Initial revision
diff --git a/ssh.h b/ssh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4bf136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+Author: Tatu Ylonen <>
+Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <>, Espoo, Finland
+                   All rights reserved
+Created: Fri Mar 17 17:09:37 1995 ylo
+Generic header file for ssh.
+/* RCSID("$Id: ssh.h,v 1.1 1999/10/27 03:42:45 damien Exp $"); */
+#ifndef SSH_H
+#define SSH_H
+#include "rsa.h"
+#include "cipher.h"
+/* The default cipher used if IDEA is not supported by the remote host. 
+   It is recommended that this be one of the mandatory ciphers (DES, 3DES),
+   though that is not required. */
+/* Cipher used for encrypting authentication files. */
+/* Default port number. */
+#define SSH_DEFAULT_PORT	22
+/* Maximum number of TCP/IP ports forwarded per direction. */
+/* Maximum number of RSA authentication identity files that can be specified
+   in configuration files or on the command line. */
+/* Major protocol version.  Different version indicates major incompatiblity
+   that prevents communication.  */
+#define PROTOCOL_MAJOR		1
+/* Minor protocol version.  Different version indicates minor incompatibility
+   that does not prevent interoperation. */
+#define PROTOCOL_MINOR		5
+/* Name for the service.  The port named by this service overrides the default
+   port if present. */
+#define SSH_SERVICE_NAME	"ssh"
+#ifndef ETCDIR
+#define ETCDIR			"/etc"
+#endif /* ETCDIR */
+#define PIDDIR			"/var/run"
+/* System-wide file containing host keys of known hosts.  This file should be
+   world-readable. */
+#define SSH_SYSTEM_HOSTFILE	ETCDIR "/ssh_known_hosts"
+/*  HOST_KEY_FILE		/etc/ssh_host_key,
+    SERVER_CONFIG_FILE		/etc/sshd_config,
+and HOST_CONFIG_FILE		/etc/ssh_config
+are all defined in  Of these, ssh_host_key should be readable
+only by root, whereas ssh_config should be world-readable. */
+#define HOST_KEY_FILE		ETCDIR "/ssh_host_key"
+#define SERVER_CONFIG_FILE	ETCDIR "/sshd_config"
+#define HOST_CONFIG_FILE	ETCDIR "/ssh_config"
+#define SSH_PROGRAM		"/usr/bin/ssh"
+/* The process id of the daemon listening for connections is saved
+   here to make it easier to kill the correct daemon when necessary. */
+/* The directory in user\'s home directory in which the files reside.
+   The directory should be world-readable (though not all files are). */
+#define SSH_USER_DIR		".ssh"
+/* Per-user file containing host keys of known hosts.  This file need
+   not be readable by anyone except the user him/herself, though this does
+   not contain anything particularly secret. */
+#define SSH_USER_HOSTFILE	"~/.ssh/known_hosts"
+/* Name of the default file containing client-side authentication key. 
