Merge "Add big integer library""

This patch merges the 3 commits in master branch into one
diff --git a/third_party/bigint/ b/third_party/bigint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863fadc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/bigint/
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Original code by Matt McCutchen, see the LICENSE file.
+#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
+// Memory management definitions have moved to the bottom of NumberlikeArray.hh.
+// The templates used by these constructors and converters are at the bottom of
+// BigUnsigned.hh.
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned long  x) { initFromPrimitive      (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned int   x) { initFromPrimitive      (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(unsigned short x) { initFromPrimitive      (x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(         long  x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(         int   x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+BigUnsigned::BigUnsigned(         short x) { initFromSignedPrimitive(x); }
+unsigned long  BigUnsigned::toUnsignedLong () const { return convertToPrimitive      <unsigned long >(); }
+unsigned int   BigUnsigned::toUnsignedInt  () const { return convertToPrimitive      <unsigned int  >(); }
+unsigned short BigUnsigned::toUnsignedShort() const { return convertToPrimitive      <unsigned short>(); }
+long           BigUnsigned::toLong         () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive<         long >(); }
+int            BigUnsigned::toInt          () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive<         int  >(); }
+short          BigUnsigned::toShort        () const { return convertToSignedPrimitive<         short>(); }
+void BigUnsigned::setBlock(Index i, Blk newBlock) {
+	if (newBlock == 0) {
+		if (i < len) {
+			blk[i] = 0;
+			zapLeadingZeros();
+		}
+		// If i >= len, no effect.
+	} else {
+		if (i >= len) {
+			// The nonzero block extends the number.
+			allocateAndCopy(i+1);
+			// Zero any added blocks that we aren't setting.
+			for (Index j = len; j < i; j++)
+				blk[j] = 0;
+			len = i+1;
+		}
+		blk[i] = newBlock;
+	}
+/* Evidently the compiler wants BigUnsigned:: on the return type because, at
+ * that point, it hasn't yet parsed the BigUnsigned:: on the name to get the
+ * proper scope. */
+BigUnsigned::Index BigUnsigned::bitLength() const {
+	if (isZero())
+		return 0;
+	else {
+		Blk leftmostBlock = getBlock(len - 1);
+		Index leftmostBlockLen = 0;
+		while (leftmostBlock != 0) {
+			leftmostBlock >>= 1;
+			leftmostBlockLen++;
+		}
+		return leftmostBlockLen + (len - 1) * N;
+	}
+void BigUnsigned::setBit(Index bi, bool newBit) {
+	Index blockI = bi / N;
+	Blk block = getBlock(blockI), mask = Blk(1) << (bi % N);
+	block = newBit ? (block | mask) : (block & ~mask);
+	setBlock(blockI, block);
+BigUnsigned::CmpRes BigUnsigned::compareTo(const BigUnsigned &x) const {
+	// A bigger length implies a bigger number.
+	if (len < x.len)
+		return less;
+	else if (len > x.len)
+		return greater;
+	else {
+		// Compare blocks one by one from left to right.
+		Index i = len;
+		while (i > 0) {
+			i--;
+			if (blk[i] == x.blk[i])
+				continue;
+			else if (blk[i] > x.blk[i])
+				return greater;
+			else
+				return less;
+		}
+		// If no blocks differed, the numbers are equal.
+		return equal;
+	}
+ * On most calls to copy-less operations, it's safe to read the inputs little by
+ * little and write the outputs little by little.  However, if one of the
+ * inputs is coming from the same variable into which the output is to be
+ * stored (an "aliased" call), we risk overwriting the input before we read it.
+ * In this case, we first compute the result into a temporary BigUnsigned
+ * variable and then copy it into the requested output variable *this.
+ * Each put-here operation uses the DTRT_ALIASED macro (Do The Right Thing on
+ * aliased calls) to generate code for this check.
+ * 
+ * I adopted this approach on 2007.02.13 (see Assignment Operators in
+ * BigUnsigned.hh).  Before then, put-here operations rejected aliased calls
+ * with an exception.  I think doing the right thing is better.
+ * 
+ * Some of the put-here operations can probably handle aliased calls safely
+ * without the extra copy because (for example) they process blocks strictly
+ * right-to-left.  At some point I might determine which ones don't need the
+ * copy, but my reasoning would need to be verified very carefully.  For now
+ * I'll leave in the copy.
