- schwarze@cvs.openbsd.org 2013/07/16 00:07:52
     [scp.1 sftp-server.8 ssh-keyscan.1 ssh-keysign.8 ssh-pkcs11-helper.8]
     use .Mt for email addresses; from Jan Stary <hans at stare dot cz>; ok jmc@
diff --git a/ssh-keyscan.1 b/ssh-keyscan.1
index f2b0fc8..c35ea05 100644
--- a/ssh-keyscan.1
+++ b/ssh-keyscan.1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"	$OpenBSD: ssh-keyscan.1,v 1.30 2012/04/11 13:34:17 djm Exp $
+.\"	$OpenBSD: ssh-keyscan.1,v 1.31 2013/07/16 00:07:52 schwarze Exp $
 .\" Copyright 1995, 1996 by David Mazieres <dm@lcs.mit.edu>.
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 .\" permitted provided that due credit is given to the author and the
 .\" OpenBSD project by leaving this copyright notice intact.
-.Dd $Mdocdate: April 11 2012 $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: July 16 2013 $
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@
 .Xr sshd 8
 .An -nosplit
-.An David Mazieres Aq dm@lcs.mit.edu
+.An David Mazieres Aq Mt dm@lcs.mit.edu
 wrote the initial version, and
-.An Wayne Davison Aq wayned@users.sourceforge.net
+.An Wayne Davison Aq Mt wayned@users.sourceforge.net
 added support for protocol version 2.
 It generates "Connection closed by remote host" messages on the consoles