Define behaviors of FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Retail and FPDF_FFLDraw.

Previously, PDFium only supported widget annotations to draw forms. As
we've implemented other annotations, the behavior of
FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Retail and FPDF_FFLDraw changed. So, this CL
clearly defines what needs to be done in FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Retail
and FPDF_FFLDraw.

This CL first assumes that PDFium users will always call
FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Retail and FPDF_FFLDraw to render PDF pages,
because otherwise they are not able to support PDF forms.

FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Retail should only deal with non-widget
annotations, such as highlight, underline, text, etc. If
FPDF_ANNOT flag is passed, non-widget annotations are drawn. Otherwise,
they are hidden.

FPDF_FFLDraw should only deal with annotations that requires
user-interaction, such as widget annotations and popup annotation. Since
popup annotation is associated with non-widget annotation, they should
not be drawn if the associated annotation is hidden. Thus, if FPDF_ANNOT
flag is passed, popup annotations are drawn. Otherwise, they are hidden.
Widget annotations should be always drawn regardless of FPDF_ANNOT flag
since they need to be always displayed for PDF forms.

Also, roll DEPS for testing/corpus to 8485b30.


diff --git a/fpdfsdk/fpdfformfill.cpp b/fpdfsdk/fpdfformfill.cpp
index 449eac0..2ac6c60 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/fpdfformfill.cpp
+++ b/fpdfsdk/fpdfformfill.cpp
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
     options.m_BackColor = 0xffffff;
   options.m_AddFlags = flags >> 8;
+  options.m_bDrawAnnots = flags & FPDF_ANNOT;
   options.m_pOCContext = new CPDF_OCContext(pPDFDoc, CPDF_OCContext::View);