+   This file should only be readable by the user him/herself. */
+#define SSH_CLIENT_IDENTITY	".ssh/identity"
+/* Configuration file in user\'s home directory.  This file need not be
+   readable by anyone but the user him/herself, but does not contain
+   anything particularly secret.  If the user\'s home directory resides
+   on an NFS volume where root is mapped to nobody, this may need to be
+   world-readable. */
+#define SSH_USER_CONFFILE	".ssh/config"
+/* File containing a list of those rsa keys that permit logging in as
+   this user.  This file need not be
+   readable by anyone but the user him/herself, but does not contain
+   anything particularly secret.  If the user\'s home directory resides
+   on an NFS volume where root is mapped to nobody, this may need to be
+   world-readable.  (This file is read by the daemon which is running as 
+   root.) */
+#define SSH_USER_PERMITTED_KEYS	".ssh/authorized_keys"
+/* Per-user and system-wide ssh "rc" files.  These files are executed with
+   /bin/sh before starting the shell or command if they exist.  They
+   will be passed "proto cookie" as arguments if X11 forwarding with
+   spoofing is in use.  xauth will be run if neither of these exists. */
+#define SSH_USER_RC		".ssh/rc"
+#define SSH_SYSTEM_RC		ETCDIR "/sshrc"
+/* Ssh-only version of /etc/hosts.equiv. */
+#define SSH_HOSTS_EQUIV		ETCDIR "/shosts.equiv"
+/* Additionally, the daemon may use ~/.rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv if 
+   rhosts authentication is enabled. */
+/* Name of the environment variable containing the pathname of the
+   authentication socket. */
+/* Force host key length and server key length to differ by at least this
+   many bits.  This is to make double encryption with rsaref work. */
+/* Length of the session key in bytes.  (Specified as 256 bits in the 
+   protocol.)  */
+/* Name of Kerberos service for SSH to use. */
+#define KRB4_SERVICE_NAME		"rcmd"
+/* Authentication methods.  New types can be added, but old types should not
+   be removed for compatibility.  The maximum allowed value is 31. */
+#define SSH_AUTH_RHOSTS		1
+#define SSH_AUTH_RSA		2
+				/* 5 is TIS */
+				/* 8 to 15 are reserved */
+#define SSH_PASS_AFS_TOKEN	21
+/* Protocol flags.  These are bit masks. */
+#define SSH_PROTOFLAG_SCREEN_NUMBER	1 /* X11 forwarding includes screen */
+#define SSH_PROTOFLAG_HOST_IN_FWD_OPEN	2 /* forwarding opens contain host */
+/* Definition of message types.  New values can be added, but old values
+   should not be removed or without careful consideration of the consequences
+   for compatibility.  The maximum value is 254; value 255 is reserved
+   for future extension. */
+/* Message name */			/* msg code */  /* arguments */
+#define SSH_MSG_NONE				0	/* no message */
+#define SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT			1	/* cause (string) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY			2	/* ck,msk,srvk,hostk */
+#define SSH_CMSG_SESSION_KEY			3	/* key (BIGNUM) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_USER				4	/* user (string) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS			5	/* user (string) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RSA			6	/* modulus (BIGNUM) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_AUTH_RSA_CHALLENGE		7	/* int (BIGNUM) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RSA_RESPONSE		8	/* int (BIGNUM) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_PASSWORD			9	/* pass (string) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_REQUEST_PTY		        10	/* TERM, tty modes */
+#define SSH_CMSG_WINDOW_SIZE		        11	/* row,col,xpix,ypix */
+#define SSH_CMSG_EXEC_SHELL			12	/* */
+#define SSH_CMSG_EXEC_CMD			13	/* cmd (string) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_SUCCESS			14	/* */
+#define SSH_SMSG_FAILURE			15	/* */
+#define SSH_CMSG_STDIN_DATA			16	/* data (string) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA			17	/* data (string) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_STDERR_DATA			18	/* data (string) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_EOF				19	/* */
+#define SSH_SMSG_EXITSTATUS			20	/* status (int) */
+#define SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION	21	/* channel (int) */
+#define SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE		22	/* channel (int) */
+#define SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA			23	/* ch,data (int,str) */
+#define SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE			24	/* channel (int) */
+#define SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION	25	/* channel (int) */
+/*      SSH_CMSG_X11_REQUEST_FORWARDING         26         OBSOLETE */
+#define SSH_SMSG_X11_OPEN			27	/* channel (int) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_PORT_FORWARD_REQUEST		28	/* p,host,hp (i,s,i) */
+#define SSH_MSG_PORT_OPEN			29	/* ch,h,p (i,s,i) */
+#define SSH_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN			31	/* port (int) */
+#define SSH_MSG_IGNORE				32	/* string */
+#define SSH_CMSG_X11_REQUEST_FORWARDING		34	/* proto,data (s,s) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_RHOSTS_RSA		35	/* user,mod (s,mpi) */
+#define SSH_MSG_DEBUG				36	/* string */
+#define SSH_CMSG_REQUEST_COMPRESSION		37	/* level 1-9 (int) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_MAX_PACKET_SIZE		38	/* size 4k-1024k (int) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_TIS			39	/* this is proto-1.5, but we ignore TIS */
+#define SSH_CMSG_AUTH_KERBEROS			42	/* (KTEXT) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_HAVE_KERBEROS_TGT		44	/* credentials (s) */
+#define SSH_CMSG_HAVE_AFS_TOKEN			65	/* token (s) */
+/* Includes that need definitions above. */
+#include "readconf.h"
+/*------------ definitions for login.c -------------*/
+/* Returns the time when the user last logged in.  Returns 0 if the 
+   information is not available.  This must be called before record_login. 
