JSON export: Emit duration events for adjacent CPU callstack samples from the same callsite.

Change-Id: Id9e9acaad93e5caf9de5b245d3299c00a29ae624
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/export_json.cc b/src/trace_processor/export_json.cc
index 63a481a..ae85294 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/export_json.cc
+++ b/src/trace_processor/export_json.cc
@@ -1234,7 +1234,128 @@
     return util::OkStatus();
+  class MergedProfileSamplesEmitter {
+   public:
+    // The TraceFormatWriter must outlive this instance.
+    MergedProfileSamplesEmitter(TraceFormatWriter& writer) : writer_(writer) {}
+    uint64_t AddEventForUtid(UniqueTid utid,
+                             int64_t ts,
+                             CallsiteId callsite_id,
+                             const Json::Value& event) {
+      auto current_sample = current_events_.find(utid);
+      // If there's a current entry for our thread and it matches the callsite
+      // of the new sample, update the entry with the new timestamp. Otherwise
+      // create a new entry.
+      if (current_sample != current_events_.end() &&
+          current_sample->second.callsite_id() == callsite_id) {
+        current_sample->second.UpdateWithNewSample(ts);
+        return current_sample->second.event_id();
+      } else {
+        if (current_sample != current_events_.end())
+          current_events_.erase(current_sample);
+        auto new_entry = current_events_.emplace(
+            std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(utid),
+            std::forward_as_tuple(writer_, callsite_id, ts, event));
+        return new_entry.first->second.event_id();
+      }
+    }
+    static uint64_t GenerateNewEventId() {
+      // "n"-phase events are nestable async events which get tied together
+      // with their id, so we need to give each one a unique ID as we only
+      // want the samples to show up on their own track in the trace-viewer
+      // but not nested together (unless they're nested under a merged event).
+      static size_t g_id_counter = 0;
+      return ++g_id_counter;
+    }
+   private:
+    class Sample {
+     public:
+      Sample(TraceFormatWriter& writer,
+             CallsiteId callsite_id,
+             int64_t ts,
+             const Json::Value& event)
+          : writer_(writer),
+            callsite_id_(callsite_id),
+            begin_ts_(ts),
+            end_ts_(ts),
+            event_(event),
+            event_id_(MergedProfileSamplesEmitter::GenerateNewEventId()),
+            sample_count_(1) {}
+      ~Sample() {
+        // No point writing a merged event if we only got a single sample
+        // as ExportCpuProfileSamples will already be writing the instant event.
+        if (sample_count_ == 1)
+          return;
+        event_["id"] = base::Uint64ToHexString(event_id_);
+        // Write the BEGIN event.
+        event_["ph"] = "b";
+        // We subtract 1us as a workaround for the first async event not
+        // nesting underneath the parent event if the timestamp is identical.
+        int64_t begin_in_us_ = begin_ts_ / 1000;
+        event_["ts"] = Json::Int64(std::min(begin_in_us_ - 1, begin_in_us_));
+        writer_.WriteCommonEvent(event_);
+        // Write the END event.
+        event_["ph"] = "e";
+        event_["ts"] = Json::Int64(end_ts_ / 1000);
+        // No need for args for the end event; remove them to save some space.
+        event_["args"].clear();
+        writer_.WriteCommonEvent(event_);
+      }
+      void UpdateWithNewSample(int64_t ts) {
+        // We assume samples for a given thread will appear in timestamp
+        // order; if this assumption stops holding true, we'll have to sort the
+        // samples first.
+        if (ts < end_ts_ || begin_ts_ > ts) {
+          PERFETTO_ELOG(
+              "Got an timestamp out of sequence while merging stack samples "
+              "during JSON export!\n");
+          PERFETTO_DCHECK(false);
+        }
+        end_ts_ = ts;
+        sample_count_++;
+      }
+      uint64_t event_id() const { return event_id_; }
+      CallsiteId callsite_id() const { return callsite_id_; }
+     public:
+      Sample(const Sample&) = delete;
+      Sample& operator=(const Sample&) = delete;
+      Sample& operator=(Sample&& value) = delete;
+      TraceFormatWriter& writer_;
+      CallsiteId callsite_id_;
+      int64_t begin_ts_;
+      int64_t end_ts_;
+      Json::Value event_;
+      uint64_t event_id_;
+      size_t sample_count_;
+    };
+    MergedProfileSamplesEmitter(const MergedProfileSamplesEmitter&) = delete;
+    MergedProfileSamplesEmitter& operator=(const MergedProfileSamplesEmitter&) =
+        delete;
+    MergedProfileSamplesEmitter& operator=(
+        MergedProfileSamplesEmitter&& value) = delete;
+    std::unordered_map<UniqueTid, Sample> current_events_;
+    TraceFormatWriter& writer_;
+  };
   util::Status ExportCpuProfileSamples() {
+    MergedProfileSamplesEmitter merged_sample_emitter(writer_);
     const tables::CpuProfileStackSampleTable& samples =
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < samples.row_count(); ++i) {
@@ -1256,13 +1377,6 @@
       // samples.
       event["tts"] = Json::Int64(1);
-      // "n"-phase events are nestable async events which get tied together with
-      // their id, so we need to give each one a unique ID as we only
-      // want the samples to show up on their own track in the trace-viewer but
-      // not nested together.