+ */
+#define DTRT_ALIASED(cond, op) \
+	if (cond) { \
+		BigUnsigned tmpThis; \
+		tmpThis.op; \
+		*this = tmpThis; \
+		return; \
+	}
+void BigUnsigned::add(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, add(a, b));
+	// If one argument is zero, copy the other.
+	if (a.len == 0) {
+		operator =(b);
+		return;
+	} else if (b.len == 0) {
+		operator =(a);
+		return;
+	}
+	// Some variables...
+	// Carries in and out of an addition stage
+	bool carryIn, carryOut;
+	Blk temp;
+	Index i;
+	// a2 points to the longer input, b2 points to the shorter
+	const BigUnsigned *a2, *b2;
+	if (a.len >= b.len) {
+		a2 = &a;
+		b2 = &b;
+	} else {
+		a2 = &b;
+		b2 = &a;
+	}
+	// Set prelimiary length and make room in this BigUnsigned
+	len = a2->len + 1;
+	allocate(len);
+	// For each block index that is present in both inputs...
+	for (i = 0, carryIn = false; i < b2->len; i++) {
+		// Add input blocks
+		temp = a2->blk[i] + b2->blk[i];
+		// If a rollover occurred, the result is less than either input.
+		// This test is used many times in the BigUnsigned code.
+		carryOut = (temp < a2->blk[i]);
+		// If a carry was input, handle it
+		if (carryIn) {
+			temp++;
+			carryOut |= (temp == 0);
+		}
+		blk[i] = temp; // Save the addition result
+		carryIn = carryOut; // Pass the carry along
+	}
+	// If there is a carry left over, increase blocks until
+	// one does not roll over.
+	for (; i < a2->len && carryIn; i++) {
+		temp = a2->blk[i] + 1;
+		carryIn = (temp == 0);
+		blk[i] = temp;
+	}
+	// If the carry was resolved but the larger number
+	// still has blocks, copy them over.
+	for (; i < a2->len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a2->blk[i];
+	// Set the extra block if there's still a carry, decrease length otherwise
+	if (carryIn)
+		blk[i] = 1;
+	else
+		len--;
+void BigUnsigned::subtract(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, subtract(a, b));
+	if (b.len == 0) {
+		// If b is zero, copy a.
+		operator =(a);
+		return;
+	} else if (a.len < b.len)
+		// If a is shorter than b, the result is negative.
+        abort();
+		throw "BigUnsigned::subtract: "
+			"Negative result in unsigned calculation";
+	// Some variables...
+	bool borrowIn, borrowOut;
+	Blk temp;
+	Index i;
+	// Set preliminary length and make room
+	len = a.len;
+	allocate(len);
+	// For each block index that is present in both inputs...
+	for (i = 0, borrowIn = false; i < b.len; i++) {
+		temp = a.blk[i] - b.blk[i];
+		// If a reverse rollover occurred,
+		// the result is greater than the block from a.
+		borrowOut = (temp > a.blk[i]);
+		// Handle an incoming borrow
+		if (borrowIn) {
+			borrowOut |= (temp == 0);
+			temp--;
+		}
+		blk[i] = temp; // Save the subtraction result
+		borrowIn = borrowOut; // Pass the borrow along
+	}
+	// If there is a borrow left over, decrease blocks until
+	// one does not reverse rollover.
+	for (; i < a.len && borrowIn; i++) {
+		borrowIn = (a.blk[i] == 0);
+		blk[i] = a.blk[i] - 1;
+	}
+	/* If there's still a borrow, the result is negative.
+	 * Throw an exception, but zero out this object so as to leave it in a
+	 * predictable state. */
+	if (borrowIn) {
+		len = 0;
+        abort();
+		throw "BigUnsigned::subtract: Negative result in unsigned calculation";
+	} else
+		// Copy over the rest of the blocks
+		for (; i < a.len; i++)
+			blk[i] = a.blk[i];
+	// Zap leading zeros
+	zapLeadingZeros();
+ * About the multiplication and division algorithms:
+ *
+ * I searched unsucessfully for fast C++ built-in operations like the `b_0'
+ * and `c_0' Knuth describes in Section 4.3.1 of ``The Art of Computer
+ * Programming'' (replace `place' by `Blk'):
+ *
+ *    ``b_0[:] multiplication of a one-place integer by another one-place
+ *      integer, giving a two-place answer;
+ *
+ *    ``c_0[:] division of a two-place integer by a one-place integer,
+ *      provided that the quotient is a one-place integer, and yielding
+ *      also a one-place remainder.''
