Run perfetto_integrationtests from /data/local/tests.

This way they get labeled as shell_test_data_file rather than
shell_data_file. That lets us grant more fine-grained SELinux
permissions that are restricted to tests.

Also, the plan is to make this the default path in the long run,

Test: HEAPPROFD_TEST_PROFILE_OUT=/data/local/tmp ./perfetto_integrationtests/arm64/perfetto_integrationtests --gtest_filter='Run/HeapprofdEndToEnd.*'
      verify profile has proper symbols
Change-Id: I3fd590e8a0ea4b22720853ad24a0cd0f19f49353
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index ba70216..1dd3333 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -1853,6 +1853,7 @@
   test_suites: [
+  test_config: "PerfettoIntegrationTests.xml",
 // GN: //protos/perfetto/common:cpp