+   The host from which the user logged in is stored in buf. */
+unsigned long get_last_login_time(uid_t uid, const char *logname, 
+				  char *buf, unsigned int bufsize);
+/* Records that the user has logged in.  This does many things normally
+   done by login(1). */
+void record_login(int pid, const char *ttyname, const char *user, uid_t uid,
+		  const char *host, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
+/* Records that the user has logged out.  This does many thigs normally
+   done by login(1) or init. */
+void record_logout(int pid, const char *ttyname);
+/*------------ definitions for sshconnect.c ----------*/
+/* Opens a TCP/IP connection to the remote server on the given host.  If
+   port is 0, the default port will be used.  If anonymous is zero,
+   a privileged port will be allocated to make the connection. 
+   This requires super-user privileges if anonymous is false. 
+   Connection_attempts specifies the maximum number of tries, one per
+   second.  This returns true on success, and zero on failure.  If the
+   connection is successful, this calls packet_set_connection for the
+   connection. */
+int ssh_connect(const char *host, struct sockaddr_in *hostaddr,
+		int port, int connection_attempts,
+		int anonymous, uid_t original_real_uid,
+		const char *proxy_command);
+/* Starts a dialog with the server, and authenticates the current user on the
+   server.  This does not need any extra privileges.  The basic connection
+   to the server must already have been established before this is called. 
+   If login fails, this function prints an error and never returns. 
+   This initializes the random state, and leaves it initialized (it will also
+   have references from the packet module). */
+void ssh_login(int host_key_valid, RSA *host_key, const char *host,
+	       struct sockaddr_in *hostaddr, Options *options,
+	       uid_t original_real_uid);
+/*------------ Definitions for various authentication methods. -------*/
+/* Tries to authenticate the user using the .rhosts file.  Returns true if
+   authentication succeeds.  If ignore_rhosts is non-zero, this will not
+   consider .rhosts and .shosts (/etc/hosts.equiv will still be used). 