+ *
+ * I also missed his note that ``[b]y adjusting the word size, if
+ * necessary, nearly all computers will have these three operations
+ * available'', so I gave up on trying to use algorithms similar to his.
+ * A future version of the library might include such algorithms; I
+ * would welcome contributions from others for this.
+ *
+ * I eventually decided to use bit-shifting algorithms.  To multiply `a'
+ * and `b', we zero out the result.  Then, for each `1' bit in `a', we
+ * shift `b' left the appropriate amount and add it to the result.
+ * Similarly, to divide `a' by `b', we shift `b' left varying amounts,
+ * repeatedly trying to subtract it from `a'.  When we succeed, we note
+ * the fact by setting a bit in the quotient.  While these algorithms
+ * have the same O(n^2) time complexity as Knuth's, the ``constant factor''
+ * is likely to be larger.
+ *
+ * Because I used these algorithms, which require single-block addition
+ * and subtraction rather than single-block multiplication and division,
+ * the innermost loops of all four routines are very similar.  Study one
+ * of them and all will become clear.
+ */
+ * This is a little inline function used by both the multiplication
+ * routine and the division routine.
+ *
+ * `getShiftedBlock' returns the `x'th block of `num << y'.
+ * `y' may be anything from 0 to N - 1, and `x' may be anything from
+ * 0 to `num.len'.
+ *
+ * Two things contribute to this block:
+ *
+ * (1) The `N - y' low bits of `num.blk[x]', shifted `y' bits left.
+ *
+ * (2) The `y' high bits of `num.blk[x-1]', shifted `N - y' bits right.
+ *
+ * But we must be careful if `x == 0' or `x == num.len', in
+ * which case we should use 0 instead of (2) or (1), respectively.
+ *
+ * If `y == 0', then (2) contributes 0, as it should.  However,
+ * in some computer environments, for a reason I cannot understand,
+ * `a >> b' means `a >> (b % N)'.  This means `num.blk[x-1] >> (N - y)'
+ * will return `num.blk[x-1]' instead of the desired 0 when `y == 0';
+ * the test `y == 0' handles this case specially.
+ */
+inline BigUnsigned::Blk getShiftedBlock(const BigUnsigned &num,
+	BigUnsigned::Index x, unsigned int y) {
+	BigUnsigned::Blk part1 = (x == 0 || y == 0) ? 0 : (num.blk[x - 1] >> (BigUnsigned::N - y));
+	BigUnsigned::Blk part2 = (x == num.len) ? 0 : (num.blk[x] << y);
+	return part1 | part2;
+void BigUnsigned::multiply(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, multiply(a, b));
+	// If either a or b is zero, set to zero.
+	if (a.len == 0 || b.len == 0) {
+		len = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Overall method:
+	 *
+	 * Set this = 0.
+	 * For each 1-bit of `a' (say the `i2'th bit of block `i'):
+	 *    Add `b << (i blocks and i2 bits)' to *this.
+	 */
+	// Variables for the calculation
+	Index i, j, k;
+	unsigned int i2;
+	Blk temp;
+	bool carryIn, carryOut;
+	// Set preliminary length and make room
+	len = a.len + b.len;
+	allocate(len);
+	// Zero out this object
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+		blk[i] = 0;
+	// For each block of the first number...
+	for (i = 0; i < a.len; i++) {
+		// For each 1-bit of that block...
+		for (i2 = 0; i2 < N; i2++) {
+			if ((a.blk[i] & (Blk(1) << i2)) == 0)
+				continue;
+			/*
+			 * Add b to this, shifted left i blocks and i2 bits.
+			 * j is the index in b, and k = i + j is the index in this.
