file) < sizeof(file)) &&
 	    (strlcat(file, ".pub", sizeof file) < sizeof(file)) &&
-	    (key_try_load_public(pub, file, commentp) == 1))
-		return pub;
-	key_free(pub);
-	return NULL;
+	    (r = sshkey_try_load_public(pub, file, commentp)) == 0) {
+		if (keyp != NULL)
+			*keyp = pub;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	sshkey_free(pub);
+	return r;
 /* Load the certificate associated with the named private key */
-Key *
-key_load_cert(const char *filename)
+sshkey_load_cert(const char *filename, struct sshkey **keyp)
-	Key *pub;
-	char *file;
+	struct sshkey *pub = NULL;
+	char *file = NULL;
-	pub = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-	xasprintf(&file, "%s-cert.pub", filename);
-	if (key_try_load_public(pub, file, NULL) == 1) {
-		free(file);
-		return pub;
+	*keyp = NULL;
+	if (asprintf(&file, "%s-cert.pub", filename) == -1)
+	if ((pub = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL) {
+		goto out;
-	free(file);
-	key_free(pub);
-	return NULL;
+	if ((r = sshkey_try_load_public(pub, file, NULL)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	*keyp = pub;
+	pub = NULL;
+	r = 0;
+ out:
+	if (file != NULL)
+		free(file);
+	if (pub != NULL)
+		sshkey_free(pub);
+	return r;
 /* Load private key and certificate */
-Key *
-key_load_private_cert(int type, const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
-    int *perm_ok)
+sshkey_load_private_cert(int type, const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
+    struct sshkey **keyp, int *perm_ok)
-	Key *key, *pub;
+	struct sshkey *key = NULL, *cert = NULL;
+	int r;
+	*keyp = NULL;
 	switch (type) {
 	case KEY_RSA:
 	case KEY_DSA:
 	case KEY_ECDSA:
 	case KEY_ED25519:
+#endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */
+	case KEY_UNSPEC:
-		error("%s: unsupported key type", __func__);
-		return NULL;
-	if ((key = key_load_private_type(type, filename, 
-	    passphrase, NULL, perm_ok)) == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	if ((pub = key_load_cert(filename)) == NULL) {
-		key_free(key);
-		return NULL;
-	}
+	if ((r = sshkey_load_private_type(type, filename,
+	    passphrase, &key, NULL, perm_ok)) != 0 ||
+	    (r = sshkey_load_cert(filename, &cert)) != 0)
+		goto out;
 	/* Make sure the private key matches the certificate */
-	if (key_equal_public(key, pub) == 0) {
-		error("%s: certificate does not match private key %s",
-		    __func__, filename);
-	} else if (key_to_certified(key, key_cert_is_legacy(pub)) != 0) {
-		error("%s: key_to_certified failed", __func__);
-	} else {
-		key_cert_copy(pub, key);
-		key_free(pub);
-		return key;
+	if (sshkey_equal_public(key, cert) == 0) {
+		goto out;
-	key_free(key);
-	key_free(pub);
-	return NULL;
+	if ((r = sshkey_to_certified(key, sshkey_cert_is_legacy(cert))) != 0 ||
+	    (r = sshkey_cert_copy(cert, key)) != 0)
+		goto out;
+	r = 0;
+	*keyp = key;
+	key = NULL;
+ out:
+	if (key != NULL)
+		sshkey_free(key);
+	if (cert != NULL)
+		sshkey_free(cert);
+	return r;
- * Returns 1 if the specified "key" is listed in the file "filename",
- * 0 if the key is not listed or -1 on error.
+ * Returns success if the specified "key" is listed in the file "filename",
+ * SSH_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND: if the key is not listed or another error.
  * If strict_type is set then the key type must match exactly,
  * otherwise a comparison that ignores certficiate data is performed.
-key_in_file(Key *key, const char *filename, int strict_type)
+sshkey_in_file(struct sshkey *key, const char *filename, int strict_type)
 	FILE *f;
 	char line[SSH_MAX_PUBKEY_BYTES];
 	char *cp;
 	u_long linenum = 0;
-	int ret = 0;
-	Key *pub;
-	int (*key_compare)(const Key *, const Key *) = strict_type ?
-	    key_equal : key_equal_public;
+	int r = 0;
+	struct sshkey *pub = NULL;
+	int (*sshkey_compare)(const struct sshkey *, const struct sshkey *) =
+	    strict_type ?  sshkey_equal : sshkey_equal_public;
 	if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
-		if (errno == ENOENT) {
-			debug("%s: keyfile \"%s\" missing", __func__, filename);
-			return 0;
-		} else {
-			error("%s: could not open keyfile \"%s\": %s", __func__,
-			    filename, strerror(errno));
-			return -1;
-		}
+		if (errno == ENOENT)
+		else
 	while (read_keyfile_line(f, filename, line, sizeof(line),
-		    &linenum) != -1) {
+	    &linenum) != -1) {
 		cp = line;
 		/* Skip leading whitespace. */
@@ -1323,18 +532,24 @@
-		pub = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
-		if (key_read(pub, &cp) != 1) {
-			key_free(pub);
-			continue;
+		if ((pub = sshkey_new(KEY_UNSPEC)) == NULL) {
+			goto out;
-		if (key_compare(key, pub)) {
-			ret = 1;
-			key_free(pub);
-			break;
+		if ((r = sshkey_read(pub, &cp)) != 0)
+			goto out;
+		if (sshkey_compare(key, pub)) {
+			r = 0;
+			goto out;
-		key_free(pub);
+		sshkey_free(pub);
+		pub = NULL;
+ out:
+	if (pub != NULL)
+		sshkey_free(pub);
-	return ret;
+	return r;