-      static size_t g_id_counter = 0;
-      event["id"] = base::Uint64ToHexString(++g_id_counter);
       const auto& callsites = storage_->stack_profile_callsite_table();
       const auto& frames = storage_->stack_profile_frame_table();
       const auto& mappings = storage_->stack_profile_mapping_table();
@@ -1316,6 +1430,22 @@
       // tid.
       event["args"]["thread_id"] = Json::Int(pid_and_tid.second);
+      // Emit duration events for adjacent samples with the same callsite.
+      // For now, only do this when the trace has already been symbolized i.e.
+      // are not directly output by Chrome, to avoid interfering with other
+      // processing pipelines.
+      base::Optional<CallsiteId> opt_current_callsite_id =
+          samples.callsite_id()[i];
+      if (opt_current_callsite_id && storage_->symbol_table().row_count() > 0) {
+        uint64_t parent_event_id = merged_sample_emitter.AddEventForUtid(
+            utid, samples.ts()[i], *opt_current_callsite_id, event);
+        event["id"] = base::Uint64ToHexString(parent_event_id);
+      } else {
+        event["id"] = base::Uint64ToHexString(
+            MergedProfileSamplesEmitter::GenerateNewEventId());
+      }
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/export_json_unittest.cc b/src/trace_processor/export_json_unittest.cc
index ea837e7..3694e9b 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/export_json_unittest.cc
+++ b/src/trace_processor/export_json_unittest.cc
@@ -1540,6 +1540,12 @@
       {kTimestamp, frame_callsite_2.id, utid, kProcessPriority});
+  storage->mutable_cpu_profile_stack_sample_table()->Insert(
+      {kTimestamp + 10000, frame_callsite_1.id, utid, kProcessPriority});
+  storage->mutable_cpu_profile_stack_sample_table()->Insert(
+      {kTimestamp + 20000, frame_callsite_1.id, utid, kProcessPriority});
   base::TempFile temp_file = base::TempFile::Create();
   FILE* output = fopen(temp_file.path().c_str(), "w+");
   util::Status status = ExportJson(storage, output);
@@ -1548,7 +1554,10 @@
   Json::Value result = ToJsonValue(ReadFile(output));
-  EXPECT_EQ(result["traceEvents"].size(), 1u);
+  // The first sample should generate only a single instant event;
+  // the two following samples should also generate an additional [b, e] pair
+  // (the async duration event).
+  EXPECT_EQ(result["traceEvents"].size(), 5u);
   Json::Value event = result["traceEvents"][0];
   EXPECT_EQ(event["ph"].asString(), "n");
   EXPECT_EQ(event["id"].asString(), "0x1");
@@ -1561,6 +1570,29 @@
             "foo_func - foo_module_name [foo_module_id]\nbar_func - "
             "bar_module_name [bar_module_id]\n");
   EXPECT_EQ(event["args"]["process_priority"].asInt(), kProcessPriority);
+  event = result["traceEvents"][1];
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ph"].asString(), "n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["id"].asString(), "0x2");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ts"].asInt64(), (kTimestamp + 10000) / 1000);
+  event = result["traceEvents"][2];
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ph"].asString(), "n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["id"].asString(), "0x2");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ts"].asInt64(), (kTimestamp + 20000) / 1000);
+  Json::String second_callstack_ = event["args"]["frames"].asString();
+  EXPECT_EQ(second_callstack_, "foo_func - foo_module_name [foo_module_id]\n");
+  event = result["traceEvents"][3];
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ph"].asString(), "b");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["id"].asString(), "0x2");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ts"].asInt64(), (kTimestamp + 10000) / 1000 - 1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["args"]["frames"].asString(), second_callstack_);
+  event = result["traceEvents"][4];
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ph"].asString(), "e");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["id"].asString(), "0x2");
+  EXPECT_EQ(event["ts"].asInt64(), (kTimestamp + 20000) / 1000);
 TEST_F(ExportJsonTest, ArgumentFilter) {