+			 *
+			 * `getShiftedBlock', a short inline function defined above,
+			 * is now used for the bit handling.  It replaces the more
+			 * complex `bHigh' code, in which each run of the loop dealt
+			 * immediately with the low bits and saved the high bits to
+			 * be picked up next time.  The last run of the loop used to
+			 * leave leftover high bits, which were handled separately.
+			 * Instead, this loop runs an additional time with j == b.len.
+			 * These changes were made on 2005.01.11.
+			 */
+			for (j = 0, k = i, carryIn = false; j <= b.len; j++, k++) {
+				/*
+				 * The body of this loop is very similar to the body of the first loop
+				 * in `add', except that this loop does a `+=' instead of a `+'.
+				 */
+				temp = blk[k] + getShiftedBlock(b, j, i2);
+				carryOut = (temp < blk[k]);
+				if (carryIn) {
+					temp++;
+					carryOut |= (temp == 0);
+				}
+				blk[k] = temp;
+				carryIn = carryOut;
+			}
+			// No more extra iteration to deal with `bHigh'.
+			// Roll-over a carry as necessary.
+			for (; carryIn; k++) {
+				blk[k]++;
+				carryIn = (blk[k] == 0);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Zap possible leading zero
+	if (blk[len - 1] == 0)
+		len--;
+ * This monstrous function mods *this by the given divisor b while storing the
+ * quotient in the given object q; at the end, *this contains the remainder.
+ * The seemingly bizarre pattern of inputs and outputs was chosen so that the
+ * function copies as little as possible (since it is implemented by repeated
+ * subtraction of multiples of b from *this).
+ * 
+ * "modWithQuotient" might be a better name for this function, but I would
+ * rather not change the name now.
+ */
+void BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder(const BigUnsigned &b, BigUnsigned &q) {
+	/* Defending against aliased calls is more complex than usual because we
+	 * are writing to both *this and q.
+	 * 
+	 * It would be silly to try to write quotient and remainder to the
+	 * same variable.  Rule that out right away. */
+	if (this == &q)
+        abort();
+		throw "BigUnsigned::divideWithRemainder: Cannot write quotient and remainder into the same variable";
+	/* Now *this and q are separate, so the only concern is that b might be
+	 * aliased to one of them.  If so, use a temporary copy of b. */
+	if (this == &b || &q == &b) {
+		BigUnsigned tmpB(b);
+		divideWithRemainder(tmpB, q);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Knuth's definition of mod (which this function uses) is somewhat
+	 * different from the C++ definition of % in case of division by 0.
+	 *
+	 * We let a / 0 == 0 (it doesn't matter much) and a % 0 == a, no
+	 * exceptions thrown.  This allows us to preserve both Knuth's demand
+	 * that a mod 0 == a and the useful property that
+	 * (a / b) * b + (a % b) == a.
+	 */
+	if (b.len == 0) {
+		q.len = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If *this.len < b.len, then *this < b, and we can be sure that b doesn't go into
+	 * *this at all.  The quotient is 0 and *this is already the remainder (so leave it alone).
+	 */
+	if (len < b.len) {
+		q.len = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	// At this point we know (*this).len >= b.len > 0.  (Whew!)
+	/*
+	 * Overall method:
+	 *
+	 * For each appropriate i and i2, decreasing:
+	 *    Subtract (b << (i blocks and i2 bits)) from *this, storing the
+	 *      result in subtractBuf.
+	 *    If the subtraction succeeds with a nonnegative result:
+	 *        Turn on bit i2 of block i of the quotient q.
+	 *        Copy subtractBuf back into *this.
+	 *    Otherwise bit i2 of block i remains off, and *this is unchanged.
+	 * 
+	 * Eventually q will contain the entire quotient, and *this will
+	 * be left with the remainder.
+	 *
+	 * subtractBuf[x] corresponds to blk[x], not blk[x+i], since 2005.01.11.
+	 * But on a single iteration, we don't touch the i lowest blocks of blk
+	 * (and don't use those of subtractBuf) because these blocks are
+	 * unaffected by the subtraction: we are subtracting
+	 * (b << (i blocks and i2 bits)), which ends in at least `i' zero
+	 * blocks. */
+	// Variables for the calculation
+	Index i, j, k;
+	unsigned int i2;
+	Blk temp;
+	bool borrowIn, borrowOut;
+	/*
+	 * Make sure we have an extra zero block just past the value.