+   If strict_modes is true, checks ownership and modes of .rhosts/.shosts. */
+int auth_rhosts(struct passwd *pw, const char *client_user,
+		int ignore_rhosts, int strict_modes);
+/* Tries to authenticate the user using the .rhosts file and the host using
+   its host key.  Returns true if authentication succeeds. */
+int auth_rhosts_rsa(struct passwd *pw, const char *client_user,
+		    unsigned int bits, BIGNUM *client_host_key_e,
+		    BIGNUM *client_host_key_n, int ignore_rhosts,
+		    int strict_modes);
+/* Tries to authenticate the user using password.  Returns true if
+   authentication succeeds. */
+int auth_password(struct passwd *pw, const char *password);
+/* Performs the RSA authentication dialog with the client.  This returns
+   0 if the client could not be authenticated, and 1 if authentication was
+   successful.  This may exit if there is a serious protocol violation. */
+int auth_rsa(struct passwd *pw, BIGNUM *client_n, int strict_modes);
+/* Parses an RSA key (number of bits, e, n) from a string.  Moves the pointer
+   over the key.  Skips any whitespace at the beginning and at end. */
+int auth_rsa_read_key(char **cpp, unsigned int *bitsp, BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *n);
+/* Returns the name of the machine at the other end of the socket.  The
+   returned string should be freed by the caller. */
+char *get_remote_hostname(int socket);
+/* Return the canonical name of the host in the other side of the current
+   connection (as returned by packet_get_connection).  The host name is
+   cached, so it is efficient to call this several times. */
+const char *get_canonical_hostname(void);
+/* Returns the remote IP address as an ascii string.  The value need not be
+   freed by the caller. */
+const char *get_remote_ipaddr(void);
+/* Returns the port number of the peer of the socket. */
+int get_peer_port(int sock);
+/* Returns the port number of the remote host. */
+int get_remote_port(void);
+/* Tries to match the host name (which must be in all lowercase) against the
+   comma-separated sequence of subpatterns (each possibly preceded by ! to 
+   indicate negation).  Returns true if there is a positive match; zero
+   otherwise. */
+int match_hostname(const char *host, const char *pattern, unsigned int len);
+/* Checks whether the given host is already in the list of our known hosts.
+   Returns HOST_OK if the host is known and has the specified key,
+   HOST_NEW if the host is not known, and HOST_CHANGED if the host is known
+   but used to have a different host key.  The host must be in all lowercase. */
+typedef enum { HOST_OK, HOST_NEW, HOST_CHANGED } HostStatus;
+HostStatus check_host_in_hostfile(const char *filename, 
+				  const char *host, unsigned int bits,
+				  BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *n,
+				  BIGNUM *ke, BIGNUM *kn);
+/* Appends an entry to the host file.  Returns false if the entry
+   could not be appended. */
+int add_host_to_hostfile(const char *filename, const char *host,
+			 unsigned int bits, BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *n);
+/* Performs the RSA authentication challenge-response dialog with the client,
+   and returns true (non-zero) if the client gave the correct answer to
+   our challenge; returns zero if the client gives a wrong answer. */
+int auth_rsa_challenge_dialog(unsigned int bits, BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *n);
+/* Reads a passphrase from /dev/tty with echo turned off.  Returns the 
+   passphrase (allocated with xmalloc).  Exits if EOF is encountered. 
+   If from_stdin is true, the passphrase will be read from stdin instead. */
+char *read_passphrase(const char *prompt, int from_stdin);
+/* Saves the authentication (private) key in a file, encrypting it with
+   passphrase.  The identification of the file (lowest 64 bits of n)
+   will precede the key to provide identification of the key without
+   needing a passphrase. */
+int save_private_key(const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
+		     RSA *private_key, const char *comment);
+/* Loads the public part of the key file (public key and comment). 
+   Returns 0 if an error occurred; zero if the public key was successfully
+   read.  The comment of the key is returned in comment_return if it is
+   non-NULL; the caller must free the value with xfree. */
+int load_public_key(const char *filename, RSA *pub, 
+		    char **comment_return);
+/* Loads the private key from the file.  Returns 0 if an error is encountered
+   (file does not exist or is not readable, or passphrase is bad).
+   This initializes the private key.  The comment of the key is returned 
+   in comment_return if it is non-NULL; the caller must free the value 
+   with xfree. */
+int load_private_key(const char *filename, const char *passphrase,
+		     RSA *private_key, char **comment_return);
+/*------------ Definitions for logging. -----------------------*/
+/* Supported syslog facilities. */
+typedef enum
+} SyslogFacility;
+/* Initializes logging.  If debug is non-zero, debug() will output something.
+   If quiet is non-zero, none of these will log send anything to syslog
+   (but maybe to stderr). */
+void log_init(char *av0, int on_stderr, int debug, int quiet,
+	      SyslogFacility facility);
+/* Outputs a message to syslog or stderr, depending on the implementation. 
