Merge to XFA: Allow running individual tests.

This CL adds the ability to run a given test from the corpus, javascript and
pixel test runners. The filename to provide is relative to the testing
directory in question.

Because the directories for javascript and pixel are flat you just provide the filename (it will rewrite the .pdf to .in if .pdf is provided). For corpus tests you have to provide the path from the corpus directory.

Development/pdfium/pdfium % ./testing/tools/ apply.pdf
Rendering PDF file /Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/javascript/apply.pdf.
Non-linearized path...
Rendered 1 pages.
Skipped 0 bad pages.

Development/pdfium/pdfium % ./testing/tools/ bug_524043_1.pdf
Rendering PDF file /Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/pixel/bug_524043_1.pdf.
Linearized path...
Rendered 1 pages.
Skipped 0 bad pages.
Checking /Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/pixel/bug_524043_1.pdf.0.png
diff: 0.00% passed

Development/pdfium/pdfium % ./testing/tools/ third_party/tcpdf/example_065.pdf
Rendering PDF file /Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/corpus/example_065.pdf.
Non-linearized path...
Rendered 1 pages.
Skipped 0 bad pages.
Checking /Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/corpus/example_065.pdf.0.png
diff: 0.14% failed
FAILURE: example_065.pdf; Command '['/Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/pdfium_diff', '/Development/pdfium/pdfium/testing/corpus/third_party/tcpdf/example_065_expected.pdf.0.png', '/Development/pdfium/pdfium/out/Debug/gen/pdfium/testing/corpus/example_065.pdf.0.png']' returned non-zero exit status 1

Summary of Failures:

Review URL: .

(cherry picked from commit da6254ff78553773b7bb637ee1e3f5111c083c74)

Review URL: .
3 files changed
tree: b0d4bc368e419334f93c0c9f3157002c60705b11
  1. build/
  2. core/
  3. docs/
  4. fpdfsdk/
  5. public/
  6. samples/
  7. test/
  8. testing/
  9. third_party/
  10. xfa/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .gitignore
  15. codereview.settings
  16. DEPS
  18. OWNERS
  19. pdfium.gni
  20. pdfium.gyp
  23. xfa.gyp



Get the chromium depot tools via the instructions at (this provides the gclient utilty needed below).

Also install Python, Subversion, and Git and make sure they're in your path.

Get the code

The name of the top-level directory does not matter. In our examples, we use "repo". This directory must not have been used before by gclient config as each directory can only house a single gclient configuration.

mkdir repo
cd repo
gclient config --unmanaged
gclient sync
cd pdfium

Generate the build files

We use the GYP library to generate the build files.

At this point, you have two options. The first option is to use the [Ninja] ( build system (also included with the depot_tools checkout). This is the default as of mid-September, 2015. Previously, the second option (platform-specific build files) was the default. Most PDFium developers use Ninja, as does our [continuous build system] (

  • On Windows: build\gyp_pdfium
  • For all other platforms: build/gyp_pdfium

The second option is to generate platform-specific build files, i.e. Makefiles on Linux, sln files on Windows, and xcodeproj files on Mac. To do so, set the GYP_GENERATORS environment variable appropriately (e.g. "make", "msvs", or "xcode") before running the above command.

Building the code

If you used Ninja, you can build the sample program by: ninja -C out/Debug pdfium_test You can build the entire product (which includes a few unit tests) by: ninja -C out/Debug.

If you're not using Ninja, then building is platform-specific.

  • On Linux: make pdfium_test
  • On Mac: open build/all.xcodeproj
  • On Windows: open build\all.sln

Running the sample program

The pdfium_test program supports reading, parsing, and rasterizing the pages of a .pdf file to .ppm or .png output image files (windows supports two other formats). For example: out/Debug/pdfium_test --ppm path/to/myfile.pdf. Note that this will write output images to path/to/myfile.pdf.<n>.ppm.


There are currently several test suites that can be run:

  • pdfium_unittests
  • pdfium_embeddertests
  • testing/tools/
  • testing/tools/
  • testing/tools/

It is possible the tests in the testing directory can fail due to font differences on the various platforms. These tests are reliable on the bots. If you see failures, it can be a good idea to run the tests on the tip-of-tree checkout to see if the same failures appear.


The current health of the source tree can be found at


There are several mailing lists that are setup:

Note, the Reviews and Bugs lists are typically read-only.


We will be using this bug tracker, but for security bugs, please use [Chromium's security bug template] ( and add the "Cr-Internals-Plugins-PDF" label.

Contributing code

For contributing code, we will follow Chromium's process as much as possible. The main exceptions are:

  1. Code has to conform to the existing style and not Chromium/Google style.
  2. There is no commit queue, approved committers can land their changes via git cl land
  3. Changes must be merged to the XFA branch as well (see below).


There is a branch for a forthcoming feature called XFA that you can get by following the steps above, then:

git checkout origin/xfa
ninja -C out/Debug

Merging to XFA requires:

git checkout origin/xfa
git checkout -b merge_branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/xfa
git cherry-pick -x <commit hash>
git commit --amend # add Merge to XFA
git cl upload

Then wait for approval, and git cl land