+	 *
+	 * When we attempt a subtraction, we might shift `b' so
+	 * its first block begins a few bits left of the dividend,
+	 * and then we'll try to compare these extra bits with
+	 * a nonexistent block to the left of the dividend.  The
+	 * extra zero block ensures sensible behavior; we need
+	 * an extra block in `subtractBuf' for exactly the same reason.
+	 */
+	Index origLen = len; // Save real length.
+	/* To avoid an out-of-bounds access in case of reallocation, allocate
+	 * first and then increment the logical length. */
+	allocateAndCopy(len + 1);
+	len++;
+	blk[origLen] = 0; // Zero the added block.
+	// subtractBuf holds part of the result of a subtraction; see above.
+	Blk *subtractBuf = new Blk[len];
+	// Set preliminary length for quotient and make room
+	q.len = origLen - b.len + 1;
+	q.allocate(q.len);
+	// Zero out the quotient
+	for (i = 0; i < q.len; i++)
+		q.blk[i] = 0;
+	// For each possible left-shift of b in blocks...
+	i = q.len;
+	while (i > 0) {
+		i--;
+		// For each possible left-shift of b in bits...
+		// (Remember, N is the number of bits in a Blk.)
+		q.blk[i] = 0;
+		i2 = N;
+		while (i2 > 0) {
+			i2--;
+			/*
+			 * Subtract b, shifted left i blocks and i2 bits, from *this,
+			 * and store the answer in subtractBuf.  In the for loop, `k == i + j'.
+			 *
+			 * Compare this to the middle section of `multiply'.  They
+			 * are in many ways analogous.  See especially the discussion
+			 * of `getShiftedBlock'.
+			 */
+			for (j = 0, k = i, borrowIn = false; j <= b.len; j++, k++) {
+				temp = blk[k] - getShiftedBlock(b, j, i2);
+				borrowOut = (temp > blk[k]);
+				if (borrowIn) {
+					borrowOut |= (temp == 0);
+					temp--;
+				}
+				// Since 2005.01.11, indices of `subtractBuf' directly match those of `blk', so use `k'.
+				subtractBuf[k] = temp; 
+				borrowIn = borrowOut;
+			}
+			// No more extra iteration to deal with `bHigh'.
+			// Roll-over a borrow as necessary.
+			for (; k < origLen && borrowIn; k++) {
+				borrowIn = (blk[k] == 0);
+				subtractBuf[k] = blk[k] - 1;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * If the subtraction was performed successfully (!borrowIn),
+			 * set bit i2 in block i of the quotient.
+			 *
+			 * Then, copy the portion of subtractBuf filled by the subtraction
+			 * back to *this.  This portion starts with block i and ends--
+			 * where?  Not necessarily at block `i + b.len'!  Well, we
+			 * increased k every time we saved a block into subtractBuf, so
+			 * the region of subtractBuf we copy is just [i, k).
+			 */
+			if (!borrowIn) {
+				q.blk[i] |= (Blk(1) << i2);
+				while (k > i) {
+					k--;
+					blk[k] = subtractBuf[k];
+				}
+			} 
+		}
+	}
+	// Zap possible leading zero in quotient
+	if (q.blk[q.len - 1] == 0)
+		q.len--;
+	// Zap any/all leading zeros in remainder
+	zapLeadingZeros();
+	// Deallocate subtractBuf.
+	// (Thanks to Brad Spencer for noticing my accidental omission of this!)
+	delete [] subtractBuf;
+ * These are straightforward blockwise operations except that they differ in
+ * the output length and the necessity of zapLeadingZeros. */
+void BigUnsigned::bitAnd(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, bitAnd(a, b));
+	// The bitwise & can't be longer than either operand.
+	len = (a.len >= b.len) ? b.len : a.len;
+	allocate(len);
+	Index i;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a.blk[i] & b.blk[i];
+	zapLeadingZeros();
+void BigUnsigned::bitOr(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, bitOr(a, b));
+	Index i;
+	const BigUnsigned *a2, *b2;
+	if (a.len >= b.len) {
+		a2 = &a;
+		b2 = &b;
+	} else {
+		a2 = &b;
+		b2 = &a;
+	}
+	allocate(a2->len);
+	for (i = 0; i < b2->len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a2->blk[i] | b2->blk[i];
+	for (; i < a2->len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a2->blk[i];
+	len = a2->len;
+	// Doesn't need zapLeadingZeros.
