upstream commit

add kex unit tests
diff --git a/regress/unittests/kex/Makefile b/regress/unittests/kex/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6502c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regress/unittests/kex/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2015/01/15 23:41:29 markus Exp $
+SRCS=tests.c test_kex.c
+run-regress-${PROG}: ${PROG}
+	env ${TEST_ENV} ./${PROG}
+.include <>
diff --git a/regress/unittests/kex/test_kex.c b/regress/unittests/kex/test_kex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e906477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regress/unittests/kex/test_kex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* 	$OpenBSD: test_kex.c,v 1.1 2015/01/15 23:41:29 markus Exp $ */
+ * Regress test KEX
+ *
+ * Placed in the public domain
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "test_helper.h"
+#include "ssherr.h"
+#include "ssh_api.h"
+#include "sshbuf.h"
+#include "packet.h"
+#include "myproposal.h"
+void kex_tests(void);
+static int do_debug = 0;
+static int
+do_send_and_receive(struct ssh *from, struct ssh *to)
+	u_char type;
+	size_t len;
+	const u_char *buf;
+	int r;
+	for (;;) {
+		if ((r = ssh_packet_next(from, &type)) != 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "ssh_packet_next: %s\n", ssh_err(r));
+			return r;
+		}
+		if (type != 0)
+			return 0;
+		buf = ssh_output_ptr(from, &len);
+		if (do_debug)
+			printf("%zu", len);
+		if (len == 0)
+			return 0;
+		if ((r = ssh_output_consume(from, len)) != 0 ||
+		    (r = ssh_input_append(to, buf, len)) != 0)
+			return r;
+	}
+static void
+run_kex(struct ssh *client, struct ssh *server)
+	int r = 0;
+	while (!server->kex->done || !client->kex->done) {
+		if (do_debug)
+			printf(" S:");
+		if ((r = do_send_and_receive(server, client)))
+			break;
+		if (do_debug)
+			printf(" C:");
+		if ((r = do_send_and_receive(client, server)))
+			break;
+	}
+	if (do_debug)
+		printf("done: %s\n", ssh_err(r));
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(r, 0);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(server->kex->done, 1);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(client->kex->done, 1);
+static void
+do_kex_with_key(char *kex, int keytype, int bits)
+	struct ssh *client = NULL, *server = NULL, *server2 = NULL;
+	struct sshkey *private, *public;
+	struct sshbuf *state;
+	struct kex_params kex_params;
+	char *myproposal[PROPOSAL_MAX] = { KEX_CLIENT };
+	TEST_START("sshkey_generate");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(sshkey_generate(keytype, bits, &private), 0);
+	TEST_START("sshkey_from_private");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(sshkey_from_private(private, &public), 0);
+	TEST_START("ssh_init");
+	memcpy(kex_params.proposal, myproposal, sizeof(myproposal));
+	if (kex != NULL)
+		kex_params.proposal[PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS] = kex;
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_init(&client, 0, &kex_params), 0);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_init(&server, 1, &kex_params), 0);
+	ASSERT_PTR_NE(client, NULL);
+	ASSERT_PTR_NE(server, NULL);
+	TEST_START("ssh_add_hostkey");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_add_hostkey(server, private), 0);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_add_hostkey(client, public), 0);
+	TEST_START("kex");
+	run_kex(client, server);
+	TEST_START("rekeying client");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(kex_send_kexinit(client), 0);
+	run_kex(client, server);
+	TEST_START("rekeying server");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(kex_send_kexinit(server), 0);
+	run_kex(client, server);
+	TEST_START("ssh_packet_get_state");
+	state = sshbuf_new();
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_packet_get_state(server, state), 0);
+	ASSERT_INT_GE(sshbuf_len(state), 1);
+	TEST_START("ssh_packet_set_state");
+	server2 = NULL;
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_init(&server2, 1, NULL), 0);
+	ASSERT_PTR_NE(server2, NULL);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_add_hostkey(server2, private), 0);
+	kex_free(server2->kex);	/* XXX or should ssh_packet_set_state()? */
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(ssh_packet_set_state(server2, state), 0);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(sshbuf_len(state), 0);
+	sshbuf_free(state);
+	ASSERT_PTR_NE(server2->kex, NULL);
+	/* XXX we need to set the callbacks */
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_DH_GRP1_SHA1] = kexdh_server;
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_DH_GRP14_SHA1] = kexdh_server;
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_DH_GEX_SHA1] = kexgex_server;
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_DH_GEX_SHA256] = kexgex_server;
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_ECDH_SHA2] = kexecdh_server;
+	server2->kex->kex[KEX_C25519_SHA256] = kexc25519_server;
+	server2->kex->load_host_public_key = server->kex->load_host_public_key;
+	server2->kex->load_host_private_key = server->kex->load_host_private_key;
+	server2->kex->sign = server->kex->sign;
+	TEST_START("rekeying server2");
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(kex_send_kexinit(server2), 0);
+	run_kex(client, server2);
+	ASSERT_INT_EQ(kex_send_kexinit(client), 0);
+	run_kex(client, server2);
+	TEST_START("cleanup");
+	sshkey_free(private);
+	sshkey_free(public);
+	ssh_free(client);
+	ssh_free(server);
+	ssh_free(server2);
+static void
+do_kex(char *kex)
+	do_kex_with_key(kex, KEY_RSA, 2048);
+	do_kex_with_key(kex, KEY_DSA, 1024);
+	do_kex_with_key(kex, KEY_ECDSA, 256);
+	do_kex_with_key(kex, KEY_ED25519, 256);
+	do_kex("");
+	do_kex("ecdh-sha2-nistp256");
+	do_kex("ecdh-sha2-nistp384");
+	do_kex("ecdh-sha2-nistp521");
+	do_kex("diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256");
+	do_kex("diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1");
+	do_kex("diffie-hellman-group14-sha1");
+	do_kex("diffie-hellman-group1-sha1");
diff --git a/regress/unittests/kex/tests.c b/regress/unittests/kex/tests.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e519fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regress/unittests/kex/tests.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* 	$OpenBSD: tests.c,v 1.1 2015/01/15 23:41:29 markus Exp $ */
+ * Placed in the public domain
+ */
+#include "test_helper.h"
+void kex_tests(void);
+	kex_tests();