+   The format must guarantee that the final message does not exceed 1024 
+   characters.  The message should not contain newline. */
+void log(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* Outputs a message to syslog or stderr, depending on the implementation. 
+   The format must guarantee that the final message does not exceed 1024 
+   characters.  The message should not contain newline. */
+void debug(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* Outputs a message to syslog or stderr, depending on the implementation. 
+   The format must guarantee that the final message does not exceed 1024 
+   characters.  The message should not contain newline. */
+void error(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* Outputs a message to syslog or stderr, depending on the implementation. 
+   The format must guarantee that the final message does not exceed 1024 
+   characters.  The message should not contain newline.  
+   This call never returns. */
+void fatal(const char *fmt, ...);
+/* Registers a cleanup function to be called by fatal() before exiting. 
+   It is permissible to call fatal_remove_cleanup for the function itself
+   from the function. */
+void fatal_add_cleanup(void (*proc)(void *context), void *context);
+/* Removes a cleanup frunction to be called at fatal(). */
+void fatal_remove_cleanup(void (*proc)(void *context), void *context);
+/*---------------- definitions for channels ------------------*/
+/* Sets specific protocol options. */
+void channel_set_options(int hostname_in_open);
+/* Allocate a new channel object and set its type and socket.  Remote_name
+   must have been allocated with xmalloc; this will free it when the channel
+   is freed. */
+int channel_allocate(int type, int sock, char *remote_name);
+/* Free the channel and close its socket. */
+void channel_free(int channel);
+/* Add any bits relevant to channels in select bitmasks. */
+void channel_prepare_select(fd_set *readset, fd_set *writeset);
+/* After select, perform any appropriate operations for channels which
+   have events pending. */
+void channel_after_select(fd_set *readset, fd_set *writeset);
+/* If there is data to send to the connection, send some of it now. */
+void channel_output_poll(void);
+/* This is called when a packet of type CHANNEL_DATA has just been received.
+   The message type has already been consumed, but channel number and data
+   is still there. */
+void channel_input_data(int payload_len);
+/* Returns true if no channel has too much buffered data. */
+int channel_not_very_much_buffered_data(void);
+/* This is called after receiving CHANNEL_CLOSE. */
+void channel_input_close(void);
+/* This is called after receiving CHANNEL_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION. */
+void channel_input_close_confirmation(void);
+/* This is called after receiving CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION. */
+void channel_input_open_confirmation(void);
+/* This is called after receiving CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE from the other side. */
+void channel_input_open_failure(void);
+/* This closes any sockets that are listening for connections; this removes
+   any unix domain sockets. */
+void channel_stop_listening(void);
+/* Closes the sockets of all channels.  This is used to close extra file
+   descriptors after a fork. */
+void channel_close_all(void);
+/* Returns the maximum file descriptor number used by the channels. */
+int channel_max_fd(void);
+/* Returns true if there is still an open channel over the connection. */
+int channel_still_open(void);
+/* Returns a string containing a list of all open channels.  The list is
+   suitable for displaying to the user.  It uses crlf instead of newlines.
+   The caller should free the string with xfree. */
+char *channel_open_message(void);
+/* Initiate forwarding of connections to local port "port" through the secure
+   channel to host:port from remote side.  This never returns if there
+   was an error. */
+void channel_request_local_forwarding(int port, const char *host,
+				      int remote_port);
+/* Initiate forwarding of connections to port "port" on remote host through
+   the secure channel to host:port from local side.  This never returns
+   if there was an error.  This registers that open requests for that
+   port are permitted. */
+void channel_request_remote_forwarding(int port, const char *host,
+				       int remote_port);
+/* Permits opening to any host/port in SSH_MSG_PORT_OPEN.  This is usually
+   called by the server, because the user could connect to any port anyway,
+   and the server has no way to know but to trust the client anyway. */
+void channel_permit_all_opens(void);
+/* This is called after receiving CHANNEL_FORWARDING_REQUEST.  This initates
+   listening for the port, and sends back a success reply (or disconnect
+   message if there was an error).  This never returns if there was an 
+   error. */
+void channel_input_port_forward_request(int is_root);
+/* This is called after receiving PORT_OPEN message.  This attempts to connect
+   to the given host:port, and sends back CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION or
+void channel_input_port_open(int payload_len);
+/* Creates a port for X11 connections, and starts listening for it.
