Initial revision
diff --git a/rsa.c b/rsa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4b704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Author: Tatu Ylonen <>
+Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <>, Espoo, Finland
+                   All rights reserved
+Created: Fri Mar  3 22:07:06 1995 ylo
+Description of the RSA algorithm can be found e.g. from the following sources:
+  Bruce Schneier: Applied Cryptography.  John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
+  Jennifer Seberry and Josed Pieprzyk: Cryptography: An Introduction to 
+    Computer Security.  Prentice-Hall, 1989.
+  Man Young Rhee: Cryptography and Secure Data Communications.  McGraw-Hill, 
+    1994.
+  R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. M. Adleman: Cryptographic Communications
+    System and Method.  US Patent 4,405,829, 1983.
+  Hans Riesel: Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization.  
+    Birkhauser, 1994.
+  The RSA Frequently Asked Questions document by RSA Data Security, Inc., 1995.
+  RSA in 3 lines of perl by Adam Back <>, 1995, as included
+    below:
+    gone - had to be deleted - what a pity
+#include "includes.h"
+RCSID("$Id: rsa.c,v 1.1 1999/10/27 03:42:44 damien Exp $");
+#include "rsa.h"
+#include "ssh.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+int rsa_verbose = 1;
+  RSA *key;
+  key = RSA_generate_key(32, 3, NULL, NULL);
+  if (key == NULL)
+    return (0);
+  RSA_free(key);
+  return (1);
+/* Generates RSA public and private keys.  This initializes the data
+   structures; they should be freed with rsa_clear_private_key and
+   rsa_clear_public_key. */
+rsa_generate_key(RSA *prv, RSA *pub, unsigned int bits)
+  RSA *key;
+  if (rsa_verbose) {
+    printf("Generating RSA keys:  "); 
+    fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  key = RSA_generate_key(bits, 35, NULL, NULL);
+  assert(key != NULL);
+  /* Copy public key parameters */
+  pub->n = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(pub->n, key->n);
+  pub->e = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(pub->e, key->e);
+  /* Copy private key parameters */
+  prv->n = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->n, key->n);
+  prv->e = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->e, key->e);
+  prv->d = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->d, key->d);
+  prv->p = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->p, key->p);
+  prv->q = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->q, key->q);
+  prv->dmp1 = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->dmp1, key->dmp1);
+  prv->dmq1 = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->dmq1, key->dmq1);
+  prv->iqmp = BN_new();
+  BN_copy(prv->iqmp, key->iqmp);
+  RSA_free(key);
+  if (rsa_verbose)
+    printf("Key generation complete.\n");
+rsa_public_encrypt(BIGNUM *out, BIGNUM *in, RSA* key)
+  char *inbuf, *outbuf;
+  int len;
+  if (BN_num_bits(key->e) < 2 || !BN_is_odd(key->e))
+    fatal("rsa_public_encrypt() exponent too small or not odd");
+  len = BN_num_bytes(key->n);
+  outbuf = xmalloc(len);
+  len = BN_num_bytes(in);
+  inbuf = xmalloc(len);
+  BN_bn2bin(in, inbuf);
+  if ((len = RSA_public_encrypt(len, inbuf, outbuf, key,
+				RSA_PKCS1_PADDING)) <= 0)
+    fatal("rsa_public_encrypt() failed");
+  BN_bin2bn(outbuf, len, out);
+  xfree(outbuf);
+  xfree(inbuf);
+rsa_private_decrypt(BIGNUM *out, BIGNUM *in, RSA *key)
+  char *inbuf, *outbuf;
+  int len;
+  len = BN_num_bytes(key->n);
+  outbuf = xmalloc(len);
+  len = BN_num_bytes(in);
+  inbuf = xmalloc(len);
+  BN_bn2bin(in, inbuf);
+  if ((len = RSA_private_decrypt(len, inbuf, outbuf, key,
+				 RSA_SSLV23_PADDING)) <= 0)
+    fatal("rsa_private_decrypt() failed");
+  BN_bin2bn(outbuf, len, out);
+  xfree(outbuf);
+  xfree(inbuf);
+/* Set whether to output verbose messages during key generation. */
+rsa_set_verbose(int verbose)
+  rsa_verbose = verbose;