UI: make counters deal with negative numbers

Fixes the counters frontend logic to deal with negative
values. Also adds a dashed line as a 0 reference, so
negative counters fully zoomed can be distinguished from positive

Example: https://screenshot.googleplex.com/ubtj7jMeqvR
Trace: fd77261c7ecef2ef37c1b7be5b8ef237c35ddcc7581ef15dc1dadf8da1cb6fb
Change-Id: I3eb632cff9b8d5ca42703f0cbfbaee3aceca694e
1 file changed
tree: 490fba954dbeee090bc866f8f1cd4e2a63366ba7
  1. build_overrides/
  2. buildtools/
  3. debian/
  4. docs/
  5. gn/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. protos/
  9. src/
  10. test/
  11. tools/
  12. ui/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .gitignore
  15. .gn
  16. .travis.yml
  17. Android.bp
  18. Android.bp.extras
  19. BUILD.gn
  20. codereview.settings
  21. heapprofd.rc
  23. NOTICE
  24. OWNERS
  25. perfetto.rc
  26. PRESUBMIT.py
  27. README.chromium
  28. README.md

Perfetto - Performance instrumentation and tracing

Perfetto is an open-source project for performance instrumentation and tracing of Linux/Android/Chrome platforms and user-space apps.

See www.perfetto.dev for docs.


  • For bugs affecting Android or the tracing internals use the internal bug tracker (go/perfetto-bugs).
  • For bugs affecting Chrome use http://crbug.com, Component:Speed>Tracing label:Perfetto.