+void BigUnsigned::bitXor(const BigUnsigned &a, const BigUnsigned &b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a || this == &b, bitXor(a, b));
+	Index i;
+	const BigUnsigned *a2, *b2;
+	if (a.len >= b.len) {
+		a2 = &a;
+		b2 = &b;
+	} else {
+		a2 = &b;
+		b2 = &a;
+	}
+	allocate(a2->len);
+	for (i = 0; i < b2->len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a2->blk[i] ^ b2->blk[i];
+	for (; i < a2->len; i++)
+		blk[i] = a2->blk[i];
+	len = a2->len;
+	zapLeadingZeros();
+void BigUnsigned::bitShiftLeft(const BigUnsigned &a, int b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a, bitShiftLeft(a, b));
+	if (b < 0) {
+		if (b << 1 == 0)
+            abort();
+			throw "BigUnsigned::bitShiftLeft: "
+				"Pathological shift amount not implemented";
+		else {
+			bitShiftRight(a, -b);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	Index shiftBlocks = b / N;
+	unsigned int shiftBits = b % N;
+	// + 1: room for high bits nudged left into another block
+	len = a.len + shiftBlocks + 1;
+	allocate(len);
+	Index i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < shiftBlocks; i++)
+		blk[i] = 0;
+	for (j = 0, i = shiftBlocks; j <= a.len; j++, i++)
+		blk[i] = getShiftedBlock(a, j, shiftBits);
+	// Zap possible leading zero
+	if (blk[len - 1] == 0)
+		len--;
+void BigUnsigned::bitShiftRight(const BigUnsigned &a, int b) {
+	DTRT_ALIASED(this == &a, bitShiftRight(a, b));
+	if (b < 0) {
+		if (b << 1 == 0)
+            abort();
+			throw "BigUnsigned::bitShiftRight: "
+				"Pathological shift amount not implemented";
+		else {
+			bitShiftLeft(a, -b);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	// This calculation is wacky, but expressing the shift as a left bit shift
+	// within each block lets us use getShiftedBlock.
+	Index rightShiftBlocks = (b + N - 1) / N;
+	unsigned int leftShiftBits = N * rightShiftBlocks - b;
+	// Now (N * rightShiftBlocks - leftShiftBits) == b
+	// and 0 <= leftShiftBits < N.
+	if (rightShiftBlocks >= a.len + 1) {
+		// All of a is guaranteed to be shifted off, even considering the left
+		// bit shift.
+		len = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	// Now we're allocating a positive amount.
+	// + 1: room for high bits nudged left into another block
+	len = a.len + 1 - rightShiftBlocks;
+	allocate(len);
+	Index i, j;
+	for (j = rightShiftBlocks, i = 0; j <= a.len; j++, i++)
+		blk[i] = getShiftedBlock(a, j, leftShiftBits);
+	// Zap possible leading zero
+	if (blk[len - 1] == 0)
+		len--;
+// Prefix increment
+void BigUnsigned::operator ++() {
+	Index i;
+	bool carry = true;
+	for (i = 0; i < len && carry; i++) {
+		blk[i]++;
+		carry = (blk[i] == 0);
+	}
+	if (carry) {
+		// Allocate and then increase length, as in divideWithRemainder
+		allocateAndCopy(len + 1);
+		len++;
+		blk[i] = 1;
+	}
+// Postfix increment: same as prefix
+void BigUnsigned::operator ++(int) {
+	operator ++();
+// Prefix decrement
+void BigUnsigned::operator --() {
+	if (len == 0)
+        abort();
+		throw "BigUnsigned::operator --(): Cannot decrement an unsigned zero";
+	Index i;
+	bool borrow = true;
+	for (i = 0; borrow; i++) {
+		borrow = (blk[i] == 0);
+		blk[i]--;
+	}
+	// Zap possible leading zero (there can only be one)
+	if (blk[len - 1] == 0)
+		len--;
+// Postfix decrement: same as prefix
+void BigUnsigned::operator --(int) {
+	operator --();