+   Returns the display name, or NULL if an error was encountered. */
+char *x11_create_display(int screen);
+/* Creates an internet domain socket for listening for X11 connections. 
+   Returns a suitable value for the DISPLAY variable, or NULL if an error
+   occurs. */
+char *x11_create_display_inet(int screen);
+/* This is called when SSH_SMSG_X11_OPEN is received.  The packet contains
+   the remote channel number.  We should do whatever we want, and respond
+void x11_input_open(int payload_len);
+/* Requests forwarding of X11 connections.  This should be called on the 
+   client only. */
+void x11_request_forwarding(void);
+/* Requests forwarding for X11 connections, with authentication spoofing.
+   This should be called in the client only.  */
+void x11_request_forwarding_with_spoofing(const char *proto, const char *data);
+/* Local Xauthority file (server only). */
+extern char *xauthfile;
+/* Sends a message to the server to request authentication fd forwarding. */
+void auth_request_forwarding(void);
+/* Returns the name of the forwarded authentication socket.  Returns NULL
+   if there is no forwarded authentication socket.  The returned value points
+   to a static buffer. */
+char *auth_get_socket_name(void);
+/* This if called to process SSH_CMSG_AGENT_REQUEST_FORWARDING on the server.
+   This starts forwarding authentication requests. */
+void auth_input_request_forwarding(struct passwd *pw);
+/* This is called to process an SSH_SMSG_AGENT_OPEN message. */
+void auth_input_open_request(void);
+/* Returns true if the given string matches the pattern (which may contain
+   ? and * as wildcards), and zero if it does not match. */
+int match_pattern(const char *s, const char *pattern);
+/* Expands tildes in the file name.  Returns data allocated by xmalloc.
+   Warning: this calls getpw*. */
+char *tilde_expand_filename(const char *filename, uid_t my_uid);
+/* Performs the interactive session.  This handles data transmission between
+   the client and the program.  Note that the notion of stdin, stdout, and
+   stderr in this function is sort of reversed: this function writes to
+   stdin (of the child program), and reads from stdout and stderr (of the
+   child program). */
+void server_loop(int pid, int fdin, int fdout, int fderr);
+/* Client side main loop for the interactive session. */
+int client_loop(int have_pty, int escape_char);
+/* Linked list of custom environment strings (see auth-rsa.c). */
+struct envstring {
+  struct envstring *next;
+  char *s;
+#ifdef KRB4
+#include <krb.h>
+/* Performs Kerberos v4 mutual authentication with the client. This returns
+   0 if the client could not be authenticated, and 1 if authentication was
+   successful.  This may exit if there is a serious protocol violation. */
+int auth_krb4(const char *server_user, KTEXT auth, char **client);
+int ssh_tf_init(uid_t uid);
+#ifdef AFS
+#include <kafs.h>
+/* Accept passed Kerberos v4 ticket-granting ticket and AFS tokens. */
+int auth_kerberos_tgt(struct passwd *pw, const char *string);
+int auth_afs_token(char *server_user, uid_t uid, const char *string);
+int creds_to_radix(CREDENTIALS *creds, unsigned char *buf);
+int radix_to_creds(const char *buf, CREDENTIALS *creds);
+#endif /* AFS */
+#endif /* KRB4 */
+#ifdef SKEY
+#include <skey.h>
+char *skey_fake_keyinfo(char *username);
+#endif /* SKEY */
+#endif /* SSH_H */