pw_unit_test: Create test running groups

Have pw_test_group create a *_run test group that runs all of the tests
in that group and dependent groups. This allows, for example, using
pw_module_tests_run to run all tests without rebuilding the docs.

Change-Id: I5b37129e94c1cc0f44085e02b0093848f1f8d249
2 files changed
tree: fa6ab8abc1105b029c15013fad2621465cad3c27
  1. docs/
  2. env_setup/
  3. pw_bloat/
  4. pw_build/
  5. pw_cli/
  6. pw_docgen/
  7. pw_dumb_io/
  8. pw_dumb_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  9. pw_dumb_io_stdio/
  10. pw_module/
  11. pw_preprocessor/
  12. pw_presubmit/
  13. pw_span/
  14. pw_status/
  15. pw_string/
  16. pw_toolchain/
  17. pw_unit_test/
  18. pw_varint/
  19. targets/
  20. .clang-format
  21. .gitignore
  22. .gn
  23. .pylintrc
  25. BUILD
  30. modules.gni
  31. pw_vars_default.gni

Pigweed Embedded Oriented Software Libraries

Pigweed is a collection of embedded-focused libraries, which we call "modules". These modules are designed for small-footprint MMU-less microcontrollers like the ST Micro STM32L452 or the Nordic NRF82832. The modules are designed to facilitate easy integration into existing codebases.

Pigweed is in the early stages of development.

Getting Started

$ git clone sso:// ~/pigweed
$ cd ~/pigweed
$ env_setup/cipd/ auth-login  # Once per machine.
$ . env_setup/

If you're using Homebrew and you get an error saying module 'http.client' has no attribute 'HTTPSConnection' then your Homebrew Python was not set up to support SSL. Ensure it's installed with brew install openssl and then run brew uninstall python && brew install python. After that things should work.

The environment setup script will pull down the versions of tools necessary to build Pigweed and add them to your environment. You can then build with either GN or Bazel. You can also confirm you're getting the right versions of tools—they should be installed under env_setup/.

$ which gn
$ gn gen out/host
$ ninja -C out/host
$ which bazel
$ bazel test //...

And do the following to test on hardware. (The bazel build does not yet support building for hardware.)

$ gn gen --args='pw_target_config = "//targets/stm32f429i-disc1/target_config.gni"' out/disco
$ ninja -C out/disco

If any of this doesn't work please file a bug.